Robert De Niro Apologizes to Canada For "Idiotic Behavior" Of Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Monday in Toronto, Robert De Niro apologized to Canadians for the " ‘idiotic behavior of my president.' " Mr. De Niro said Trump's remarks about Canada are a "disgrace" and apologized to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others who attended the Group of Seven summit of leaders in Canada. Trump called Trudeau "dishonest" and "weak" following the summit on Saturday. Trump advisers also ripped Trudeau, branding him a back-stabber.

Mr. De Niro made his comments at a ground-breaking for a Nobu hotel in Toronto.

Later in the evening, Mr. De Niro received a standing ovation from the audience at the Tony Awards for his remark: " ‘I'm gonna say one thing: F**k Trump. It's no longer 'Down with Trump'; it's 'F**k Trump.' "

Mr. De Niro pumped his arms for emphasis as audience members stood and cheered. At the same time, TV censors, flashed back to the fines leveled by the FCC for “Nipple Gate”, when Justin Timberlake exposed Janet Jackson’s pasty during the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show February 1, 2004. That memory brought terror to their bones so they quickly bleeped out the offending words.

In the United States there still exists a majority of reasonable and rational people, which greatly outnumbers the mindless minions following the idiot trump.

These hundreds-of-millions of Americans need people like Robert De Niro and other influential Americans to form a group of volunteers, to appear publicly in nations after the idiot trump or one of his representatives offends the people and leaders of such countries. These volunteers would prove the idiot trump, his mindless minions and the congressional Republican Majority are the sole owners of the dishonor and disgrace they bring the United States on the public stage.

A group of volunteer patriots like Robert De. Niro, Barbra Streisand, Jane Fonda, Barbara Ehrenreich, Billie Jean King, Michael Moore, and others of the old guard activists, would be joined by newcomers like Cheri Andes, Aaron Bartley, Deepak Bhargava, Jeremy Bird, Joy Cushman, George Goehl, Kirk Noden, Ethan Rome, and Amy Schur, to name a few.

Additional voices of these patriot volunteers could include, Naomi Klein, Ezra Klein, and Tamara Draut and Heather McGhee, Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes, David Brock, Jacob Hacker, Kim Phillips-Fein, Rinku Sen,Dave Zirin, Tom Morello, and the list goes on and on of progressive voices able to undo the massive damage done by the idiot trump every time he opens his pie hole.

The people in this organization would not be like the typical GOP apologists, they only attempt to smooth things over as they ”explain” what the idiot trump “meant to say” or that he was “misunderstood”. No, this group of true progressive patriots would be there to offer sincere apologies for the stupidity of the electoral college mistake for failing to keep a totally unqualified idiot trump out of office, apologize for the petty rubber-stamping of the idiot trump’s stupid policies by the congressional Republican majority. And apologize for the reams of paper flowing from the Oval Office containing Executive Orders issued by the idiot trump which are far beyond stupid.

Their apologies are to guarantee, that while lunatics now control the U.S. government, there are intelligent and reasonable people working behind the scenes, to return people of rational thought to positions of power. But, this will take time, so allies and friends, please, bear with us.

De Niro apologizes to Canada for "idiotic behavior" of Trump

50 Young Progressive Activists Who Are Changing America | HuffPost

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Does someone need a safe space , snowflake?

Is Booby D not Pc enough for you ?
"Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be punch-drunk." - President Trump
Interesting, that unless Dezero has a script to read from, he uses expletives to express himself. Another example of a wretched human being, truly lacking in character. Reminds me of another lefty, who couldn't talk unless he was reading from a teleprompter.......another one without character or honor. Hey, seeing a pattern here....
worth noting: Trump called De Niro "Low IQ" and within four words misspelled the word "too." unfortunate!

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