RNC Dumps NBC Debate

I remember screaming into the wilderness after the Candy Crowley moment when the fucking bitch tagged teamed with Obama and Romney did not go "FUCK YOU' And walk off that stage.

This smackdown brought to you by Cruz is FUCKING AWESOME ON THE AWESOMENESS that all the other candidates loaded in.

CNBC moderators were nothing more than Hildabeast voters disguised as real reporters...........They were incompetent and had an agenda................

Let them debate themselves or better yet line up behind the Hag Hillary because that is where their loyalty lies.........Not in an impartial debate..................

The GOP should tell the Liberal news sites to go to hell..............Happy they finally did this.
You guys do know that the MSM is watching....and laughing!

It may not stop. In fact, it may become worst because no one really have respect for the GOP leadership at the moment.

That includes you conservatives too. You guys hate the establishment more than the libs. Why? Because the libs get more from them than you do.
You guys do know that the MSM is watching....and laughing!

It may not stop. In fact, it may become worst because no one really have respect for the GOP leadership at the moment.

That includes you conservatives too. You guys hate the establishment more than the libs. Why? Because the libs get more from them than you do.
Where the hell do these mind sets come from............LOL

These debates have been a cash cow for the networks. They have just announced that NBC won't get any of that moola.

I think the RNC should do the debates on internet streaming from RNC on the internet. screw the networks
You guys do know that the MSM is watching....and laughing!

It may not stop. In fact, it may become worst because no one really have respect for the GOP leadership at the moment.

That includes you conservatives too. You guys hate the establishment more than the libs. Why? Because the libs get more from them than you do.

Oh you are classic.


Don't you understand how time works? Time works on a network? How ads sell?

Let me give you a little lesson. Fool oh this is so classic.

If the R crew cancels a debate millions of dollars of sponsors lose their slot.

Ok Maybe you are more stupid than your average lib. I'll give you an abc.

Debates like music are just filler. What counts is the advertisements. NBC by fucking up the way they did is going to lose mega bucks in advertisements.
Look one of the first lessons I learned in the music business is that what I was pushing was filler for the advertisements. Man oh man it bent me clean out of shape because I worked with a lot of indies.

Fill the ad slot. That's all they care about.
CNBC failed big time last night, the production looked like something thrown together by a college intern. I say skip the NBC debate and replace it with a special episode of the Celebrity where Trump fires somebody most responsible for last night's fiasco.

The Celebrity? I forgot the name of Trump's old show, meant the Apprentice.
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First smart thing they've done in years.

Why aren't they dumping all the other media debates? What they should do is hold the debates themselves and allow whomever wants to broadcast to use their feed. The RNC won't make any money that way, but they won't destroy the Republican party in the process.
CNBC failed big time last night, the production looked like something thrown together by a college intern. I say skip the NBC debate and replace it with a special episode of the Celebrity where Trump fires somebody most responsible for last night's fiasco.

Actually it was more like a high school debate. The questions were idiotic.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
You guys do realize that at the end of the day the RNC and NBC will get together and have the debate don't you? The Republicans will because it gives them one more chance to slam Hillary and the Democrats on the national stage NBC will because they get big ratings and lots of money.
Reince Priebus will lose his job if that happens. He's already in danger of losing it now. Talk radio hosts are demanding his head on a platter.

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