Riots are Coming to a City Near You


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

Many of these "rioters" are obviously being paid to riot. The name George Soros comes to mind as to WHO is funding these miscreants.
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

Many of these "rioters" are obviously being paid to riot. The name George Soros comes to mind as to WHO is funding these miscreants.

Good call.

I was investigating a couple of feeds from average citizens in the black community in Kenosha. They were angry about the destruction and where calling out the agent provocateurs.

it is time. . . for the left and right to stand together against these agent provocateurs that would artificially use the corporate media and NGO to socially manipulate us all for their benefit. . .
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

Many of these "rioters" are obviously being paid to riot. The name George Soros comes to mind as to WHO is funding these miscreants.

Good call.

I was investigating a couple of feeds from average citizens in the black community in Kenosha. They were angry about the destruction and where calling out the agent provocateurs.

it is time. . . for the left and right to stand together against these agent provocateurs that would artificially use the corporate media and NGO to socially manipulate us all for their benefit. . .

Two looters were shot last night...

I am telling you , if these domestic terrorist go into “ white subs “ and riot , they will be coming home with many “ large holes “
In the old days they could have but not with today's alarms and security cameras everywhere, and many, many armed residents.
Funny I don’t see any Latinos , Asian or Jewish kids wrecking havoc

2/3 are genetically damaged white trash druggies
1/3 are black thugs
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

This is what the Dems want for a “new norm”. Loser drug using criminals now have a way to get themselves famous: disobey and attack police so they attack/shoot you. You’ll “make history”, and your family can get rich, since the MSM will push the narrative you’re a saint and evil white racist cops beat you or killed you.

The radical left have their foot soldiers. Much like Islam’s suicide bombers, these duped morons are willing to die for the cause.
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

As long as pigs keep acting like pigs and think every solution involves being assasins it will continue, the people have had enough. You totalianist authoritarians will lose.
You totalianist authoritarians will lose.
Riots are Coming to a City Near You
Wisconsin will be the new normal unless the Right puts its foot down.

24 Aug 2020 ~~ By the Editors
Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week highlight the importance of our note Friday to the GOP convention: “Call out the Left and the Democratic Party for what they’ve inspired by falsely sanctifying the riots: a revolutionary insurrection against the American Way of Life. Show the American people specific examples.”
Another tragic but incomplete video—this time of police shooting an uncooperative criminal with a warrant out for his arrest after he lunged into his car—is being shamelessly used by the Left to inflame the populace.
Another cowardly Democratic Governor has immediately thrown law enforcement under the bus even as he admits in the same breath that “we do not have all the details yet.”
And, predictably, the outrageous irresponsibility of the Democratic party in partnership with domestic terrorist activists is leading directly to more violence, looting, and arson in yet another American city.

Sunday night, activists tried to burn down a courthouse. Bricks and more were thrown at officers and their vehicles. A car dealership was looted, vandalized, and set ablaze. And that was just the beginning, although most Americans did not hear about it from the mainstream press on Monday.
This shameful dynamic is now more than “normalized”—it is a central part of the Democratic Party’s campaign strategy. It must be rigorously exposed and denounced by Republicans and all Americans of good will.
What will happen in Wisconsin in coming days? How many more American towns and cities will have to suffer the same fate in the near future? How long and to what extent can the media hide the truth between now and November? And if Republicans refuse to show the American people what is currently happening across the nation and denounce it—who will?

Odd and truly coincidental no matter where the next flash point is, there are instantly armed, helmeted rioters dressed in black with placards, carrying dozens of bricks (with no construction sites nearby), professional grade fireworks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails with pre-measured gasoline or kerosene and lighters, large rocks (despite it being an inner city), guns and coordinated plans to meet in key areas where police defenses are thinnest.
Chicago or Portland or even Kenosha, Wisconsin. Strange, isn’t it how they instantly pop up? You have to wonder where the Next Main Street American Town will be attacked by these terrorists..

Many of these "rioters" are obviously being paid to riot. The name George Soros comes to mind as to WHO is funding these miscreants.

With no proof your accusations go poof...
As long as pigs keep acting like pigs and think every solution involves being assasins it will continue, the people have had enough. You totalianist authoritarians will lose.
"The people" have had enough? You don't speak for "the people".
You are barely able to speak for yourself. You're an uninformed fool...not "the people".
The people with phone cams.
Don't you ever watch YouTube ?

....Lebron is like a lot of blacks--never graduated/etc--they can't tell the difference between 3000 murdered by blacks and 2 murdered by cops

2 ?
Nice round numbers can be very misleading.

Over the decades how many innocent people have been killed by trigger-happy cops ( 80% blacks or hispanics), that we never heard about. Cameras everywhere is a relatively new phenomenon.

....Lebron is like a lot of blacks--never graduated/etc--they can't tell the difference between 3000 murdered by blacks and 2 murdered by cops

2 ?
Nice round numbers can be very misleading.

Over the decades how many innocent people have been killed by trigger-happy cops ( 80% blacks or hispanics), that we never heard about. Cameras everywhere is a relatively new phenomenon.

You do agree that the looting ,burning and beating must stop

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