Right's Lame Attack on Occupy Wall St. Shows the Poverty of Conservative Ideology


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
How the Right's Lame Attack on Occupy Wall St. Shows the Poverty of Conservative Ideology

The Right's response offers us a microcosmic view of everything that's wrong with conservative discourse these days.
October 15, 2011 |

A new NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll finds that among those with an opinion, twice as many Americans support the Occupy Wall Street Movement than oppose it. The movement -- with its defining message of standing with the 99 percent of Americans who don't have lobbyists working for them – appears to have tapped into a deep vein of discontent among working people whose economic security has been savaged by decades of upward redistribution of the nation's wealth.

The right, in keeping with its habitual knee-jerk defense of the privileged, has tried, with little success so far, to push back on that message. And its response offers us a microcosmic view of everything that's wrong with conservative discourse these days.

Their answer – or one of them – is a Tumblr account called We Are the 53%, an unimaginitive take-off of Occupy Wall Street's We Are the 99%. And here's what makes it such a perfect representation of modern conservatism: it's based on an egregious lie spun by the movement's leaders, and it puts those who are sufficiently gullible – or ignorant – to believe that lie in a position of fighting hard against their own economic interests.

The site is the brain-child of Erick Erickson, a toxic right-wing idiot hired by CNN in a futile attempt to deflect conservative charges of “liberal bias.” Erickson says he works three jobs – as others have noted, these include blogger, cable news pundit and talk-radio host – and his own entry notes that he can't sell his house and faces sky-high health insurance costs. “Suck it up you whiners,” he then adds, “I am the 53% subsidizing you so you can hang out on Wall Street and complain.”

The lie Erickson offers is simple. The 53% refers to a popular and wholly dishonest right-wing talking-point: that only 53 percent of American families pay taxes.

That's based on the fact that after 3 decades of stagnant wages -- and a series of changes to the tax code that were quite popular with Republicans -- about half of the population doesn't pay federal income taxes (it's actually 49 percent, so it should be called We Are the 51%, but when you're as wrong as Erickson, you might as well go all-in).

But federal income taxes represent just 22.7 percent of the government's revenues – it's a small piece of the pie. Payroll taxes also provide about a fifth of government revenues, so it would be like saying that hedge fund managers pay zero taxes because they don't pay that one type of tax (they do, however, get a sweet deal compared to the rest of us).

The reality is that when you consider all taxes, everyone making between $20,000 and $500,000 per year – the vast majority of the population – pay a tax rate of between 35 and 45.6 percent of their incomes, according to a study by Boston University economists Laurence J. Kotlikoff and David Rapson. So Erickson, and those who buy his pitch, are subsidizing nobody.

Many hard-working Americans pay no federal income taxes. According to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CPBB), 70 percent of those who fall beneath the income cut-off have jobs. A “traditional” family of four can earn up to $51,000 per year and not pay federal income taxes.

CPBB also notes that many of these families have long paid federal income taxes. The low current figure “is an anomaly that reflects the unique circumstances” of this dismal economy, a time “when the recession greatly swelled the number of Americans with low incomes and when temporary tax cuts created by the 2009 Recovery Act — including the 'Making Work Pay' tax credit and an exclusion from tax of the first $2,400 in unemployment benefits — were in effect.”

Another 17 percent are seniors who busted their tails during their working year, paid their taxes and are now collecting Social Security. The remaining 13 percent are students, disabled people and the unemployed. To suggest that all of these Americans are “leeches” being “subsidized” by the 51 percent who are doing well enough to pay federal income taxes right now is simply loathesome.

But it's also tragic. As Gawker's Max Read put it, what makes Erickson's project “so heartbreaking isn't that its contributors are enormous jerks—it's that so many of them could just as easily be writing in to We Are the 99 Percent.”
Protest is good for the nation.

The Constitution says so.


Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If the OWS was attacked the way the Tea Party was the sissie fat kids would be running home to mama a month ago. Nobody is attacking the OWS but the left "thinks" the OWS is being attacked and in their constant emotional state their fantasy world fuels their unrelenting hatred.
Sometimes one just has to laugh at conservatives. I've been listening to conservative media types mocking the grass roots movement. Unfortunately for conservatives, most of the people involved in these protests have gotten squeezed by the economic turndown. It's conceivable that they could be tempted to vote for a Republican in the upcoming election. But if they're mocked by the right in this country, that's increasingly unlikely.

Here's a question for everyone. Why do you think that no presidential candidate never disses country music? You don't think they all LOVE country music, do you?

You see, there's an old axiom in politics. Don't mock any large segment of the electorate if you hope to convince them to vote for you, or your candidate, or your party.

I sincerely hope that conservatives continue to mock the protesters if for no other reason than it's just plain stupid. Keep in mind that those protesters also have friends and family members who are just as likely to be motivated to vote as they are.
If the OWS was attacked the way the Tea Party was the sissie fat kids would be running home to mama a month ago. Nobody is attacking the OWS but the left "thinks" the OWS is being attacked and in their constant emotional state their fantasy world fuels their unrelenting hatred.

You're kidding..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnLny1AfcyE][OccupySanDiego] Police Headlock & Mace Protesters - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZViIBEXUVQ]Police Mace Peaceful Women at Occupy Wall Street Protest MIRROR - YouTube[/ame]

Nothing like that happened to the Tea Party. Even when they were doing this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmP4Gb2pEsY]Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcJmtZWb3hs]Man Carries An AR 15 Around At Obama Rally In Phoenix - YouTube[/ame]
Sometimes one just has to laugh at conservatives. I've been listening to conservative media types mocking the grass roots movement. Unfortunately for conservatives, most of the people involved in these protests have gotten squeezed by the economic turndown. It's conceivable that they could be tempted to vote for a Republican in the upcoming election. But if they're mocked by the right in this country, that's increasingly unlikely.

Here's a question for everyone. Why do you think that no presidential candidate never disses country music? You don't think they all LOVE country music, do you?

You see, there's an old axiom in politics. Don't mock any large segment of the electorate if you hope to convince them to vote for you, or your candidate, or your party.

I sincerely hope that conservatives continue to mock the protesters if for no other reason than it's just plain stupid. Keep in mind that those protesters also have friends and family members who are just as likely to be motivated to vote as they are.

This is no grass roots movement. Secondly, they're nowhere near Wall Street. It's a fucking joke worthy of all the mocking we can muster.
LOL, what a friggen hoot.

so what was the LEFTS ATTACK on the Tea Party.?

Truth to power I suppose.

cry me a friggen RIVA..:lol::lol:
Another coward who turns off any way to reply to her constant whining:

WillowTree said:
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lol, so he post a whiney post to complain about someone whining...
can't make it up folks.:lol:
Another coward who turns off any way to reply to her constant whining:

WillowTree said:
Hi, you have received -676 reputation points from WillowTree.
Reputation was given for this post.

ding dong


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lol, so he post a whiney post to complain about someone whining...
can't make it up folks.:lol:
It's the only avenue she has left open for me to tell her that she's an asshat. I would have been happy to tell her privately. :lol:
Sallow, mthe person in that one video who got put in a headlock? Was not being peaceful.
Protest is good for the nation.

The Constitution says so.


Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


While, i dont disagree that they have a right to protest, there is nothing in the First amendment about protesting, per se.

Speech? Yes. peaceably assemble? Yes. Petition the government? Yes. But protest, there isnt a word.

These protesters have hardly been peaceably assembling. And they aren't really petitioning the government. They are speaking freely, of course. They may have a right to protest, but I think it comes more from our interpretation of the First amendment than the amendment itself.

I really dont see why anyone who loves this nation would want to associate with these particular protesters. Revolution is not a good thing. Nor is hating jews. Nor is socialism. Nor communism. I, personally, don't want to be associated with people who put the heads of others up on poles. Who say Gandhi was a tumor for teaching non-violence. With people who crap on vehicles or attack Jewish people for being Jewish.

Heck, I dont even particularly want to be associated with the Tea Party and they hold values I do espouse such as non-violent protest, living within our means, lower taxation, limited government, etc. But that's just my general antithesis of associating myself with others im unfamiliar with completely and not anything they stand for. The OWS actually stands for pretty creepy and horrifying things.
Another 17 percent are seniors who busted their tails during their working year, paid their taxes and are now collecting Social Security. The remaining 13 percent are students, disabled people and the unemployed. To suggest that all of these Americans are “leeches” being “subsidized” by the 51 percent who are doing well enough to pay federal income taxes right now is simply loathesome..”

You folks knew, or should have known that there were going to be adverse consequences in allowing scumbag demagogue politicians interfere in economic matters.

So you fuckers have been hoisted by your own petards.


The OP is a ridiculously skewed caricature of a "news" piece. Hardly a surprise when it comes from "Alternet.org" whose stated mission is:

AlterNet has developed a unique model of journalism to confront the failures of corporate media, as well as the vitriol and disinformation of right wing media, especially “hate talk” media.

I'm sure they like their vitriol and disinformation much better :cuckoo: :eusa_whistle:
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Conservatives would IMHO be wiser to keep their big mouths shut regarding the OWSers, perhaps outside of acknowledging the rights to free speech and vowing to work on tax reform. I thought the left looked lame when they bad-mouthed the Tea Partiers, now it appears the right wil return the politial favor.
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How many arrests at Wall St.

How many arrests of Tea Partiers??

These folks on Wall St. surely do have theright to protest anything their hearts desire just as the Tea Partiers did. Funny thing is though that the media called the TPers racists, terrorists and you name it. They were viewed as extremists. Guess wanting smaller Govt and a tighter rein of spending is extreme for some.

The folks on Wall St. don't seem to have any clear message other than its all Wall St.'s fault while they are totally forgetting that Wall St. couldn't do anything if the Clowns in DC weren't paving the way for them.

However, that being said, they do have right to protest ala the 1st Ammendment.

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