Right wing sub-human anti-islam video back fired.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The world still support Obama although they don't like the sub-human video bashing Muslim's GOD and religion. Libyan people did not kill the four Americans and have turned their protest against those radical that use them to forward the terrorist agenda against America by killing the Americans. They don't care about the video.
The right wing sub human video backfired against the right to discredit Obama and take the talk away from Romney.

Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.
Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US - Yahoo! News

now he's some right wing film maker

and now you all are celebrating the violence that is happening because of this administration

Obama should RETURN that PEACE prize that was BESTOWED on him
The world still support Obama although they don't like the sub-human video bashing Muslim's GOD and religion. Libyan people did not kill the four Americans and have turned their protest against those radical that use them to forward the terrorist agenda against America by killing the Americans. They don't care about the video.
The right wing sub human video backfired against the right to discredit Obama and take the talk away from Romney.

Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.
Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US - Yahoo! News
“Obama, Obama, we are all Osama” the crowd chanted outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on Sept. 11. The slogan also found its way to Tunis, where a mob attacked the embassy as well, and the chant was taken up in Qatar and other Muslim countries.​




Yeah. They LOVE him.
The left would destroy our first amendment to kiss the asshole of the islamis. Seriously. They would have the government stomp out all freedom of speech to kiss islams ass.

These people protest the right by the tens of thousands, but then turn around in do this? WTF!
The world still support Obama although they don't like the sub-human video bashing Muslim's GOD and religion. Libyan people did not kill the four Americans and have turned their protest against those radical that use them to forward the terrorist agenda against America by killing the Americans. They don't care about the video.
The right wing sub human video backfired against the right to discredit Obama and take the talk away from Romney.

Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.
Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US - Yahoo! News

Right wing? The director was a government informant. And the video trailer was up loaded to you tube by an unknown person. So how in the fuck is this right wing?
I am sick and tired of you god damn liberals blaming the right wing for what ya'll do.
The world still support Obama although they don't like the sub-human video bashing Muslim's GOD and religion. Libyan people did not kill the four Americans and have turned their protest against those radical that use them to forward the terrorist agenda against America by killing the Americans. They don't care about the video.
The right wing sub human video backfired against the right to discredit Obama and take the talk away from Romney.

Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.
Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US - Yahoo! News
RT? You know RT is very anti Israel right? And they come up with so many allegations on America
The world still support Obama although they don't like the sub-human video bashing Muslim's GOD and religion. Libyan people did not kill the four Americans and have turned their protest against those radical that use them to forward the terrorist agenda against America by killing the Americans. They don't care about the video.
The right wing sub human video backfired against the right to discredit Obama and take the talk away from Romney.

Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.
Libyans storm militia in backlash of attack on US - Yahoo! News

If its right wing then that means the terrorist are left wing? Out of the mouths of fools, sometimes you get them to speak the truth about themselves, damn.

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