Right wing protestor violence? All 3 violent acts have been by LIBERALS in debates!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.
Yeah, what else is new. This sort of shit happens all the time. They accuse others of the behavior they themselves exhibit.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.



Yeah, what else is new. This sort of shit happens all the time. They accuse others of the behavior they themselves exhibit.

and I would say the same about conservatives like you

you constantly whine about the bad behavior of liberals and democrats

yet any sane sane rational person can see that YOU and your friends are JUST as badly behaved
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.




What's that?

1. The Guy was a member of CodePink, NOT DailyKos.
Man's Finger Bitten Off in Scuffle at Health Care Rally - KTLA
Rice later told investigators he felt threatened by the man and punched him in the nose, Bonfiglio said.
The punch set off a fist fight between the two men, during which the tip of Rice’s left pinky finger was bitten off, Bonfiglio said.

Let me punch you in the face and see what you do.

2. Wrong. The guy attacked the SEIU members, they defended themselves.

3. He was a NUT
GOP thrilled: Cantor really was threatened - Joan Walsh - Salon.com
Of course Leboon also happened to make YouTube videos threatening Obama, and the studio that made the film "Babe." Dave Weigel has it all right here. Leboon, who also claims to be a Muslim in some videos, doesn't seem to be motivated by politics, but mental illness. The GOP glee about the Cantor threat story seems kind of inappropriate.

Er..that's the point of the thread, genius.

In the past 24 hours, all the accusations leveled against the right have been brought about by the left.
So let me make sure I understand this. A man punches another man in the face and the man who was punched defends himself. The man who defended himself is an "example" of liberal extremism and violence? Really? And the media "didn't cover this extreme behaviour"?

Move along folks. We thought there was something here to see, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
You're so full of shit. We've already been here. You guys are extremist pigs.
Yeah, what else is new. This sort of shit happens all the time. They accuse others of the behavior they themselves exhibit.

and I would say the same about conservatives like you

you constantly whine about the bad behavior of liberals and democrats

yet any sane sane rational person can see that YOU and your friends are JUST as badly behaved

Link to recent shooting at Congress member by the right?

Link to right leaning thugs beating up protestor in the last four months?

Link to any incident where a leftie lost a body part due to the actions of a protestor from teh right?

Link to your mental health care provider?
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

The police report said the bullet was fired randomly into the air and struck the window at a downward angle.

Maybe you are confusing that with the youtube nutjob.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

I'm calling shenanigans on this one.

The police report said the bullet was fired randomly into the air and struck the window at a downward angle.

Maybe you are confusing that with the youtube nutjob.

Article 15, you did your homework. Gold star.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.

Lynched? as in hanged by the neck until dead? Can you cite a source for that one?
I thought they just attacked him and called him a ******.

BTW, there actually WERE multiple witnesses to that event.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.

I think the guy who had his finger bit off is on Cavuto tomorrow on Fox News. I am not surprised, the left has NEVER been held ACCOUNTABLE by the LEFTIST PRESS we have in this country.:evil:
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.
My God, man, you can't read or you're getting info from some seriously flawed source.
The bullet was a random bullet. Leboon threatened to shoot, but didn't. Leboon threatened Obama and Pelosi as well.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.

nice meeting you, retarded person.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.




What's that?

1. The Guy was a member of CodePink, NOT DailyKos.
Man's Finger Bitten Off in Scuffle at Health Care Rally - KTLA
Rice later told investigators he felt threatened by the man and punched him in the nose, Bonfiglio said.
The punch set off a fist fight between the two men, during which the tip of Rice’s left pinky finger was bitten off, Bonfiglio said.

Let me punch you in the face and see what you do.

2. Wrong. The guy attacked the SEIU members, they defended themselves.

3. He was a NUT
GOP thrilled: Cantor really was threatened - Joan Walsh - Salon.com
Of course Leboon also happened to make YouTube videos threatening Obama, and the studio that made the film "Babe." Dave Weigel has it all right here. Leboon, who also claims to be a Muslim in some videos, doesn't seem to be motivated by politics, but mental illness. The GOP glee about the Cantor threat story seems kind of inappropriate.


How fucking stupid can one kid be? Do you learn nothing in school?

Linking to the media as PROOF of anything other than the inability of the media to report FACTS is beyond stupid.
It is no wonder this country is becoming a joke.

Not one sane person would actually believe that the violence is coming from one side or the other. There is stupidity and provocation from both side.

However, as per usual, idiots link to the media and accept as fact whatever happens to suit their own political view. In response I can say only this....

You are all (left and right) fucking stupid, media fed, morons. In my opinion.
So, it's finally been revealed. The guy who fired a bullet through the office of (R) Eric Cantor was a Muslim Obama contributor. Thats right folks, a MUSLIM who donated several times to the Obama Campaign. YET, MSNBC and the left point at the Tea Party for it's potential violence.

And, since this healthcare debate began 1 year ago, we've had 3 confirmed acts of possibly lethal violence as a result. Those are:

- A DailyKOS member, far left website, bites off the finger of a Tea Party conservative at a protest rally. Media ignores it.

- Several SEIU thug gangsters, in SEIU shirts, LYNCH a black man handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags at a protest. Media ignores it. Guess the black conservative should've handed out "Please Don't Lynch Me" flags instead. SEIU, Obama's babies, goes unscathed by the violent attack since media ignores it.

- Now, it is released that the bullet fired at Eric Cantor's office was by a MUSLIM Obama donator.

Yet............we'll be told how the Tea Party and conservative right are the one's who "could become violent" while they ignore those on the left who have already acted it out.

Since your opening statement is not factually correct, I assume your whole post is not factually correct

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