RFK Assassination: Two Gunmen Fired at RFK


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In 2004, an audio tape of the RFK assassination was discovered in the California state archives. Acoustics experts analyzed the tape and found that it contained more shots than the alleged lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan, could have fired. Siren's revolver could only fire eight shots, but the tape contains at least nine shots, proving that the eyewitnesses who reported seeing two gunmen were not "mistaken" after all.

The presence of more than eight shots on the tape has been confirmed by world-renowned audio-recording expert Philip Van Praag; by forensic audio specialists Wes Dooley and Paul Pegas of Audio Engineering Associates in Pasadena, California; by forensic audio and ballistics expert Eddy B. Brixen in Copenhagen, Denmark; and by audio specialist Phil Spencer Whitehead of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

This and other evidence can be found on the following websites:

In a 1992 interview, right after his parole hearing, Sirhan Sirhan said, "I believe that if Robert Kennedy were alive today, he would support my parole".

I remember the interviewer remarking, "How unlucky for you. You killed the only man in the world who thinks you should get parole".
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

And did you miss the part about the fact that more gunshots are on the RFK assassination tape than could have been fired by Sirhan's gun? This is hard scientific evidence, verified by five different acoustical experts, that proves that more than one gunman fired at RFK.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
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Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
You can’t disprove what I posted

After 50 years, nobody has
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
You can’t disprove what I posted

After 50 years, nobody has
Done it a thousand times and you know it.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
You can’t disprove what I posted

After 50 years, nobody has
Done it a thousand times and you know it.
Failed to prove a conspiracy a thousand times
In 2004, an audio tape of the RFK assassination was discovered in the California state archives. Acoustics experts analyzed the tape and found that it contained more shots than the alleged lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan, could have fired. Siren's revolver could only fire eight shots, but the tape contains at least nine shots, proving that the eyewitnesses who reported seeing two gunmen were not "mistaken" after all.

The presence of more than eight shots on the tape has been confirmed by world-renowned audio-recording expert Philip Van Praag; by forensic audio specialists Wes Dooley and Paul Pegas of Audio Engineering Associates in Pasadena, California; by forensic audio and ballistics expert Eddy B. Brixen in Copenhagen, Denmark; and by audio specialist Phil Spencer Whitehead of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

This and other evidence can be found on the following websites:

You guys are getting incredibly stupid in your wild claims

RFK was shot at close range in a hallway surrounded by dozens of witnesses.

They SAW Sirhan Sirhan shoot RFK and immediately jumped on him and disarmed him. His pistol was the murder weapon. There were no other bullets recovered on the scene.

This thread is just silly
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll
You and I both know it was Trump. You know likes to shoot people. How many is up to now, what 3, maybe 4 million?
Okay, for RW's sake, let's lay out a few documented facts about the RFK case:

* RFK's autopsy was superbly, expertly done (unlike JFK's shameful autopsy). It was done by a qualified forensic pathologist and LA County's chief medical examiner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, and it was supervised, at Dr. Noguchi's request, by two other qualified forensic pathologists.

* Dr. Noguchi determined that the fatal shot to RFK's head was fired from extremely close range--the gun barrel was no more than 1.5 inches from the head.

* However, all 12 witnesses in the pantry who commented on Sirhan's location said that he was never, ever behind RFK, and that he was always at least 3-4 feet away from RFK.

* Moreover, all five of the witnesses who commented on how quickly Sirhan was pinned down after he opened fire said that he was pinned down after firing no more than three shots.

* The LAPD criminalist who handled the ballistics evidence, De Wayne Wolfer, was later exposed as an incompetent fraud.

* In violation of standard practice and common sense, Wolfer never used the alleged murder weapon, Sirhan's handgun, in his ballistics tests.

* When a panel of seven ballistics experts reviewed Wolfer's claims, and fired Sirhan's gun in their ballistics tests, they found that bullets fired from Sirhan's gun did not match the RFK neck bullet, the Goldstein bullet, and the Weisel bullet.

* The bullet that the LAPD eventually submitted into evidence as the Kennedy neck bullet did not have the same chain-of-custody marks that Dr. Noguchi marked on the bullet he removed from RFK's neck.

* The LAPD simply brushed aside massive evidence that Sirhan was repeatedly seen with a blond-haired woman with a curious nose in her 20s and a brown-haired man about 6 feet tall, and that these same two people were seen at the Ambassador Hotel when RFK was shot. The LAPD used the slightest discrepancy in the witnesses' descriptions of the couple to dismiss all of their accounts as "mistaken."

* One witness saw the blond-haired woman standing next to and holding Sirhan in the pantry just before Sirhan opened fire. The woman was wearing a distinctive polka-dot dress, a white dress with dark polka dots.

* Another witness saw the woman running toward the backdoor of the pantry right after the shots were fired, and four witnesses outside the pantry saw her running out the pantry's backdoor. Three of the witnesses heard her excitedly say, "We got him" or "We shot him."

* As mentioned earlier, in 2004 a recording of the RFK shooting was found in the state archives. Five acoustical experts have independently found that the tape contains more than the eight shots that Sirhan's gun could have fired.

* Several psychologists who have examined Sirhan have concluded that he was hypno-programmed to fire at RFK, and that this is why he has no memory of the shooting and no memory of key periods of time in the months leading up to the shooting. One of those experts is Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard University, one of the world's leading experts on hypnosis.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
You can’t disprove what I posted

After 50 years, nobody has
Done it a thousand times and you know it.
Failed to prove a conspiracy a thousand times
Wrong as usual.
Okay, for RW's sake, let's lay out a few documented facts about the RFK case:

* RFK's autopsy was superbly, expertly done (unlike JFK's shameful autopsy). It was done by a qualified forensic pathologist and LA County's chief medical examiner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, and it was supervised, at Dr. Noguchi's request, by two other qualified forensic pathologists.

* Dr. Noguchi determined that the fatal shot to RFK's head was fired from extremely close range--the gun barrel was no more than 1.5 inches from the head.

* However, all 12 witnesses in the pantry who commented on Sirhan's location said that he was never, ever behind RFK, and that he was always at least 3-4 feet away from RFK.

* Moreover, all five of the witnesses who commented on how quickly Sirhan was pinned down after he opened fire said that he was pinned down after firing no more than three shots.

* The LAPD criminalist who handled the ballistics evidence, De Wayne Wolfer, was later exposed as an incompetent fraud.

* In violation of standard practice and common sense, Wolfer never used the alleged murder weapon, Sirhan's handgun, in his ballistics tests.

* When a panel of seven ballistics experts reviewed Wolfer's claims, and fired Sirhan's gun in their ballistics tests, they found that bullets fired from Sirhan's gun did not match the RFK neck bullet, the Goldstein bullet, and the Weisel bullet.

* The bullet that the LAPD eventually submitted into evidence as the Kennedy neck bullet did not have the same chain-of-custody marks that Dr. Noguchi marked on the bullet he removed from RFK's neck.

* The LAPD simply brushed aside massive evidence that Sirhan was repeatedly seen with a blond-haired woman with a curious nose in her 20s and a brown-haired man about 6 feet tall, and that these same two people were seen at the Ambassador Hotel when RFK was shot. The LAPD used the slightest discrepancy in the witnesses' descriptions of the couple to dismiss all of their accounts as "mistaken."

* One witness saw the blond-haired woman standing next to and holding Sirhan in the pantry just before Sirhan opened fire. The woman was wearing a distinctive polka-dot dress, a white dress with dark polka dots.

* Another witness saw the woman running toward the backdoor of the pantry right after the shots were fired, and four witnesses outside the pantry saw her running out the pantry's backdoor. Three of the witnesses heard her excitedly say, "We got him" or "We shot him."

* As mentioned earlier, in 2004 a recording of the RFK shooting was found in the state archives. Five acoustical experts have independently found that the tape contains more than the eight shots that Sirhan's gun could have fired.

* Several psychologists who have examined Sirhan have concluded that he was hypno-programmed to fire at RFK, and that this is why he has no memory of the shooting and no memory of key periods of time in the months leading up to the shooting. One of those experts is Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard University, one of the world's leading experts on hypnosis.
Facts mean nothing to a fool.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll
You and I both know it was Trump. You know likes to shoot people. How many is up to now, what 3, maybe 4 million?
Trump only shoots people on Fifth Avenue
"Joe Biden could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and the mainstream press would crucify any journalist who so much as tweeted about it."

So true...LMAO.
Only bullets found came from Sirhans revolver.

Not true. Just the opposite: the ballistics evidence proves that Sirhan's gun was not the only gun used in the shooting.

Odd: a liberal who buys the conservative denial of conspiracy in the RFK case.

Maybe it was someone on the Grassy Knoll.

Oh, boy. So I'm guessing you don't know that the House Select Committee on Assassinations found that the Dallas police tape of the JFK assassination contained at least 4 gunshots, and that one of the shots came from the grassy knoll.

It is odd to see a liberal swallowing the traditional conservative rejection of a conspiracy in the JFK case. We now know that RFK did not buy the lone-gunman theory one bit and planned on reopening the case if he was elected president.
As we all know, RW ALWAYS believes the state. He still thinks Oswald shot JFK. LOL.

Oswald read in the papers that JFKs limo would drive by where he worked
So he went home, got his rifle and brought it to work
He fired three shots, one of which blew off JFKs head.

After more than 50 years, there is no evidence to the contrary
Dumb as usual.
You can’t disprove what I posted

After 50 years, nobody has
Done it a thousand times and you know it.
Failed to prove a conspiracy a thousand times

Uh, umm, we have had hard evidence of conspiracy in the JFK case for many years now. The acoustical evidence of 4 or more shots has never been refuted but has been confirmed several times. And we discovered in the 1990s that the JFK autopsy x-rays and photos were altered to conceal an entrance wound in the right temple and an exit wound in the right occipital region (right-rear back of the head). We now have the HSCA wound diagrams drawn by witnesses at the autopsy, including the mortician who reassembled JFK's skull after the autopsy. Have you been living in a cave since the 1990s? Here's some quick catch-up material with lots of references for further steady:

As for the RFK assassination, you should read the new book, published just last month, by two veteran TV news investigative journalists: The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: Crime Conspiracy & Cover-Up: A New Investigation.

My RFK site also presents a great deal of the evidence of conspiracy in the RFK case that has been uncovered since the LAPD's RFK files began to be released in 1986.

I must admit it is rather funny and odd to see you robotically repeating the same myths that most conservatives continue to peddle about the JFK and RFK assassinations. Of course, you realize that in denying a conspiracy in the JFK case, you are adopting a view that continues to be the minority view among the American people, right?
Okay, for RW's sake, let's lay out a few documented facts about the RFK case:

* RFK's autopsy was superbly, expertly done (unlike JFK's shameful autopsy). It was done by a qualified forensic pathologist and LA County's chief medical examiner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, and it was supervised, at Dr. Noguchi's request, by two other qualified forensic pathologists.

* Dr. Noguchi determined that the fatal shot to RFK's head was fired from extremely close range--the gun barrel was no more than 1.5 inches from the head.

* However, all 12 witnesses in the pantry who commented on Sirhan's location said that he was never, ever behind RFK, and that he was always at least 3-4 feet away from RFK.

* Moreover, all five of the witnesses who commented on how quickly Sirhan was pinned down after he opened fire said that he was pinned down after firing no more than three shots.

* The LAPD criminalist who handled the ballistics evidence, De Wayne Wolfer, was later exposed as an incompetent fraud.

* In violation of standard practice and common sense, Wolfer never used the alleged murder weapon, Sirhan's handgun, in his ballistics tests.

* When a panel of seven ballistics experts reviewed Wolfer's claims, and fired Sirhan's gun in their ballistics tests, they found that bullets fired from Sirhan's gun did not match the RFK neck bullet, the Goldstein bullet, and the Weisel bullet.

* The bullet that the LAPD eventually submitted into evidence as the Kennedy neck bullet did not have the same chain-of-custody marks that Dr. Noguchi marked on the bullet he removed from RFK's neck.

* The LAPD simply brushed aside massive evidence that Sirhan was repeatedly seen with a blond-haired woman with a curious nose in her 20s and a brown-haired man about 6 feet tall, and that these same two people were seen at the Ambassador Hotel when RFK was shot. The LAPD used the slightest discrepancy in the witnesses' descriptions of the couple to dismiss all of their accounts as "mistaken."

* One witness saw the blond-haired woman standing next to and holding Sirhan in the pantry just before Sirhan opened fire. The woman was wearing a distinctive polka-dot dress, a white dress with dark polka dots.

* Another witness saw the woman running toward the backdoor of the pantry right after the shots were fired, and four witnesses outside the pantry saw her running out the pantry's backdoor. Three of the witnesses heard her excitedly say, "We got him" or "We shot him."

* As mentioned earlier, in 2004 a recording of the RFK shooting was found in the state archives. Five acoustical experts have independently found that the tape contains more than the eight shots that Sirhan's gun could have fired.

* Several psychologists who have examined Sirhan have concluded that he was hypno-programmed to fire at RFK, and that this is why he has no memory of the shooting and no memory of key periods of time in the months leading up to the shooting. One of those experts is Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard University, one of the world's leading experts on hypnosis.

A second gunman was within 1.5 inches of RFKs head and nobody saw him

Invisibility cloak?

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