Revealed: 10 More Things The Government Will Be Mandating This Year


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Revealed: 10 More Things The Government Will Be Mandating This Year
14 Sep 2021
President Biden is drunk with power after announcing a vaccine mandate and our sources reveal he's already working on more! Are you ready?
Here is a list of mandates Biden reportedly has planned for this year:

1) For the entire month of October, all foods must be pumpkin spice flavor: Biden is a fan of pumpkin spice and thinks you should be too. Bring on the pumpkin spice hotdogs and the pumpkin spice steak!​
2) During all the other months of the year, all foods must still be pumpkin spice flavored: Dangit.​
3) Everyone approached by Joe Biden must allow him to sniff them without resistance: It is his kingly right.​
4) Single women who are "plant moms" must be given 10 months of maternity leave every time they buy a houseplant: Plant moms have been fighting for these rights for a long time.​
5) Everyone must wear socks with sandals: Doing so is an important sign of submission to your rulers. Besides, if everyone is doing it, it's not weird, right?​
6) Wednesday is Soylent Green day: Be sure to eat your weekly nutritious food square!​
7) Every parent must disclose their favorite kid to the IRS: Just in case the government needs to levy them.​
8) Ketchup on pizza: According to Biden, this is the only correct way to eat pizza. Pineapple will also be required.​
9) All cats must wear masks: Not because it protects them or anything--it's just that they do funny things when you put a mask on them. Biden likes that. It is so mandated!​
10) All children's books must be written by avowed Communists: That means no Harry Potter, no Bible, and no Tuttle Twins. Sorry kids.​

Someone, please stop this psycho before it's too late.

OMG.... nothing like being a dictator....
Babylon Bee is still on a run....
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