Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

Indeed. The bikers didn't do it for the Muslims, they did it for America.


There was no interest until they heard about "One Million Muslims". Was "Two million bikers" a coincidence?

If they were honoring 9-11, why didn't they cruise the Pentagon, NYC or Shanksville?

That is how you honor victims

Your head is far up your ass that you can lick your sternum.

At least I realize that the bikers were not there to honor America
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.

The side irony is that the rw's were against us killing the ringleader, bin Laden but they want to kill people who had nothing to do with it.

Westboro Baptists and Timothy McVeigh are monsters but should let them go free and kill all other Baptists?

Who was against killing OBL?
Care to provide evidence to support that?

Westboro bastard church are a liberal organization.
Mc veigh?
Isn't he dead already?

Obama wanting to send our boys out to Syria to fight for Al Quaida???
Yet the fanatics say nothing?

So they hate gay people, Obama, Jews, Catholics, protested Elizabeth Edwards funeral, but they are considered liberal by you?
Yeah, you are a dishonest hack.
How many terrorist acts have these evangelicals you and your nazi allies hate do much committed recently?

The nazis were nothing like the GOP.
Look at their policies.
The social policies enacted by the liberal, Adolph Hitler!!!!

They were your policies idiot.
His racism?
Same as yours, different race.
His genocide, same as yours, different race.

School's in, time to do some learning :up:


Right-wing extremist terrorism as deadly a threat as al Qaeda? -

Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America?s Violent Far-Right | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point

What is that little chart?
It's linked to nothing, shows nothing.
It's just a chart that says something without proving it.

Now answer my question.
Show me acts of terrorism by these evangelicals you claim are as bad as Islamic fundimentals?
How about I make it easy.
I name an act if Islamic terror.
You counter with an act of evangelical terror?

The Boston Bombings.
There, that's one.

Now it's your turn!!

The boston bombings wasn't religiously motivated, but if you want an example of right wing terrorism, look no further than the oklahoma city bombing.
Who was against killing OBL?
Care to provide evidence to support that?

Westboro bastard church are a liberal organization.
Mc veigh?
Isn't he dead already?

Obama wanting to send our boys out to Syria to fight for Al Quaida???
Yet the fanatics say nothing?

So they hate gay people, Obama, Jews, Catholics, protested Elizabeth Edwards funeral, but they are considered liberal by you?
Yeah, you are a dishonest hack.

They also hated Bush.

Where have they sent their campaign donations?
Their leader Fred Phelps, registered DEMOCRAT ran for public office on a DEMOCRAT ticket.

Funded AL GORES presidential campaign.

Yup, that's what republicans do , right.

They are a democrat liberal organization.

A. You need to look up a Kansas democrat, they are not liberal... You are an idiot.
B. they are not a democrat liberal organization, they are a church or so they claim.
C. You trying to lump them in with liberals proves even more what a lunatic hack you are.

As for Gore, it was Fred's son who was connected to him. And Gore like everyone else distanced themselves from the group. Plus there is the whole fact the church protested at Gore's father's funeral.

This church is not apart of any party. They are their own hate group and luckily both sides hate them equally. Of course a loser like you can't admit that.

I also find the fact you think all democrats are liberals is hilarious.
They also hated Bush.

Where have they sent their campaign donations?
Their leader Fred Phelps, registered DEMOCRAT ran for public office on a DEMOCRAT ticket.

Funded AL GORES presidential campaign.

Yup, that's what republicans do , right.

They are a democrat liberal organization.

A. You need to look up a Kansas democrat, they are not liberal... You are an idiot.
B. they are not a democrat liberal organization, they are a church or so they claim.
C. You trying to lump them in with liberals proves even more what a lunatic hack you are.

As for Gore, it was Fred's son who was connected to him. And Gore like everyone else distanced themselves from the group. Plus there is the whole fact the church protested at Gore's father's funeral.

This church is not apart of any party. They are their own hate group and luckily both sides hate them equally. Of course a loser like you can't admit that.

I also find the fact you think all democrats are liberals is hilarious.

They are a liberal cult.
You deny it, but you are such a liar that a denial from you is as good as an admission.

The liberal cult that funded GORE.
Did gore send the contributions back?

A liberal cult?

I don't even know why I bother. For one, you have more of the same views they do more than any liberal.
How do you survive day to day being such a moron? Or do you have someone who takes care of you?
Explaining that American-Muslims ‘stand with America against terrorism,’ speaker Ruby Sous said ‘we want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,’ according to the Times.

Christian protestors who showed up to protest against the Muslim rally – in addition to the motorcycled masses – shouted back ‘you picked the wrong day!’

'2 Million Bikers' descend on DC to protest Muslim 9/11 rally | Mail Online
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.

It was an attack on the USA by Muslims.

These Muslims went to DC celebrate their victory and to gloat.
Free speech yes.

The bikers went to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel the Muslims have rights but not the bikers?

Are you angered when bikers show up to counter the protests made by YOUR WESTBORO BASTARD CHURCH?

Actually, it was an attack by terrorists.

Both groups when to DC to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel American Muslims have no rights? :eusa_eh:
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.

It was an attack on the USA by Muslims.

These Muslims went to DC celebrate their victory and to gloat.
Free speech yes.

The bikers went to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel the Muslims have rights but not the bikers?

Are you angered when bikers show up to counter the protests made by YOUR WESTBORO BASTARD CHURCH?

Actually, it was an attack by terrorists.

Both groups when to DC to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel American Muslims have no rights? :eusa_eh:

Coy dog, you should stay out of the semantics game. You aren't very good at it. The WTC was brought down by muslims who hijacked American jetliners. They got their driver's licenses in TN without ID and took enough flying lessons to drive a jumbo jet around in the air, but not enough to land it or to get it air born.
Explaining that American-Muslims ‘stand with America against terrorism,’ speaker Ruby Sous said ‘we want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,’ according to the Times.

Christian protestors who showed up to protest against the Muslim rally – in addition to the motorcycled masses – shouted back ‘you picked the wrong day!’

'2 Million Bikers' descend on DC to protest Muslim 9/11 rally | Mail Online
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.
The real ignorance was with the organizers and participants of the million muslim march. They should have had the common sense to know that choosing this day to protest was in extemely poor taste.
Explaining that American-Muslims ‘stand with America against terrorism,’ speaker Ruby Sous said ‘we want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,’ according to the Times.

Christian protestors who showed up to protest against the Muslim rally – in addition to the motorcycled masses – shouted back ‘you picked the wrong day!’

'2 Million Bikers' descend on DC to protest Muslim 9/11 rally | Mail Online
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.

No one denied them a goddamned thing. The muslims are the ones who got the permit to gather and to demonstrate. All they had to do was show up burkas flapping and with their signs in Arabic. But they didn't. If you think they were scared away by a few geriatric bikers, then that is a clear indication of your own lack of mettle.

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It was an attack on the USA by Muslims.

These Muslims went to DC celebrate their victory and to gloat.
Free speech yes.

The bikers went to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel the Muslims have rights but not the bikers?

Are you angered when bikers show up to counter the protests made by YOUR WESTBORO BASTARD CHURCH?

Actually, it was an attack by terrorists.

Both groups when to DC to practice their right to free speech.

Why do you feel American Muslims have no rights? :eusa_eh:

Coy dog, you should stay out of the semantics game. You aren't very good at it. The WTC was brought down by muslims who hijacked American jetliners. They got their driver's licenses in TN without ID and took enough flying lessons to drive a jumbo jet around in the air, but not enough to land it or to get it air born.

The 9/11 attacks were committed by criminals who happened to be Muslim, where their religion is incidental and not representative of Islam in general, including Muslim Americans.
Explaining that American-Muslims ‘stand with America against terrorism,’ speaker Ruby Sous said ‘we want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,’ according to the Times.

Christian protestors who showed up to protest against the Muslim rally – in addition to the motorcycled masses – shouted back ‘you picked the wrong day!’

'2 Million Bikers' descend on DC to protest Muslim 9/11 rally | Mail Online
This sort of hate and ignorance is sad, where some seek to deny American citizens their right to Free Expression based solely on their religion.

9/11 was an attack on all Americans, of all religions, including Muslims.

No one denied them a goddamned thing. The muslims are the ones who got the permit to gather and to demonstrate. All they had to do was show up burkas flapping and with their signs in Arabic. But they didn't. If you think they were scared away by a few geriatric bikers, then that is a clear indication of your own lack of mettle.


That those who sought to silence American Muslims failed to do so is not the issue.

At issue is the notion that American Muslims should be disallowed to exercise their First Amendment rights on 9/11 because it’s the ‘wrong day’; when in fact it’s a day for every American, including American Muslims.

Seeking to compel American Muslims to ‘lay low’ or ‘go into hiding’ every 9/11 does indeed deny them their fundamental right to assemble and freely express themselves concerning important issues of the day, including remembering 9/11.
In the photo american jihad posted, the guy in the front is wearing a nazi germany helmet. Pretty obvious what they are about,..

That is actually a very popular helmet style, that is worn for the same reason that the design is still used to this day by the US military.

It keeps the sun out of the eyes. You may not realize this, but bike riders do not have a "sun shade" they can just whip out in front of their eyes.
The boston bombings wasn't religiously motivated, but if you want an example of right wing terrorism, look no further than the oklahoma city bombing.

I would hardly call OKC "Right Wing".

Timothy McVeigh had mental issues even before he left the Army (he got out after failing the psych profile for SF). He drifted for about a year, before ending up in Waco protesting in support of David Koresh. At that time he started to identify more and more with the Militia Movement, mostly drifting from gun show to gun show, making a living selling a great many things, including the racist tract The Turner Diaries.

Myself, I see the Isolationist Fringe Libertarians as a fringe nutjob group, and are actually not really Right or Left Wing, but somewhere in between. And when you think about it, how does "I want to live in a dirt floor cabin in the middle of nowhere with no water or power" either Right or Left wing?
In the photo american jihad posted, the guy in the front is wearing a nazi germany helmet. Pretty obvious what they are about,..

That is actually a very popular helmet style, that is worn for the same reason that the design is still used to this day by the US military.

It keeps the sun out of the eyes. You may not realize this, but bike riders do not have a "sun shade" they can just whip out in front of their eyes.

The US military uses the nazi germany helmet to this day? The hell is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
i can only assume that there were more D.C. rats in attendance seeking food scraps, just like when a few million rats showed up at the Ed Schultz rally in 2010? or was it 2009.

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