Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

begging the question is not debate, only fallacy.

Didn't ask for a debate, asked only for an answer which you have none. I didn't think you thought your statement through and it turns out I was right.
You can't be right, but twice a day, with a fallacy of "begging the question". why not try a real argument instead? to much, "competition"?

You won't participate in an argument, you resort to silly outdated cliches. I don't compete with you, I don't compete with those that can't answer simple questions and divert to silly cliches. At least I am right two times a day, which is two more times a day than you.
What drew you to this thread? What about this surcharge bs? Has it slowed down the economy? What was your original position? You aren't for trump or hillary, we get it. So how do you feel trumps doing so far? Will you vote for him in 2020 if the election were today vs a generic democrat?

The surcharge is wrong, it is a bad business practice, to have a price on the menu and then charge more because of some bogus surcharge is deceitful. Charge the price and the price is the price, the consumer knows exactly what they are paying, no BS. You pay your employees what you pay them, you don't need to protest with a silly surcharge, I am at the restaurant to eat and enjoy myself, not for a political statement. Trump is doing okay, something's he is doing well others I disagree, he needs to quit posting on Twitter. I am not inclined to vote for him on a second term.
You're one of the good ones don't ever tell anyone I said it. There are some things I want to see the Republicans do. But I think overall you're gonna see I'm right about them. They won't help you. In fact old people who don't think Republicans will hurt them are already seeing that's not true. You all don't realize what you've done putting Paul Ryan trump and McConnell I charge. You're all dumb.

You think you will make up for a 30% cut in social security and Medicare? How will Republicans make that up to you? In advance ha!
Somehow you left this out. I can't imagine how.



I was just trying to point out that if George W. Bush hadn't immediately started working on tax cuts for the rich we wouldn't even have a national debt:

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)
09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)
09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32(Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich)
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00
09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00
09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

George W. Bush is/was a progressive… Shit for brains

Fuck you and George Bush......he's a Republican.....that's more than enough for me to hate his right wing ass.
Conservatives and Republicans have no relation to each other...
Bullshit. There's just different levels of conservative.

Bill Clinton and Reagan were liberal Republicans compared to rubio and Chris Christie or kasich and Cruz is more conservative than them but then you have Rand Paul.

All conservatives and all Republicans

Even Hillary loves wallstreet remember? And Obama loves GE. You cared but now walls Treet and GE are the white house. How hypocritical
Wrong, you have no clue what a real conservative is...
Our killing is justified because Saddam MAY have killed more than we did 2 decades prior to our invasion?

There is no "MAY" about it and you are ignoring the dozens of resolutions against Sadam Hussein over DECADES while he was killing his own citizens. Then there was the vote of our own Congress issuing the use of force policy.

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq
The list below is out of date. For resolutions since 2004, please see

The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq. The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq
we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

As you know, "providing for the general welfare doesn't mean providing anything to any individual citizens. The meaning of general welfare is providing safe and orderly society for citizens to go about their business.

As for defense. That is provided for and required of the President in the oath of office.

The constitution also calls for the President to be the Commander in Chief of our military.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.

Dept. of Defense is for the protection of the country.
A defense clause is not an offense clause; and we don't have a general warfare clause.

we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

Yes it is. The best defense is a strong offense.

We don't have a Common Offense clause; thus, the common defense must be "quibbled", just like the general welfare.
Which adventure was it that kept us from speaking Russian? The search for wmds? Our heroic victory in Granada? You`re pretty damn funny!

Got to love these children who thinks we would still be free with out a strong military...

Now are you done deflecting child? Again what return did we get on the trillions of dollars at spent on welfare?

We know what the democrats got out of it votes and sheep like you.


Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex - Jan 17, 1961 -

And you failed to listen to his warnings. And then you cry about socialism or people sucking off the government tit? These private defense contractors only customer is the US Government. That's not capitalism even though they are private for profit companies.

Now don't think that I'm saying I don't appreciate the value of our defense contractors. I do. But when Trump promises to pump a lot of money into defense, just remember that this is basically a false economy. This isn't a sustainable economy unless you plan on these companies making bombs and guns for the government year after year after year. And of course they're going to want to increase profits every year just like every other for profit wants to. So basically even if we are in times of peace, you keep funding these defense contractors because you don't want to cost your constituents jobs, even if they are sucking off the governments tit.

They make us cool shit to be proud of, police the world, some one has to do it and may as well be us and keeps the tyrants at bay

Now quit deflecting like the other poster where is our return for the trillions of dollars we spent on welfare the past 50 years? All we got is more ghettos and democrat voters.

We have the richest poor in the world.

Yup to keep them from revolting against democrats

Hooverville only worked for one term.
you don't know what you are talking about, like usual.

From you that is a great compliment! Thank you, you never did answer my question earlier in the thread, tells me a lot about you. Have a good day danniboi.
begging the question is not debate, only fallacy.

Didn't ask for a debate, asked only for an answer which you have none. I didn't think you thought your statement through and it turns out I was right.
You can't be right, but twice a day, with a fallacy of "begging the question". why not try a real argument instead? to much, "competition"?

You won't participate in an argument, you resort to silly outdated cliches. I don't compete with you, I don't compete with those that can't answer simple questions and divert to silly cliches. At least I am right two times a day, which is two more times a day than you.
so what if restaurants add labor surcharges; it makes it that much easier to study, afterward.
Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.

Dept. of Defense is for the protection of the country.
A defense clause is not an offense clause; and we don't have a general warfare clause.

we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

Yes it is. The best defense is a strong offense.

We don't have a Common Offense clause; thus, the common defense must be "quibbled", just like the general welfare.

Translation ~ you were a band fag in highschool

Republicans can't sink a bunch of money into defense and then say they are running the government like a business. Where was the profit in the Iraq war? A corporation would have never invested in the Iraq war unless they were going to get the oil.

Dept. of Defense is for the protection of the country.
A defense clause is not an offense clause; and we don't have a general warfare clause.

we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

Yes it is. The best defense is a strong offense.


Forgive Daniel, all he has is the causeless fallacy of the left.
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.

We don't have a Common Offense clause, we Do have a General Welfare clause.
begging the question is not debate, only fallacy.

Didn't ask for a debate, asked only for an answer which you have none. I didn't think you thought your statement through and it turns out I was right.
You can't be right, but twice a day, with a fallacy of "begging the question". why not try a real argument instead? to much, "competition"?

You won't participate in an argument, you resort to silly outdated cliches. I don't compete with you, I don't compete with those that can't answer simple questions and divert to silly cliches. At least I am right two times a day, which is two more times a day than you.
What drew you to this thread? What about this surcharge bs? Has it slowed down the economy? What was your original position? You aren't for trump or hillary, we get it. So how do you feel trumps doing so far? Will you vote for him in 2020 if the election were today vs a generic democrat?

The surcharge is wrong, it is a bad business practice, to have a price on the menu and then charge more because of some bogus surcharge is deceitful. Charge the price and the price is the price, the consumer knows exactly what they are paying, no BS. You pay your employees what you pay them, you don't need to protest with a silly surcharge, I am at the restaurant to eat and enjoy myself, not for a political statement. Trump is doing okay, something's he is doing well others I disagree, he needs to quit posting on Twitter. I am not inclined to vote for him on a second term.
"Surcharge include"?
we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

As you know, "providing for the general welfare doesn't mean providing anything to any individual citizens. The meaning of general welfare is providing safe and orderly society for citizens to go about their business.

As for defense. That is provided for and required of the President in the oath of office.

The constitution also calls for the President to be the Commander in Chief of our military.
Where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from? General welfare is the Term; general includes, every Thing.

The common Defense cannot include the common offense, even if it is the best defense, allegedly.
we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

As you know, "providing for the general welfare doesn't mean providing anything to any individual citizens. The meaning of general welfare is providing safe and orderly society for citizens to go about their business.

As for defense. That is provided for and required of the President in the oath of office.

The constitution also calls for the President to be the Commander in Chief of our military.
Where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from? General welfare is the Term; general includes, every Thing.

The common Defense cannot include the common offense, even if it is the best defense, allegedly.

Like I said you were probably a band fag in highschool

we do have a general welfare clause, and the right wing, likes to complain about welfare spending but not offense spending.

As you know, "providing for the general welfare doesn't mean providing anything to any individual citizens. The meaning of general welfare is providing safe and orderly society for citizens to go about their business.

As for defense. That is provided for and required of the President in the oath of office.

The constitution also calls for the President to be the Commander in Chief of our military.
Where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from? General welfare is the Term; general includes, every Thing.

The common Defense cannot include the common offense, even if it is the best defense, allegedly.

Like I said you were probably a band fag in highschool

View attachment 119955
The general welfare is not the colonel welfare nor the major welfare, but the general welfare.
This is why corporations should be paying more taxes not less. We spend a lot of money so Pepsi can sell their shit safely around the globe.

Heh.... we could bill them per war, I guess.

Or we could cancel the rent-an-army business plan. Use our military to protect our country and let the banksters fend for themselves.
Funny nothing's simple. For example if we dont police the world maybe Germany and Japan have to start defending themselves but how did that work out last time.

OK then Germany and Japan should be paying a defense bill. Europe too. And Canada and Australia and Iraq

I can't believe the Russians backing the Taliban
We haven`t been policing the world since 1945 and i don`t think Iraq should be paying us for wrecking their country and killing at least 100,000 innocent people. Canada and Australia should pay us for what? They mind their own business and that`s why no one wants to fly planes into their skyscrapers.

Send Canada a bill??? You're out of your freaking mind. We should be billing you for the pollution to the Great Lakes, and our water supply, acid rain.

The rest of the world should be BILLING THE USA for the mess in the Middle East which has created the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII, which has seen millions leave their homes in search of safety. The rest of the world should bill the USA for ISIS and the damage they have caused. You made this huge mess, displacing millions of people, and then the US refuses to take in the refugees they created.

You've got a lot of gall suggesting that the current destabilization of the Middle East isn't all on your shoulders, with the Gulf and Iraq Wars. The rest of the world is paying YOUR BILL in terrorism and death while you refuse to take in anyone.
Canada has been riding our coattails for years. They don't have to have a military because we deal with it. Let's be honest. Now there's a benefit to being the world superpower but you also take a lot of shit for it.

I agree George Bush and Chaney and haloburton are an example of how our government has been taken over by the elites and corporations. I'm not arguing with you invading Iraq was a huge mistake but not to haloburton it wasn't
What are we protecting Canada from? A polar bear invasion?
Heh.... we could bill them per war, I guess.

Or we could cancel the rent-an-army business plan. Use our military to protect our country and let the banksters fend for themselves.
Funny nothing's simple. For example if we dont police the world maybe Germany and Japan have to start defending themselves but how did that work out last time.

OK then Germany and Japan should be paying a defense bill. Europe too. And Canada and Australia and Iraq

I can't believe the Russians backing the Taliban
We haven`t been policing the world since 1945 and i don`t think Iraq should be paying us for wrecking their country and killing at least 100,000 innocent people. Canada and Australia should pay us for what? They mind their own business and that`s why no one wants to fly planes into their skyscrapers.

Send Canada a bill??? You're out of your freaking mind. We should be billing you for the pollution to the Great Lakes, and our water supply, acid rain.

The rest of the world should be BILLING THE USA for the mess in the Middle East which has created the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII, which has seen millions leave their homes in search of safety. The rest of the world should bill the USA for ISIS and the damage they have caused. You made this huge mess, displacing millions of people, and then the US refuses to take in the refugees they created.

You've got a lot of gall suggesting that the current destabilization of the Middle East isn't all on your shoulders, with the Gulf and Iraq Wars. The rest of the world is paying YOUR BILL in terrorism and death while you refuse to take in anyone.
Canada has been riding our coattails for years. They don't have to have a military because we deal with it. Let's be honest. Now there's a benefit to being the world superpower but you also take a lot of shit for it.

I agree George Bush and Chaney and haloburton are an example of how our government has been taken over by the elites and corporations. I'm not arguing with you invading Iraq was a huge mistake but not to haloburton it wasn't
What are we protecting Canada from? A polar bear invasion?
what we should do is start being Canada. Remember when Superman gave his powers away because he wanted to be normal and all of the sudden the world needed him? You would see if we stopped policing the world a lot of bad things would start happening. Maybe not to you because we're your neighbor but one thing is you'd have to have more soldiers. You'd have more troops in the middle East than you do now.

And Russia might invade you
If it wasn't obvious, I was being sarcastic in suggesting that will bill corporations for wars fought on their behalf. We shouldn't be conducting wars for anyone's economic benefit, regardless of how they are funded.
From you that is a great compliment! Thank you, you never did answer my question earlier in the thread, tells me a lot about you. Have a good day danniboi.
begging the question is not debate, only fallacy.

Didn't ask for a debate, asked only for an answer which you have none. I didn't think you thought your statement through and it turns out I was right.
You can't be right, but twice a day, with a fallacy of "begging the question". why not try a real argument instead? to much, "competition"?

You won't participate in an argument, you resort to silly outdated cliches. I don't compete with you, I don't compete with those that can't answer simple questions and divert to silly cliches. At least I am right two times a day, which is two more times a day than you.
so what if restaurants add labor surcharges; it makes it that much easier to study, afterward.

Why do we as a paying customer need to know what the cost of labor is? Add it to the price of the food, no games, no gimmicks, no political statements. You have many ways to calculate the cost of labor, food, and running a business, a surcharge is a business protesting the raise in wages. My reason for going to a restaurant is to eat and enjoy myself, not to deal with politics.
But they get more than oil. They get the compliant appreciation of the corporations that profit from their adventures. We like to pretend that 'American Ingenuity' is what keeps our companies dominant, but military supremacy don't hurt.
This is why corporations should be paying more taxes not less. We spend a lot of money so Pepsi can sell their shit safely around the globe.

Heh.... we could bill them per war, I guess.

Or we could cancel the rent-an-army business plan. Use our military to protect our country and let the banksters fend for themselves.
Funny nothing's simple. For example if we dont police the world maybe Germany and Japan have to start defending themselves but how did that work out last time.

OK then Germany and Japan should be paying a defense bill. Europe too. And Canada and Australia and Iraq

I can't believe the Russians backing the Taliban
We haven`t been policing the world since 1945 and i don`t think Iraq should be paying us for wrecking their country and killing at least 100,000 innocent people. Canada and Australia should pay us for what? They mind their own business and that`s why no one wants to fly planes into their skyscrapers.

Send Canada a bill??? You're out of your freaking mind. We should be billing you for the pollution to the Great Lakes, and our water supply, acid rain.

The rest of the world should be BILLING THE USA for the mess in the Middle East which has created the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII, which has seen millions leave their homes in search of safety. The rest of the world should bill the USA for ISIS and the damage they have caused. You made this huge mess, displacing millions of people, and then the US refuses to take in the refugees they created.

You've got a lot of gall suggesting that the current destabilization of the Middle East isn't all on your shoulders, with the Gulf and Iraq Wars. The rest of the world is paying YOUR BILL in terrorism and death while you refuse to take in anyone.
The rest of the world should be glad the USA does not simply declare ownership of the world's sea lanes and start charging tolls.
This is why corporations should be paying more taxes not less. We spend a lot of money so Pepsi can sell their shit safely around the globe.

Heh.... we could bill them per war, I guess.

Or we could cancel the rent-an-army business plan. Use our military to protect our country and let the banksters fend for themselves.
Funny nothing's simple. For example if we dont police the world maybe Germany and Japan have to start defending themselves but how did that work out last time.

OK then Germany and Japan should be paying a defense bill. Europe too. And Canada and Australia and Iraq

I can't believe the Russians backing the Taliban
We haven`t been policing the world since 1945 and i don`t think Iraq should be paying us for wrecking their country and killing at least 100,000 innocent people. Canada and Australia should pay us for what? They mind their own business and that`s why no one wants to fly planes into their skyscrapers.

Send Canada a bill??? You're out of your freaking mind. We should be billing you for the pollution to the Great Lakes, and our water supply, acid rain.

The rest of the world should be BILLING THE USA for the mess in the Middle East which has created the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII, which has seen millions leave their homes in search of safety. The rest of the world should bill the USA for ISIS and the damage they have caused. You made this huge mess, displacing millions of people, and then the US refuses to take in the refugees they created.

You've got a lot of gall suggesting that the current destabilization of the Middle East isn't all on your shoulders, with the Gulf and Iraq Wars. The rest of the world is paying YOUR BILL in terrorism and death while you refuse to take in anyone.
The rest of the world should be glad the USA does not simply declare ownership of the world's sea lanes and start charging tolls.

We should we are the ones defending them

Heh.... we could bill them per war, I guess.

Or we could cancel the rent-an-army business plan. Use our military to protect our country and let the banksters fend for themselves.
Funny nothing's simple. For example if we dont police the world maybe Germany and Japan have to start defending themselves but how did that work out last time.

OK then Germany and Japan should be paying a defense bill. Europe too. And Canada and Australia and Iraq

I can't believe the Russians backing the Taliban
We haven`t been policing the world since 1945 and i don`t think Iraq should be paying us for wrecking their country and killing at least 100,000 innocent people. Canada and Australia should pay us for what? They mind their own business and that`s why no one wants to fly planes into their skyscrapers.

Send Canada a bill??? You're out of your freaking mind. We should be billing you for the pollution to the Great Lakes, and our water supply, acid rain.

The rest of the world should be BILLING THE USA for the mess in the Middle East which has created the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII, which has seen millions leave their homes in search of safety. The rest of the world should bill the USA for ISIS and the damage they have caused. You made this huge mess, displacing millions of people, and then the US refuses to take in the refugees they created.

You've got a lot of gall suggesting that the current destabilization of the Middle East isn't all on your shoulders, with the Gulf and Iraq Wars. The rest of the world is paying YOUR BILL in terrorism and death while you refuse to take in anyone.
Canada has been riding our coattails for years. They don't have to have a military because we deal with it. Let's be honest. Now there's a benefit to being the world superpower but you also take a lot of shit for it.

I agree George Bush and Chaney and haloburton are an example of how our government has been taken over by the elites and corporations. I'm not arguing with you invading Iraq was a huge mistake but not to haloburton it wasn't
What are we protecting Canada from? A polar bear invasion?

In our 150 years of being a country, we have never been invaded. And we do have a military. Our military was in Afghanistan for more than 11 years. We participated in both WWI and WWII from THE BEGINNING.

If the US wasn't so busy telling other countries what kind of government they can or cannot have, they wouldn't need a huge military either. Your military expenditures are a choice Americans made, to protect American corporate interests ahead of their people at home.

You have problems with infrastructure, education and health care precisely because you are so focussed on being a world super power. The cost of your empire building is now so great that it's destroying your country. Ask the Ancient Romas how that works.

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