and you goyim eat this

i don't dig on swine. they're a filthy animal, and don't have enough sense to disregard their own shit. dogs on the other hand have personality. way more personality than that pig arnold on green acres.

If you ever got to know pigs, you wouldn't feel this way. They really are very smart and loyal and loving animals.

And delicious.
and you goyim eat this

i don't dig on swine. they're a filthy animal, and don't have enough sense to disregard their own shit. dogs on the other hand have personality. way more personality than that pig arnold on green acres.

If you ever got to know pigs, you wouldn't feel this way. They really are very smart and loyal and loving animals.

And delicious.

Very good point, therein lies the hypocrisy of "special rights" for certain animals.
A restaurant serving dog meat.... I wonder if they have a "Presidential Special".
Time for these people to go back from whence they came.
and you goyim eat this

i don't dig on swine. they're a filthy animal, and don't have enough sense to disregard their own shit. dogs on the other hand have personality. way more personality than that pig arnold on green acres.

If you ever got to know pigs, you wouldn't feel this way. They really are very smart and loyal and loving animals.

And delicious.

Very good point, therein lies the hypocrisy of "special rights" for certain animals.

But you see we have decided the hierarchy of animals. In the U.S. we treasure dogs and cats much more than other animals.
While some people might have a pet chicken, it's still very acceptable to eat chicken. A person could have a pet cow, but at the same time millions of hamburgers are consumed daily.

It may seem hypocritical, but it's really not because as a society we have agreed what's acceptable, and what's not, and thus assigned an importance level to our animals.

Have you ever been to Seattle ? Dogs on average are even more important there than many other American cities, in fact there are more dogs by a large margin than kids. There are restaurants in Seattle where dogs are not only allowed inside, but they have their own menu and sit at the table with their owners.

It would take a complete sea change in this country before selling or serving dog meat would be acceptable.
You don't eat animals that are historically companions to man.... time of that companionship historically, and traditionally, predates all religions. They do not call dog mans best friend without reason.
You dont eat humans either but the pilgrims did exactly that.

they were feral savages

The idea that there were man-eating pilgrims is nothing new, but American History courses in U.S. schools typically make no mention of it. Still, many historical accounts mention settlers (though her perhaps not pilgrims proper), turning to cannibalism for survival, particularly as the winter months approached.

In the United States, Americans commonly trace the Thanksgiving holiday to stories of a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation. According to national myth, it was here that the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast after a successful growing season, but the holiday was documented as being in practice as early as 1607, including in Jamestown (founded in 1607), Virginia as early as 1610 or before.

The historical record is chilling. Early Jamestown colonist George Percy wrote of a “world of miseries,” that included digging up corpses from their graves to eat when there was nothing else.

When the 8216 Pilgrims 8217 Ate Human Flesh On Thanksgiving Political Blind Spot
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