Dogs are bred for food in cultures where otherwise, people would starve or at the very least, never eat meat.

That's not our culture.

They also have a lot of hocus-pocus associated with eating them, that is not only stupid but cruel and disgusting. For example, there is a belief in some cultures that a dog that is boiled alive brings stength to whomever eats it. Adorable, barbaric, and has no place in our culture.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

Of course I can, lol.

While the focus in the General Assembly just before the Thanksgiving break was on transportation funding, a bill quietly and unanimously passed the House to ban killing dogs or cats for their meat.

The bill, which must be approved by the Senate, would also make it illegal to breed, process, or sell dogs and cats for human consumption.

"This bill should help deter the consumption of dogs and cats for food by making private consumption illegal. But we also hope it raises awareness in the community to get involved so there's more visibility for enforcement," said George Bengal, director of law enforcement for the Pennsylvania SPCA, which has investigated a half-dozen cases in the last 10 years.

"Bengal said the largest case he was involved in occurred a decade ago in Philadelphia, when 150 Jindo dogs - widely bred in South Korea for meat and pelts - were seized from an individual who told humane officers the animals were bred as guard dogs and for meat.

"Authorities shut down the kennel, which was operating with a state license, because of unsanitary conditions and lack of medical care, not because the person was raising dogs for meat, said Bengal."

Pa. House OKs bill barring killing dogs cats for meat -
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

Of course I can, lol.
Giving them a blow job is not going to stop them from eating dog. Sorry.
while the idea of eating dog does not appeal to me, there's no good reason for it to be against the law in the first place
It's repugnant to a fully fledged human being because domesticated dogs were and are not bred for food. They have been domesticated for companionship, most will die for someone that treats them half assed decently and many still love their masters when abused. If you eat a creature like that you are lower than whale shit.
You are really lacking in intellect. Dogs are bred for food. In Korea for example there are farms where these nice looking white dogs are bred for the sole purpose of food. I saw a couple while I was stationed over there. While I dont condone eating dogs for the reason you listed I dont think everyone should have to bend to my wishes.

Dog Farms Under Sanitation Rules

Dogs are put in a pen on a dog farm. The government plans to categorize dogs as livestock to regulate the sanitation of farms raising dogs for human consumption. / Korea Times

Dogs are bred for food in cultures where otherwise, people would starve or at the very least, never eat meat.

That's not our culture.

They also have a lot of hocus-pocus associated with eating them, that is not only stupid but cruel and disgusting. For example, there is a belief in some cultures that a dog that is boiled alive brings stength to whomever eats it. Adorable, barbaric, and has no place in our culture.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

There are NOT people starving in the US...and if they are, it isn't because there's a lack of DOG or any other MEAT, you moron.

Wrong. There are many hungry US citizens.
I dont waste time addressing dumb challenges that have nothing to do with the point. We dont eat children anywhere in the world as a constant food source. Your analogy fails and falls flat on its face. Think up a better one.
It has every thing to do with it. Your inability to see the analogy is part of the problem. What someone eats doesn't make it right, especially here.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

Of course I can, lol.

While the focus in the General Assembly just before the Thanksgiving break was on transportation funding, a bill quietly and unanimously passed the House to ban killing dogs or cats for their meat.

The bill, which must be approved by the Senate, would also make it illegal to breed, process, or sell dogs and cats for human consumption.

"This bill should help deter the consumption of dogs and cats for food by making private consumption illegal. But we also hope it raises awareness in the community to get involved so there's more visibility for enforcement," said George Bengal, director of law enforcement for the Pennsylvania SPCA, which has investigated a half-dozen cases in the last 10 years.

"Bengal said the largest case he was involved in occurred a decade ago in Philadelphia, when 150 Jindo dogs - widely bred in South Korea for meat and pelts - were seized from an individual who told humane officers the animals were bred as guard dogs and for meat.

"Authorities shut down the kennel, which was operating with a state license, because of unsanitary conditions and lack of medical care, not because the person was raising dogs for meat, said Bengal."

Pa. House OKs bill barring killing dogs cats for meat -

There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

Of course I can, lol.


A fine?

I dont waste time addressing dumb challenges that have nothing to do with the point. We dont eat children anywhere in the world as a constant food source. Your analogy fails and falls flat on its face. Think up a better one.
It has every thing to do with it. Your inability to see the analogy is part of the problem. What someone eats doesn't make it right, especially here.
BS. No one eats children as a constant food source dummy. Use a better analogy like chicken dumbass.
Dogs are bred for food in cultures where otherwise, people would starve or at the very least, never eat meat.

That's not our culture.

They also have a lot of hocus-pocus associated with eating them, that is not only stupid but cruel and disgusting. For example, there is a belief in some cultures that a dog that is boiled alive brings stength to whomever eats it. Adorable, barbaric, and has no place in our culture.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

There's always going to be rogue individuals that will get away with backroom menus.
What I'm talking about is larger scale enterprises where dogs consumed on a regular basis.
Americans won't tolerate it, you're not going to be seeing dog burgers at Mickey D's.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

There's always going to be rogue individuals that will get away with backroom menus.
What I'm talking about is larger scale enterprises where dogs consumed on a regular basis.
Americans won't tolerate it, you're not going to be seeing dog burgers at Mickey D's.

Don't be too sure.

They tolerate damn near anything with the animals they do eat.

And many thought people would draw the line at eating endangered species. That's big business in some urban restaurants. People brag about the disgusting things they've eaten and there's even a popular "reality" show about it.

Eating dog is disgusting but so is a lot of the other things people take for granted and eat without question. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see people bragging about eating dog carcass in the same way they brag about eating other carcasses.
There are people starving here in the US dunce. There are people in Korea that have all the amenities of any place in the US and the still eat dogs. What do you mean that is not our culture? You dont have a culture. There is no hocus pocus associated with eating dogs. Its simply a food. Get out and experience the world before you start talking. That way you wont sound so dumb.

Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

There's always going to be rogue individuals that will get away with backroom menus.
What I'm talking about is larger scale enterprises where dogs consumed on a regular basis.
Americans won't tolerate it, you're not going to be seeing dog burgers at Mickey D's.
Thats not the point. The point is that I told you that you cant do anything about it. It doesnt matter what you allow. You dont have the power to stop it.
"...first-time offenders could face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000."

Pa. House OKs bill barring killing dogs cats for meat -
So how come thats not stopping them? Like I said you cant stop people from doing it.

She's a typical RW - thinks more and more laws, bigger and bigger government is what we need.

Hey moron, it's already illegal to sell cat or dog meat for for consumption in the U.S.
Look ! We have decided in this country that dogs are more important than other animals. They are pets and family members, NOT part of the food supply !
If these people want to dine on dogs, then they can go partake where such an activity is legal and part of the local customs.
We're not going to knowingly allow it here. Case closed.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

There's always going to be rogue individuals that will get away with backroom menus.
What I'm talking about is larger scale enterprises where dogs consumed on a regular basis.
Americans won't tolerate it, you're not going to be seeing dog burgers at Mickey D's.
Thats not the point. The point is that I told you that you cant do anything about it. It doesnt matter what you allow. You dont have the power to stop it.

And you have no power to stop the KKK from existing, but that doesn't mean they are part of mainstream America or that most Americans tolerate them.
I'm saying, in America we decided long ago that dogs and cats have a special place in the pecking order, and with that they are not going to be part of American cuisine.
People who come from places where eating dogs is common, will need to either move back where they came from, or their going to have to hide in the shadows when they set their dinner table.
Sorry but this country doesn't dictate what other cultures may think is appropriate. This disease certain types of people have where they believe what they think is appropriate and should be force on others is the reason the US is hated all over the world.

Other countries can decide for themselves, in this country we don't eat dogs and we're not going to allow people to eat dogs.
Too late. There are people in this country that eat dog all the time. You cant do anything to stop them.

There's always going to be rogue individuals that will get away with backroom menus.
What I'm talking about is larger scale enterprises where dogs consumed on a regular basis.
Americans won't tolerate it, you're not going to be seeing dog burgers at Mickey D's.
Thats not the point. The point is that I told you that you cant do anything about it. It doesnt matter what you allow. You dont have the power to stop it.

And you have no power to stop the KKK from existing, but that doesn't mean they are part of mainstream America or that most Americans tolerate them.
I'm saying, in America we decided long ago that dogs and cats have a special place in the pecking order, and with that they are not going to be part of American cuisine.
People who come from places where eating dogs is common, will need to either move back where they came from, or their going to have to hide in the shadows when they set their dinner table.
I never claimed to have the power to stop the KKK. Actually its good they exist so I can keep an eye on them. You arent saying as much as back pedaling. You cant stop people from eating dogs on US soil. You have no power.
I'd like to see what religion specifically says people must eat dogs.

Sounds like made up bullshit

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