Request for extending voting hours in Maricopa County DENIED!!!!!

They have to cheat, if the demonicRats don't cheat or try to cheat....they know very well they lose the election..they know America hates them!

But this time around..... cheating it's not going to go their corrupted criminal way.
I don't ever want to hear another Democrat whine about "voter suppression". THIS is voter suppression by definition.
Lemme help ya out here:
BTW..all ballots will be counted..thus no one is being robbed of the chance to vote.

A Maricopa County, Arizona, judge rejected a request by Republican organizations and candidates to extend voting by three hours in response to widespread problems with tabulation machines rejecting ballots due to printer problems.

  • The RNC and other plaintiffs wanted polling places in the county to stay open until 10pm instead of closing at 7.
  • Judge Timothy Ryan said he'd seen no evidence that any voters were denied their right to cast ballots.
Driving the news: Maricopa County officials say printer settings caused tabulation machines to reject ballots at about a quarter of all voting centers Tuesday.

  • They announced in a press release around 2pm, eight hours after the polls opened, that they'd discovered the problem and that technicians were correcting it.
  • The county doesn't know how many ballots were affected, but they will all still be counted.
Lemme help ya out here:
BTW..all ballots will be counted..thus no one is being robbed of the chance to vote.

A Maricopa County, Arizona, judge rejected a request by Republican organizations and candidates to extend voting by three hours in response to widespread problems with tabulation machines rejecting ballots due to printer problems.

  • The RNC and other plaintiffs wanted polling places in the county to stay open until 10pm instead of closing at 7.
  • Judge Timothy Ryan said he'd seen no evidence that any voters were denied their right to cast ballots.
Driving the news: Maricopa County officials say printer settings caused tabulation machines to reject ballots at about a quarter of all voting centers Tuesday.

  • They announced in a press release around 2pm, eight hours after the polls opened, that they'd discovered the problem and that technicians were correcting it.
  • The county doesn't know how many ballots were affected, but they will all still be counted.
How does this judge figure that no one is denied the right to vote if their vote is not being tabulated?
Sounds like as long as you show up before the polls close, you will still be able to cast your ballot and vote for whoever you want. It's just that the machines that count the ballots (tabulation machines) are having a hard time reading them, so they may have to be counted by hand.

Why do they need to keep the polls open an extra 3 hours if you can cast your ballot, even if it means that it's gonna take the people who work at the polls a bit longer to count the votes? You can still vote.
They have to cheat, if the demonicRats don't cheat or try to cheat....they know very well they lose the election..they know America hates them!

But this time around..... cheating it's not going to go their corrupted criminal way.

Are we talking about Democrats cheating without Republicans cheating?

  1. Maryland (88.75)
  2. West Virginia (86.35)
  3. Louisiana (86.03)
  4. Pennsylvania (83.62)
  5. Virginia (81.72)
  6. Ohio (81.68)
  7. Kentucky (81.62)
  8. Illinois (81.34)
  9. Alabama (81.21)
  10. New Jersey (80.65)
Top 10 worst for gerrymandering according to this person. I've colored it by governor, state House and state Senate. Two full blue, two full red, four with 2 Reps 1 Dem, and one 1 Rep and 2 Dems.
Seems this is more Republican than Democrat, but both sides are at it.

Actually I think the worst is North Carolina, but anyway.

This one says 1) North Carolina, take a look at these blue areas, 12 and 9 and 4. The red areas are nice and shapely, the blue.... well.....


They were forced to change it to this:

However, it went from 10-3 Rep-Dem to 8-5 Rep Dem, even though Dems got 0.6% less votes than the Reps. Democrat it ain't. one is saying any votes were not cast. They are saying that the votes cast were not tabulated..but that they will be. How hard is that to understand??
How do you tabulate something that was not entered into memory?

Do you even understand how computers work?

If they are not being tabulated, then they are not being stored....... anywhere.
How do you count a vote that was never cast?

Seriously, give it some thought.

Read the article. It states pretty clearly that the printing machines that print the ballots is printing them too light for the tabulation (counting) machines to read properly. But, the ballot can still be read by the voter, and they can cast their ballot. Only instead of their vote being counted by a machine, now there is a chance it may have to be counted by hand since the machines cannot read it. Think back to the 2000 election and the "hanging chad", where the machines couldn't properly count the ballots, so they were counted by hand.

People can still vote. Their vote will still be counted. There is no reason to keep the polls open past the original cutoff time. All it basically means is that the poll workers will have to stay a bit later and work a bit longer to count all the ballots.
How do you tabulate something that was not entered into memory?

Do you even understand how computers work?

If they are not being tabulated, then they are not being stored....... anywhere.
If you say so..I'm tired of the game~ What makes you think that there are no paper ballots?

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