Repubs most used defense of Moore, Trump or any controversy is ”Whataboutism”

Dude, I'm not arguing Moore's guilt or innocence based on the fact that these moonbats here that trashed the Clinton accusers as trailer park trash, automatically assume these women are correct. I'm just pointing out hypocrisy. We don't know if Moore did these things, and we never will, the allegations are nearly 4 decades old.

Do try and keep up.
Clinton's guilt was assumed based on mere accusations, too. So your tu quoque bullshit snaps right back in your face.

And so is Moore's. Stop being such a cementhead.
This tu quoque bullshit is not unique to the Roy Moore thing. LIke I said, it is a daily thing. For many years now.

Not a single day goes by without a tard tossing one out. Within two minutes. Every single day.

See post 75.

Jesus you're either dense or abjectly dishonest.

The tu quoque response is a way for a pathologically submissive personality to avoid condemning heinous acts committed by their team.

It's not just willful blindness. It is permission.

Oh, so you know he did what he is accused of doing?

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