Republicans will not debate.


Anderson Cooper didn't work for CNN?

You should let him know that. He'll get a good laugh too.
sorry over looked him, one of the people you listed…so many demafasict propagandist
How do you propose we set up a system of debates that excludes partisans and those with personal agendas from the process?
We could try, you know, an actual debate.

What we do now is not a debate. There is a moderator that askes various questions to the candidates and then they ignore it and pontificate.

A debate has one question such as who should be president. Then each side presents a case. Then they provide counterpoints in timed increments. The mike should just shut off after the timed increment, no moderator even required for that.
We could try, you know, an actual debate.

What we do now is not a debate. There is a moderator that askes various questions to the candidates and then they ignore it and pontificate.

A debate has one question such as who should be president. Then each side presents a case. Then they provide counterpoints in timed increments. The mike should just shut off after the timed increment, no moderator even required for that.
Then one side would pontificate for their full time and nap while the other side does the same.

So would the audience.

I prefer multiple, specific questions with a back and forth.
Then one side would pontificate for their full time and nap while the other side does the same.

So would the audience.

I prefer multiple, specific questions with a back and forth.
I really do not. What we have now is meaningless drivel. I want to see them directed at each other, not at a go between. Without a series of questions the ONLY thing they would have to work with are the statements from the other side.

A MUCH better solution IMHO and it does attain what you wanted: removing the partisan garbage from twisting it one way or another.
If Joe Biden is running it would be a serious mistake by the Republican candidate to not debate him. The same for Kamala Harris.
If anyone is running as the Democratic Party nominee, it would be a tragically moronic move to not debate. Not only to get like 4 hours of nationwide airtime but the ever-present possibility that your opponent may mis-speak and do something like, I don't know, tell a bunch of white supremacists to "stand by" like the blob did.
Harris and Biden are free to debate the Republicans in a different forum put together by different sponsors.

Nah... This is a no-lose situation for the Democrats. They shouldn't give an inch on this. The CPD (bi-partisan from the ground up) was sat up because the GOP didn't like the League of Women voters. Simply put the GOP wants to play the victim at every turn. Giving in means letting the GOP continue to cry "victim".

What is being ignored, of course, is the situation the GOP will find itself in when their nominee decides to debate Biden anyway. What will the GOP do...tell their members to not vote for their nominee? The man they nominate will have only one shot at this if they lose.... To think that he would decide, "I don't need the free airtime or to put Biden on the defensive" is rather silly.
Nah... This is a no-lose situation for the Democrats. They shouldn't give an inch on this. The CPD (bi-partisan from the ground up) was sat up because the GOP didn't like the League of Women voters. Simply put the GOP wants to play the victim at every turn. Giving in means letting the GOP continue to cry "victim".

What is being ignored, of course, is the situation the GOP will find itself in when their nominee decides to debate Biden anyway. What will the GOP do...tell their members to not vote for their nominee? The man they nominate will have only one shot at this if they lose.... To think that he would decide, "I don't need the free airtime or to put Biden on the defensive" is rather silly.
Bipartisan? Hilarious.
Name a conservative moderator they offered.

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