marvin martian
Diamond Member
I can't wait to see all the lefties here campaigning hard for Hillary next year!
Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.
‘Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have’

Doug Schoen Defends Hillary 2024 Op-Ed: 'Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have'
Pollster Doug Schoen claimed on Wednesday that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who is able to carry Democrats to victory in 2024.

Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.