Top Democrat pollster says Hillary is the "only viable national candidate" for 2024 - LOL

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
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Texas Hill Country
I can't wait to see all the lefties here campaigning hard for Hillary next year!

‘Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have’​

Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.
I can't wait to see all the lefties here campaigning hard for Hillary next year!

‘Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have’​

Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.

That's because they've all gone so hard to the left to appease the tiny progressive base that they're all unelectable. Hillary is the only one who has a name recognition that can lie about being moderate since she's been out of the government and spotlight for years. Hardly anybody will believe that, but she'll still claim it. After Biden used that lie to get elected and then went harder left than Bernie Sanders, Independents aren't going to so quick to accept such campaign lies this time around.
While disastrous for the country, a Clinton-Trump rematch would be the ultimate death match entertainment.

I have become so cynical and pessimistic, I think we deserve it.
a Clinton-Trump rematch would be the ultimate death match entertainment.

possibly prophetic, given their ages.
I can't wait to see all the lefties here campaigning hard for Hillary next year!

‘Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have’​

Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.

Wow dummy, you mean to tell me that the guy who worked for Clintons is promoting Clinton?

Thats almost as newsworthy as a bear shitting in the woods.
While disastrous for the country, a Clinton-Trump rematch would be the ultimate death match entertainment.

I have become so cynical and pessimistic, I think we deserve it.
I don't see it happening because Red Bern thinks he's running the dem party, and he may not be wrong.
I can't wait to see all the lefties here campaigning hard for Hillary next year!

‘Only Viable National Candidate That We Democrats Have’​

Citing President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers and age, Vice President Kamala Harris’ low popularity and “the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket,” Schoen and Stein went all-in on a Clinton bid for the White House in 2024.

Doug Schoen is a legend in his own mind, who calls himself a Democrat but he's hardly a top anything. He's now working for Newsmaxx, having left FOX News, and consistently writes anti-Democratic pieces for right wing sites like USNews, and other questionable sources.
Doug Schoen is a legend in his own mind, who calls himself a Democrat but he's hardly a top anything. He's now working for Newsmaxx, having left FOX News, and consistently writes anti-Democratic pieces for right wing sites like USNews, and other questionable sources.

You've got the wrong guy dummy, his op-ed was in the Wall Street Journal.
The Far Left does not seem to grasp the possibility that their agenda isn't resonating with the public and nobody can fix that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton, who was disliked more than she was liked back in 2016. These guys are so transparent, but the one thing they've got going for them is the possibility that the GOP will nominate DJT, who is possibly the only candidate they could run that could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Any other GOP nominee will win easily IMHO, against Hillary or any other person the Dems decide to go with. But the dislike for Trump will turn an easy win into a contest no matter who the democrat is.
Pocahontas would do a lot better than Hillary in my opinion.

AOC is of age soon too. She'd do well with the left.
Our nation needs 8 years of a moderate to conservative republican leadership. With agendas passed. nothing about removing social justice. But promoting nuclear families and restoring a common sense for our children. Trump hurt nothing for Progs.
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