Republicans Say Goodbye to a RINO

There is no place in today’s Republican Party for anyone who makes a stand against Racism

RINO following the law is racist.

Inciting racial hatred is not the law

He doesn't incite hatred among normal people, only those who apply their personal ideology to spin whatever he says to fit the narrative they want. He can condemn racism point blank and the left merely says he didn't mean it. It is a sickness derived from years of liberal brainwashing.
I only wish our president would condemn racism point blank.
It seems most presidents have had no problem with such a simple act.

Trumps first reaction to racist acts is to ignore them. Lay low and see if any outrage comes out of it.
Then he will issue an ambiguous statement......I hate violence on all sides

Only when the outrage escalates will he read a statement prepared for him decrying all racism

A few days later, he walks it back
Until racism is admitted as something all groups can be, you can go ph uk yourself. Now go kill each other. It is good sport. Mutual of Onaha's...Prog killings...bwhhaaaa!
"Enabling" is probably the best word.
...for what Hillary did, protecting her sexual deviant husband his entire political career...
...for what Democrats have done for years for illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, through things like running federal-law violating Sanctuary cities...
...for what Obama did for 8 years by financing, arming, training, supporting, defending terrorists, and even using our military to help terrorists like Al Qaeda...
Clumsy deflection noted.

I disagree

I don’t so we’re even

You’re odd, big fella.

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