Republicans Say Goodbye to a RINO

Another 'surrender monkey' believing appeasement will work / satisfy the Leftists who demand nothing short of turning the US into Venezuela...


From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
<<GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat>>

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Nebraska GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat

He is right. Unfortunately no dissent is tolerated in the Republican Party.

Yep, every Republican agreed with Trump. :iyfyus.jpg:

You got that right. That is why suburban House members in Texas are retiring. They no longer want to push the Trump garbage.
If Trump keeps allowing these RINO to run up debt he is almost as bad as BO. he got the dead economy going but now the filthy RINODEM want to crash it again with a debt bomb on top of the massive DEM 2007 runup.
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...
If Trump keeps allowing these RINO to run up debt he is almost as bad as BO. he got the dead economy going but now the filthy RINODEM want to crash it again with a debt bomb on top of the massive DEM 2007 runup.
ummm, DEMOCRATS gave controlled the House / budget / spending for almost a year DEMOCTATS continue to facilitate the illegal invasion going on while embracing the economic cost despite the country being trillions of dollars in debt. At the same time Socialist Extremist Arm candidates are trying to buy votes by promising to give away ' free shit' that will add TRILLIONS to the deficit....
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
He'll be drummed out for sure.

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