Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

Dial 1911A1, and then call 911.
How awful! The left thinks it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself and your family from a criminal.

You'll be brutalized or dead, but think how SMUG you can be about it. :cool:

And he claims that this is the greatest country in the world! Is he naive, stupid, or just liking an argument?
If all I listened to were leftists, I'd think America sucks, too.
Daveman has no interest in hearing what the rest of the world has to say or what their opinions are, but he claims to know what leftists outside of America say and think. He thinks that everyone is as stupid as he is.
Somebody's pissed that he doesn't have a say in our internal affairs, and that his opinion isn't eagerly sought out.

I bet you feel entitled to an audience and agreement. It's a common leftist failure of thought.

Oh, well.

Something should have been done about the gun problem 30 years ago. Attempting to do something now is akin to the old saying about closing the barn door after the horse gets out. I do think that more people with guns on the street is not the solution though. The gun and violence problems are just symptoms of America crumbling before our eyes. All empires crash, America had a good run, will the last one out please shut out the lights.
Removing innocent people's ability to defend themselves is not the answer.

Something should have been done about the gun problem 30 years ago. Attempting to do something now is akin to the old saying about closing the barn door after the horse gets out. I do think that more people with guns on the street is not the solution though. The gun and violence problems are just symptoms of America crumbling before our eyes. All empires crash, America had a good run, will the last one out please shut out the lights.

Something should have been done about the crime problem 30 years ago. It stems from thirty years of the breakdown of families, substance abuse, a welfare system awarding single mothers more cash for each child she pops out, an education system that rewards teachers for tenure rather than productivity, a system that has forsaken personal responsibility in favor of special interest... Yeah.... Keep telling yourselves It's all because of lax gun control. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.
"If it ain't broke don't fix it...and it ain't broke"--Daveman. Nearly 100 people injured, a dozen killed and supposedly "it ain't broke".

So, you honestly think that by outlawing guns you will solve this problem? People will still be able to get them even if they are against the law, the only difference? The worst of the worst kind of criminals will be the only ones with the guns and us law abiding citizens will be sitting ducks.

I mean come on, drugs are illegal and we all know that it is not difficult at all to get them, what would make guns any different?

So, your solution is to tell criminals that guns are illegal, do you really think that's going to stop them from getting them?

Give me a break.


Never said ban the guns. Reduce clip sizes to single digits. But no, no type of gun ban will stop maniacs who want guns from getting guns.

But if you make it more expensive by getting rid of the legitimate market, it may take a generation or so but what happens eventually is that supply and demand kick in and the price goes up. So in the year 2016 or so, the price is a bit higher as there are fewer available. Maybe a nut job sticks with the small cap clips and while he's re laoding, he's not firing. Maybe in the year 2030, the prices is a lot higher and the nutjob realizes that having only 6 round mags isnt going to adequately "do the job" and gives up all together.

Making the magazine sizes smaller doesn't infringe on gun owner's 2nd amendment rights, doesn't keep hunters from going hunting with repeating arms, doesn't do anything except makes the user re-load more. If the user is aiming at humans, it equals fewer deaths and injuries.

But you're right; no combination of bans is going to prevent a criminal from getting a firearm in the US. I do think it is ironic that the private sale/gun show loophole is ferorishly protected by many who take that stance--resulting in the self fulfilling prophecy. But what you can do is make it more inconvenient for them. It will make it more inconvenient for them; that is a certainty.
"If it ain't broke don't fix it...and it ain't broke"--Daveman. Nearly 100 people injured, a dozen killed and supposedly "it ain't broke".

So, you honestly think that by outlawing guns you will solve this problem? People will still be able to get them even if they are against the law, the only difference? The worst of the worst kind of criminals will be the only ones with the guns and us law abiding citizens will be sitting ducks.

I mean come on, drugs are illegal and we all know that it is not difficult at all to get them, what would make guns any different?

So, your solution is to tell criminals that guns are illegal, do you really think that's going to stop them from getting them?

Give me a break.


It's truly stunning the lack of reason the liberal uses in their policy. It's illegal to murder, but that didn't stop the Colorado shooter. So why would making guns illegal stop him from shooting anyone?

Before any liberal tries to make the case that you could actually get rid of guns by banning them, I would submit to you that cocaine has been illegal since the beginning of time and yet billions of pounds are smuggled into the US every year.

The only place these tragedies occur are the places where liberals have tried their "no guns allowed" experiment, and it's caused the loss of life. The solution to the problem is MORE guns, not less...
Daveman has no interest in hearing what the rest of the world has to say or what their opinions are, but he claims to know what leftists outside of America say and think. He thinks that everyone is as stupid as he is.
Somebody's pissed that he doesn't have a say in our internal affairs, and that his opinion isn't eagerly sought out.

I bet you feel entitled to an audience and agreement. It's a common leftist failure of thought.

Oh, well.

I vote, so I Have the same say that as you.
"If it ain't broke don't fix it...and it ain't broke"--Daveman. Nearly 100 people injured, a dozen killed and supposedly "it ain't broke".

So, you honestly think that by outlawing guns you will solve this problem? People will still be able to get them even if they are against the law, the only difference? The worst of the worst kind of criminals will be the only ones with the guns and us law abiding citizens will be sitting ducks.

I mean come on, drugs are illegal and we all know that it is not difficult at all to get them, what would make guns any different?

So, your solution is to tell criminals that guns are illegal, do you really think that's going to stop them from getting them?

Give me a break.


Never said ban the guns. Reduce clip sizes to single digits. But no, no type of gun ban will stop maniacs who want guns from getting guns.

But if you make it more expensive by getting rid of the legitimate market, it may take a generation or so but what happens eventually is that supply and demand kick in and the price goes up. So in the year 2016 or so, the price is a bit higher as there are fewer available. Maybe a nut job sticks with the small cap clips and while he's re laoding, he's not firing. Maybe in the year 2030, the prices is a lot higher and the nutjob realizes that having only 6 round mags isnt going to adequately "do the job" and gives up all together.

Making the magazine sizes smaller doesn't infringe on gun owner's 2nd amendment rights, doesn't keep hunters from going hunting with repeating arms, doesn't do anything except makes the user re-load more. If the user is aiming at humans, it equals fewer deaths and injuries.

But you're right; no combination of bans is going to prevent a criminal from getting a firearm in the US. I do think it is ironic that the private sale/gun show loophole is ferorishly protected by many who take that stance--resulting in the self fulfilling prophecy. But what you can do is make it more inconvenient for them. It will make it more inconvenient for them; that is a certainty.
And now for a bit of reality:

Bureau of Justice Statistics Press Release: Firearm Use by Offenders

Inmates serving time in state prisons during 1997 said they obtained their guns from the following sources in percentages:

Purchased from a retail store 8.3 percent
Purchased at a pawn shop 3.8
Purchased at a flea market 1.0
Purchased in a gun show 0.7
Obtained from friends or family 39.6
Got on the street/illegal source 39.2​

Yeah, gun shows aren't the problem. Criminals are.
Daveman has no interest in hearing what the rest of the world has to say or what their opinions are, but he claims to know what leftists outside of America say and think. He thinks that everyone is as stupid as he is.
Somebody's pissed that he doesn't have a say in our internal affairs, and that his opinion isn't eagerly sought out.

I bet you feel entitled to an audience and agreement. It's a common leftist failure of thought.

Oh, well.

I vote, so I Have the same say that as you.
You vote? Legally?
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

Oh really, so we should ban guns because in a nation of 300,000,000 there are a few nuts willing to act out???

You think if guns were banned people would give them up???

Oh yeah the fucking gangbanger down the street is just going to say "hell, I'm selling illegal drugs but fuck it I will comply with law."

Pull your head out your ass...

Give me one logical reason how any gun regulation helps anyone????

If anything all that bullshit does is punish people who would like to own a gun or do own guns...
I don't think banning guns and rewriting the consty is going to solve all America's problems. Essentially what caused this was psychological problems, economic hardship; and the failure of the system to stop crazies from getting their hands on guns and shooting up the community. Columbine and now the Colorado shooting show that the system has consistently failed to prevent (and report) problem students before they go wild and endanger the lives of others. Rather than raging at guns, they should be looking at their own communities; why didn't the University do the decent thing and tell the family and the community about this guy, before he shot up the neighborhood?
Making the magazine sizes smaller doesn't infringe on gun owner's 2nd amendment rights, doesn't keep hunters from going hunting with repeating arms, doesn't do anything except makes the user re-load more. If the user is aiming at humans, it equals fewer deaths and injuries.

No, it equals more innocent deaths. The problem with your argument here is that it relies on the same assumption that prohibition will prevent criminal attainment. Criminals will still go after the larger capacity clips, while law abiding citizens will have their ability to legally defend themselves diminished.
The problem with passing more gun laws is that it only burdens the honest Americans. The criminals will find the guns and weapons they want or need.
The same was true during prohibition.
The same is true with illegal drugs.
And funny, even legal drugs.

If there is a market, then it will exist. We have fought the war on drugs for how many decades, is there more or less drugs than then?

We need to enforce the laws we have, no need for more laws that restrict only the honest law abiding citizens.
So you dont have a proposal.. Just loose lips.........THE SHOCK.............

Yes limiting the size of clips and magazines--proposed on something like page one. You didn't do any reading before posting. . Indeed, the shock.

Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.

Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.
Yes limiting the size of clips and magazines--proposed on something like page one. You didn't do any reading before posting. . Indeed, the shock.

Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.
Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches.
This sort of thing passes as reasoned debate where you come from?
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

Oh really, so we should ban guns because in a nation of 300,000,000 there are a few nuts willing to act out???

You think if guns were banned people would give them up???

Oh yeah the fucking gangbanger down the street is just going to say "hell, I'm selling illegal drugs but fuck it I will comply with law."

Pull your head out your ass...

Give me one logical reason how any gun regulation helps anyone????

If anything all that bullshit does is punish people who would like to own a gun or do own guns...

Remember the 'Guns for cash' crap that went on in the 90' questions asked?

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