Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

I don't think banning guns and rewriting the consty is going to solve all America's problems. Essentially what caused this was psychological problems, economic hardship; and the failure of the system to stop crazies from getting their hands on guns and shooting up the community. Columbine and now the Colorado shooting show that the system has consistently failed to prevent (and report) problem students before they go wild and endanger the lives of others. Rather than raging at guns, they should be looking at their own communities; why didn't the University do the decent thing and tell the family and the community about this guy, before he shot up the neighborhood?

It would be illegal to do that. It would be a violation of the crazies civil rights.
Yes limiting the size of clips and magazines--proposed on something like page one. You didn't do any reading before posting. . Indeed, the shock.

Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.

Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.

Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.
Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.

Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.

Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.

China, Russia, Hitler's name a few...:eusa_shhh:
Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.

Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.

Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.

Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.
Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.

Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.

Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.

You have gone after armor piercing.

The left named them cop killer bullets.

However I can still say hiding behind that car will not help................
Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.

Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.

You have gone after armor piercing.

The left named them cop killer bullets.

However I can still say hiding behind that car will not help................

Oh my mistake. Any movement on getting cyanide laced bullets off of the street? Obviously, that is what the framers wanted everyone to have.
Yes it does. In 200+ years since the 2nd Amendment has been enacted, we have managed to get rocket propelled grenades out of school cafeterias and churches. Maybe in the next 600, we may actually stop the belt-fed weapons.

It's a slippery slope.

Slippery because some people erroneously believe that by handing away their Rights and Freedoms they will magically become safe... When reality (countless examples) have proven the exact opposite will happen.

Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.

Sarcasm does not have a place when you are talking about destroying people's Rights and Freedoms.
Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.

You have gone after armor piercing.

The left named them cop killer bullets.

However I can still say hiding behind that car will not help................

Oh my mistake. Any movement on getting cyanide laced bullets off of the street? Obviously, that is what the framers wanted everyone to have.

Last I checked cyanide is illegal in its own right. But then facts and reality are not your strong suit are they?

So how about defending the US Government for buying 450 million rounds of hollow point ammo?
Yes, I forgot to add that we'll be going after the cyanide laced, armor piercing, nuclear tipped rounds next.

You have gone after armor piercing.

The left named them cop killer bullets.

However I can still say hiding behind that car will not help................

Oh my mistake. Any movement on getting cyanide laced bullets off of the street? Obviously, that is what the framers wanted everyone to have.

And obviously you're so qualified to speak on what the founders intended since you've NEVER read the US Constitution one single time in your life, have never seriously studied history, and probably couldn't name 5 facts about 5 framers without Googling...

I, however, can tell you exactly what the founders intended. And they intended us to be well armed. It was no accident that they used the phrase "the right to bear ARMS". Notice they didn't say muskets? Notice they didn't say guns? They said the right to bear ARMS. As in any and all weapons.

Arms dealers deal in a lot more than just hand guns my friend. The issue is not what the framers intended, the issue is the same issue as always - which is the liberal is too fucking lazy to take personal responsibility for anything. They don't want to take responsibility for their own safety, so instead they would just rather outlaw everything, never mind that criminals don't obey the law (that's what makes them criminals) and so you are only disarming the law abiding citizen.
Maybe they can predict, outlaw and tax the mentally defecient................

If only there was suffecient psychiatric services available for free !!!
Something should have been done about the gun problem 30 years ago.
30 years ago. there were a lot fewer guns, and gun-related violent crime rate was higher.
30 years later, there are a lot more guns, and gun-related violent crime rate is lower.
What problem, guns?
Still looking for an answer.

What answer do you want? I have chosen to live and raise my children in an environment where you do not need weapons for protection. Where life is peaceful. You can go ahead living in an environment where you feel that you need weapons and think that you are smarter than me. Most sane people would disagree. Needing guns to provide safety for you and your family IS A PROBLEM.
What answer do you want?
As to how, given the facts regarding gun ownership and violent crime related to guns, guns are a 'problem'.

Living in an environment where you need to be armed to be safe is a problem. Perhaps you should have read my post before replying.

WRONG dumbass. The people and thier attitudes are the problem. NOT an instrument/ device that NEEDS human interaction.

IDIOT. :eusa_hand:
As to how, given the facts regarding gun ownership and violent crime related to guns, guns are a 'problem'.

Living in an environment where you need to be armed to be safe is a problem. Perhaps you should have read my post before replying.

WRONG dumbass. The people and thier attitudes are the problem. NOT an instrument/ device that NEEDS human interaction.

IDIOT. :eusa_hand:

Calling names is fighting a losing battle. You know what that makes you.
Living in an environment where you need to be armed to be safe is a problem. Perhaps you should have read my post before replying.

WRONG dumbass. The people and thier attitudes are the problem. NOT an instrument/ device that NEEDS human interaction.

IDIOT. :eusa_hand:

Calling names is fighting a losing battle. You know what that makes you.

WRONG dumbfuck. Hard truth. DEAL with it. :eusa_hand:
As to how, given the facts regarding gun ownership and violent crime related to guns, guns are a 'problem'.
Living in an environment where you need to be armed to be safe is a problem.
So, you -don't- have the capacity to effectively address the issue put to you.
Thank you.

And you lack the capacity to carry on a simple discussion. You cannot see beyond your own beliefs, and you probably need notes.
Living in an environment where you need to be armed to be safe is a problem.
So, you -don't- have the capacity to effectively address the issue put to you.
Thank you.
And you lack the capacity to carry on a simple discussion. You cannot see beyond your own beliefs, and you probably need notes.
I'm sorry -- when you can respond to the actual issue I posted, rather than try to misdirect the conversation with red herring, let us all know.

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