Republicans need to agree with Obama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Republicans need to agree with Obama on raising revenues. Yes, we do. Absolutley.

There's no doubt that we need to cut spending and raise revenues. Republicans need to educate Americans that the way America raises revenues is by a encouraging a growing economy.

We need to make it less expensive for business to operate:

Less Taxes

Less Regulations

Cheaper Energy

We need to agree on this.
Obama doesn't believe in any of that.

He just believes in government and higher taxes.

It doesn't matter what Obama believes he's a failed Leader and Republicans need to rise above him.

The Party line should be, Yes, we absolutely need to raise revenues, it will be Americans back to work and get out debt under control and Obama has failed at both.

Republicans need to agree but then point out the only truly effective way to raise revenues: lower the costs of doing business. Lower taxes, repeal Obamacare, more plentiful energy supply
Republicans need to agree with Obama on raising revenues. Yes, we do. Absolutley.

There's no doubt that we need to cut spending and raise revenues. Republicans need to educate Americans that the way America raises revenues is by a encouraging a growing economy.

We need to make it less expensive for business to operate:

Less Taxes

Less Regulations

Cheaper Energy

We need to agree on this.

It looks like that is what will happen, spending cuts and taxing the wealthiest Amrticans. They will also take big tax breaks from GOP special interests and replace them with more fair incentives to small to medium business.
Oh and he thinks "Shovel ready" not so shovel ready is very funny
Republicans need to agree with Obama on raising revenues. Yes, we do. Absolutley.

There's no doubt that we need to cut spending and raise revenues. Republicans need to educate Americans that the way America raises revenues is by a encouraging a growing economy.

We need to make it less expensive for business to operate:

Less Taxes

Less Regulations

Cheaper Energy

We need to agree on this.

It looks like that is what will happen, spending cuts and taxing the wealthiest Amrticans. They will also take big tax breaks from GOP special interests and replace them with more fair incentives to small to medium business.

Raising taxes on a struggling economy is something only a Failed Leader would even suggest.
We need to increase the tax base. We can do that effectively by reducing the tax rate and cutting spending to a point where we spend less than we take in.

We also need to teach the importance of hard work, humility, integrity, thrift, time management, etc. Because through these principles and virtues we can build a strong economy.
We also need to teach the importance of hard work, humility, integrity, thrift, time management, etc. Because through these principles and virtues we can build a strong economy.
I think Americans already know this. We just need to get rid of NAFTA and GATT. Neuter the Federal Reserve, Simplify the Tax Code and pare gov't down to a manageable size.

But this will be hard to do with Obama in office. And replacing him with Rick Perry isn't the solution either. Obama needs to be impeached. This will send a message to anyone else who wants to be President that we don't "suffer the fools" of wanna' be Kings lightly.

Massive debt
5 Wars
Justice Department running guns
Illegal aliens invading
Obama consolidating power for himself while Congress does nothing.

Obama won't listen, he needs to be removed.
Republicans need to agree with Obama on raising revenues. Yes, we do. Absolutley.

There's no doubt that we need to cut spending and raise revenues. Republicans need to educate Americans that the way America raises revenues is by a encouraging a growing economy.

We need to make it less expensive for business to operate:

Less Taxes

Less Regulations

Cheaper Energy

We need to agree on this.

I see what you did there and I like it ;)

I say drill for more oil and build a few new refineries. That would;
  1. drop the price of gas putting more money into the economy by putting more money in lower income american's pockets.
  2. create many new jobs for both the drilling and refinery plus the boost to the economy
  3. create new wealth that didn't previously exist

I mean obama already proved that upping supply is the way to go with the price of gas, just look at his dipping into the Strategic Oil Reserve and the subsequent drop in the price of gas (which is going back up here :()
What's up with all the codespeak of "raising revenue" as if we don't know that's code for "raising taxes"?
Republicans need to agree with Obama on raising revenues. Yes, we do. Absolutley.

There's no doubt that we need to cut spending and raise revenues. Republicans need to educate Americans that the way America raises revenues is by a encouraging a growing economy.

We need to make it less expensive for business to operate:

Less Taxes

Less Regulations

Cheaper Energy

We need to agree on this.

I see what you did there and I like it ;)

I say drill for more oil and build a few new refineries. That would;
  1. drop the price of gas putting more money into the economy by putting more money in lower income american's pockets.
  2. create many new jobs for both the drilling and refinery plus the boost to the economy
  3. create new wealth that didn't previously exist

I mean obama already proved that upping supply is the way to go with the price of gas, just look at his dipping into the Strategic Oil Reserve and the subsequent drop in the price of gas (which is going back up here :()


That's perfect!

See, Obama agrees that increasing supply lowers price of energy, hold him to it. Be agreeable
Sorry. The only responsible approach is to both LOWER spending and RAISE taxes. The legislature on both sides has piled up bills on the credit card...and now they're going to have to pay it off.

Republicans need to take a clue from Obama and start moving towards the MIDDLE. Stop this infantile stomping of feet and drawing lines in the sand. It's hilarious that partisan shills in this thread want to throw around grand theories and hackneyed platitudes. Sounds great on paper. The reality is, both sides have to give so that the entire country can GET MOVING.

De-Regulation? Seriously? Really? Yeah, let's just trust that self-interested big business is going to protect consumers and not trash the environment. NOT! Totally naive if you think that de-regulation is going to help EVERYWHERE. Are there some regulations that could be done away with? Of fucking course. See that's called compromise. It's called being realistic and reasonable. So meet me half way and say that in some places, the regulations in place are NOT ENOUGH!

And as for consolidating need to look at your boy Bush (yeah, that's right...I said Bush. Come back with your tired, stupid "Blame Booosh" meme. It just means you're an idiot if you do) who, under Cheney, thought that anything he did as the head Executive, was per se constitutional. (Hint: It wasn't). Need a link? Go google Frontline's Documentary "Cheney's Law". If you care about the Constitution, it will make you cry.

People with money are going to save their money until it seems safe to risk it on re-investment. I know, I own 3 businesses. I talk with other business owners. That's just reality.

Another reality? Trickle-down doesn't work. If it did, the 40% of the Stimulus that was tax cuts would have amounted to some jobs.
Saying you can payoff your debts when it represents almost half of your "income" is a lie. Time to reorganize.
We also need to teach the importance of hard work, humility, integrity, thrift, time management, etc. Because through these principles and virtues we can build a strong economy.
I think Americans already know this. We just need to get rid of NAFTA and GATT. Neuter the Federal Reserve, Simplify the Tax Code and pare gov't down to a manageable size.

But this will be hard to do with Obama in office. And replacing him with Rick Perry isn't the solution either. Obama needs to be impeached. This will send a message to anyone else who wants to be President that we don't "suffer the fools" of wanna' be Kings lightly.

Massive debt
5 Wars
Justice Department running guns
Illegal aliens invading
Obama consolidating power for himself while Congress does nothing.

Obama won't listen, he needs to be removed.

A good portion of Americans understand the importance of hard work, integrity, etc..

However, and I can state this as fact as I am involved in business management and recruiting in the NYC area.....a GROWING number of Americans are becoming more wrapped up in the inequity between employer and employee and are feeling as victims of "the system" and therefore have lost their drive to succeeed.
Thus are the consequences of a President that uses class warfare to gain public support.
Sorry. The only responsible approach is to both LOWER spending and RAISE taxes. The legislature on both sides has piled up bills on the credit card...and now they're going to have to pay it off.

Republicans need to take a clue from Obama and start moving towards the MIDDLE. Stop this infantile stomping of feet and drawing lines in the sand. It's hilarious that partisan shills in this thread want to throw around grand theories and hackneyed platitudes. Sounds great on paper. The reality is, both sides have to give so that the entire country can GET MOVING.

De-Regulation? Seriously? Really? Yeah, let's just trust that self-interested big business is going to protect consumers and not trash the environment. NOT! Totally naive if you think that de-regulation is going to help EVERYWHERE. Are there some regulations that could be done away with? Of fucking course. See that's called compromise. It's called being realistic and reasonable. So meet me half way and say that in some places, the regulations in place are NOT ENOUGH!

And as for consolidating need to look at your boy Bush (yeah, that's right...I said Bush. Come back with your tired, stupid "Blame Booosh" meme. It just means you're an idiot if you do) who, under Cheney, thought that anything he did as the head Executive, was per se constitutional. (Hint: It wasn't). Need a link? Go google Frontline's Documentary "Cheney's Law". If you care about the Constitution, it will make you cry.

People with money are going to save their money until it seems safe to risk it on re-investment. I know, I own 3 businesses. I talk with other business owners. That's just reality.

Another reality? Trickle-down doesn't work. If it did, the 40% of the Stimulus that was tax cuts would have amounted to some jobs.

I'm sorry, I lost interest almost immediately and stopped reading after "deregulation" I have as low tolerance for stupidity lately, not your fault but thems the breaks
Sorry. The only responsible approach is to both LOWER spending and RAISE taxes. The legislature on both sides has piled up bills on the credit card...and now they're going to have to pay it off.

Republicans need to take a clue from Obama and start moving towards the MIDDLE. Stop this infantile stomping of feet and drawing lines in the sand. It's hilarious that partisan shills in this thread want to throw around grand theories and hackneyed platitudes. Sounds great on paper. The reality is, both sides have to give so that the entire country can GET MOVING.

De-Regulation? Seriously? Really? Yeah, let's just trust that self-interested big business is going to protect consumers and not trash the environment. NOT! Totally naive if you think that de-regulation is going to help EVERYWHERE. Are there some regulations that could be done away with? Of fucking course. See that's called compromise. It's called being realistic and reasonable. So meet me half way and say that in some places, the regulations in place are NOT ENOUGH!

And as for consolidating need to look at your boy Bush (yeah, that's right...I said Bush. Come back with your tired, stupid "Blame Booosh" meme. It just means you're an idiot if you do) who, under Cheney, thought that anything he did as the head Executive, was per se constitutional. (Hint: It wasn't). Need a link? Go google Frontline's Documentary "Cheney's Law". If you care about the Constitution, it will make you cry.

People with money are going to save their money until it seems safe to risk it on re-investment. I know, I own 3 businesses. I talk with other business owners. That's just reality.

Another reality? Trickle-down doesn't work. If it did, the 40% of the Stimulus that was tax cuts would have amounted to some jobs.

I'm sorry, I lost interest almost immediately and stopped reading after "deregulation" I have as low tolerance for stupidity lately, not your fault but thems the breaks

Wow. That was the most pathetic NON-answer I've read in awhile. Pat yourself on the back. Your original post was entirely fluff and partisan shilling. I'm sure you think it's patriotism. Go back and stick your head in the sand.
Sorry. The only responsible approach is to both LOWER spending and RAISE taxes. The legislature on both sides has piled up bills on the credit card...and now they're going to have to pay it off.

Republicans need to take a clue from Obama and start moving towards the MIDDLE. Stop this infantile stomping of feet and drawing lines in the sand. It's hilarious that partisan shills in this thread want to throw around grand theories and hackneyed platitudes. Sounds great on paper. The reality is, both sides have to give so that the entire country can GET MOVING.

De-Regulation? Seriously? Really? Yeah, let's just trust that self-interested big business is going to protect consumers and not trash the environment. NOT! Totally naive if you think that de-regulation is going to help EVERYWHERE. Are there some regulations that could be done away with? Of fucking course. See that's called compromise. It's called being realistic and reasonable. So meet me half way and say that in some places, the regulations in place are NOT ENOUGH!

And as for consolidating need to look at your boy Bush (yeah, that's right...I said Bush. Come back with your tired, stupid "Blame Booosh" meme. It just means you're an idiot if you do) who, under Cheney, thought that anything he did as the head Executive, was per se constitutional. (Hint: It wasn't). Need a link? Go google Frontline's Documentary "Cheney's Law". If you care about the Constitution, it will make you cry.

People with money are going to save their money until it seems safe to risk it on re-investment. I know, I own 3 businesses. I talk with other business owners. That's just reality.

Another reality? Trickle-down doesn't work. If it did, the 40% of the Stimulus that was tax cuts would have amounted to some jobs.

I'm sorry, I lost interest almost immediately and stopped reading after "deregulation" I have as low tolerance for stupidity lately, not your fault but thems the breaks

Wow. That was the most pathetic NON-answer I've read in awhile. Pat yourself on the back. Your original post was entirely fluff and partisan shilling. I'm sure you think it's patriotism. Go back and stick your head in the sand.

No, really. You're not only wrong you're as wrong as Krugman -- which is wrong in the trillions column. When your solutions fail every time they're tried it might be time to try something that's actually worked.
Don't associate me with anyone but myself, lamebrain. Again, you have nothing to come back with so you post drivel.

Why is it so fucking hard for conservatives to realize that BALANCE is REASONABLE. For fuck's sake. You people prey to the altar of the rich so much it's ridiculous.

How about we spend less (see this is me agreeing with you, dumbass) and also tax more (more money coming in, dumbass).

Nah...instead like a whiny little baby you beat your chest and stop your foot.

Have fun in 2012 when your boring conservative candidates get beat AGAIN. I really want to vote for Ron Paul. But the majority of conservatives are too scared to actually give him the nomination.

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