Republicans just love to interfere in the lives of Americans!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!

On the other hand, who is making laws to remove heating and cooking sources other than electric.
Who has forced electric vehicles on a public that doesn't want the inefficient and potentially dangerous EV's?
Indeed, it's not Republicans.

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!

Yeah.. you pretenders stay out of girl's restrooms, their athletics, etc.
Who tells us "when you read Cat in the Hat, it hurts my pussy".....

dems scared of maga.jpg

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!
Is that why the Democrats were threating to have women fired from their job if they didnt get the jab, type of meddling with their bodies? Children are the responsibility of the parents not some pedophile government official who wants to rape the children. There is one thing the Conservatives will do, and that is to forgive someone their sins, but you fuckers attack anyone who dares oppose your immoral actions...

On the other hand, who is making laws to remove heating and cooking sources other than electric.
Who has forced electric vehicles on a public that doesn't want the inefficient and potentially dangerous EV's?
Indeed, it's not Republicans.

Don't forget all the rather outrageous abuses that happened under the #CoronaHoax2020. It sure as Hell were not Republicans or conservatives that deliberately and malevolently sabotaged our economy, stripped us of basic freedoms, including the Constitutional rights of religion and assembly, and even demanded that we take dangerous, experimental drugs, all under the absurdly-fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from a massively-exaggerated common cold outbreak.
Democrats want free healthcare, housing, college, contraception.........
What did I miss?

There is, and can be, no such thing as any of that. It takes wealth to produce it; money to pay for it.

“Free” just means that it is being paid for some someone else other than the one receiving it. It means that those of us who work to make an honest living are forced to pay for things for unproductive parasites, that we might not even be able to afford for ourselves.

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!
Did women determine what could be done to their bodies with the COVID vaccine without consequence?

They seem to consider themselves watchdogs over society, from regulating what women can do with their bodies to meddling in divorce actions. They are eager to be watchdogs over how children are educated and to what they read. They posture themselves as "defenders of the family," which is a real hoot considering that they avidly support a twice divorced narcissist who thinks women exist solely for his pleasure and America exists for him to plunder as he wants.

But, then again, they are Republicans; they just can't help it! Bigly!!!
Astroboy sniveling about nothing while his Democrats dismantle America.

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