Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants

Why don't we just let the Libs spend us into oblivion......

Then again how bout we don't.....

Don't be fooled Roz.

The reps are spending us into oblivion also, they are just doing it slower.

It's kinda like chosing between getting beaten to death with an iron pipe or a rubber hose.

One will kill you faster, but death will be the final out come.

I don't even agree with this. I was told on the 2000 campaign trail that Bush was way more fiscally conservative than Clinton, he turned out to be twice as liberal as Clinton.

The same will happen in 2016, I'm confident a republican will be elected as prez, and when that happens you'll find out he's even more fiscally liberal than Obama is.

Makes no difference in party, they're both on par in terms of being low, nasty, disgusting sewage.

Nobody seems to consider that any president has to work with 516 lawmakers, and try to please 309 million citizens. The law of averages says he's going to be considered low, nasty, disgusting sewage to those who don't get what THEY want.

Debunked by blogger Jay bookman? C'mon now Jay Bookman? Really?

That link contains no factual debunking, just opinions as to why Bookman believes Laffer's theory to be wrong.

Laffer's, um, THEORY?! What's the difference?

the difference is data in the real world has shown Laffer's theory to be true and the other's claim to be false.

Thats all, no biggie.
I don't even agree with this. I was told on the 2000 campaign trail that Bush was way more fiscally conservative than Clinton, he turned out to be twice as liberal as Clinton.

The same will happen in 2016, I'm confident a republican will be elected as prez, and when that happens you'll find out he's even more fiscally liberal than Obama is.

Makes no difference in party, they're both on par in terms of being low, nasty, disgusting sewage.

not that I enjoy defending Bush

Clinton did not have wars do deal with and he got to rid the tech bubble.

Not that Bush was a fiscal conservative by any stretch of my imagination.

Bush did not have to have two wars to deal with. Bush could have retaliated with some bombings and then been done with it. Bush chose to listen to Cheney and the other neocons and to enter the field of nation-building. Note: he chose, he made the choice. We didn't have to go in as an occupying force.


Yup, there were a few windows of opportunity to "declare victory and go home," but we stayed the course. I do think as far as Iraq, however, once the civil war started (which the US lit the fire under), it became a politically infeasible option.
So, tell me, are you saying it is our responsibility to take care of and provide for the children of every illegal alien that gets across our borders? If so, why don't you just extend that to every child on earth?

I would have no child starve if I could get away with it, but it seems to me that you are saying these children are our responsibility. I'm more than willing to help, but they are not my responsibility.


I'm simply saying that, according to the Constitution, if a person is born here, he/she is a citizen of the United States. And that means even if it's a child of an illegal immigrant. Nowhere do I say that if said child goes off on his own, just because he's a citizen, the government is obligated to support him. That child would be treated the same as any other. He'll qualify for some government benefits and not others, depending on his situation, if he ever finds the need.

I must have mis-understood you. My interpretation of what you said was that if illegals brought their children across the border with them those children were our responsibility. Rather you are speaking of anchor babies. Different story and something that we as a nation need to decide upon. Under the Constitution as it stands now, those children are U.S. Citizens... the question is does that give the parents full citizenship rights?

My apologies


You're forgiven, and no to your question.
Do you also think a person is entitled to the fruits of his labors even though his actions were illegal?

Two separate issues. Children of illegal immigrants should not be punished for the illegal actions of their parents.

I also think that people who think it's "easy" for illegals to collect government welfare, don't know what they're talking about. First off, to even apply, they would be admitting they're not here legally, and all it would take is a quick phone call to ICE. That's why they stay in the shadows.

The law is the law you break it you are a criminal

I also think that people who think it's "easy" for illegals to collect government welfare, don't know what they're talking about.

I don't know about other states or cities but in Meckliburg county does give money to illegals.

The total cost of welfare, food stamps and Medicaid for suspected illegal immigrants in Mecklenburg county in July was 2-point-7 million dollars. About 3 and a half percent of the 77 million dollars in total payments. Not all of it county money.
Cover Story: Breaking law to punish lawbreakers? - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC-

All the more reason, we shouldn't "turn everything over to the states." Many can't do things right, nor do they even try.
Especially in a year.

I think Maggie's heart is in the right place on that, but I think she should do the math on it, because I simply don't see where she is getting her idea.


Because in the 90's, the budget was balanced (okay, we didn't have extra cash on hand, but money was moved around enough so that we were in the best financial position in decades), and it was balanced by raising taxes, cutting discretionary spending, scaling back Reagan's HUGE increase in defense spending to where it was before it was increased, and living by an established pay-go rule.

I don't see why it can't be done again. But I'll tell you how it won't happen, and that's if the powers that be continue to shove wedges into sane propositions offered by both sides before they can even iron out an agreement. Every time a big issue is tackled, everybody and his brother has to get his/her face on television and ask a bunch of obscure questions or make some ridiculous statements, which get taken back to the table for "discussion." The lawmakers need to shut out the noise and get down to business.

Yeah? But raising taxes only 2 points and cutting spending only 5%?

Do you really think that is enough? Hell, that should be frigging easy!

Easy unless you are a politician that is.


It is too easy. It would be a one-page bill, and we can't have that.
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.

Liberals hate those groups because rather then liberals taking any personal responsibility to help them they let government do it, and no one is less capable of taking care of anyone then government. Liberals are vicious that way...
Why don't we just let the Libs spend us into oblivion......

Then again how bout we don't.....

How we going to stop them? It seems to me that it is pretty clear that the American electorate will not vote very many incumbents out of office and unless we are willing to do so, we gain nothing. The American electorate won't make them accountable for their actions so we get no where.


On the contrary, tax cuts are very popular and so is most of the spending. Anyone to suggest - Or enact - doing away with either, loses. That's where most of the problem is coming from.

Exactly!! Americans in general want their cake and eat it too. This is the most recent Gallup poll on where Americans want spending cuts, and other polls show similar results:

Americans Oppose Cuts in Education, Social Security, Defense

It's like "the government" to some is an intangible facility unto its own, where there's a White House, a Rose Garden, and a Money Garden, and what they do there shouldn't affect Mr. and Mrs. US Citizen living on Main Street in East Podunk.
The tea party rallies dont really relate to the congress' inability to debate this issue without the B.S. liberal lines such as "republicans want seniors eating dog food" "Republicans will raise the national deficit by cutting spending more than they would if they dont cut spending"

Congress debating vs Union/Tea Party Protesting are apples and oranges.

I don't know which "congressperson" made the dog food comment, but I have heard the rationale that if certain programs are cut, that will result in more unemployment and more people collecting "welfare" anyway. There is some rationale to that, although I haven't seen any examples of what programs they're talking about.

I was merely pointing out the absurdity of how one-liners can capture an audience and dominate a debate. I'm not playing favorites with who does it, but you must admit the protesters at the tea party rallies were pros, as were the anti-war protesters when Bush was president.

Honestly the tea party protestors were not pros. Not by a long shot. I know from experience. I had only been to 2 other ones in my life prior and both were after bush signed the first 700b bailout but prior to my first tax day tea party rally in 08. My liberal family was there with me at the first one in hyannis, it wasn't about politics for any of us that first time it was just about us all being pissed off about the bailouts and corporate welfare and we were hoping it would stop obama from continuing down the road.

Sigh...again, I meant they were "pros" at sloganeering. I don't have a huge problem with the tea party movement.
How we going to stop them? It seems to me that it is pretty clear that the American electorate will not vote very many incumbents out of office and unless we are willing to do so, we gain nothing. The American electorate won't make them accountable for their actions so we get no where.


On the contrary, tax cuts are very popular and so is most of the spending. Anyone to suggest - Or enact - doing away with either, loses. That's where most of the problem is coming from.

Exactly!! Americans in general want their cake and eat it too. This is the most recent Gallup poll on where Americans want spending cuts, and other polls show similar results:

Americans Oppose Cuts in Education, Social Security, Defense

It's like "the government" to some is an intangible facility unto its own, where there's a White House, a Rose Garden, and a Money Garden, and what they do there shouldn't affect Mr. and Mrs. US Citizen living on Main Street in East Podunk.

$300 billion deficits under Bush had you libbies rolling on the floor foaming at the mouth as to what we were doing to our children. Now $1.5 trillion dollar deficits don't make you blink. Double standard anyone? BTW, you were right the first time, too bad you didn't mean it...
I know plenty of americans willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

I'd give up all my payments into social security right now and accept never seeing a dime of that forced investment back if it meant helping reduce and eliminate our national debt.

I'd even pay more in taxes if those taxes were guaranteed to go toward the national debt and nothing else.
I know plenty of americans willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

I'd give up all my payments into social security right now and accept never seeing a dime of that forced investment back if it meant helping reduce and eliminate our national debt.

I'd even pay more in taxes if those taxes were guaranteed to go toward the national debt and nothing else.

Typical liberal scheme. Well intentioned, poorly conceived. Your money would do more for the economy invested rather then given to government. That's the fact.
Because in the 90's, the budget was balanced (okay, we didn't have extra cash on hand, but money was moved around enough so that we were in the best financial position in decades), and it was balanced by raising taxes, cutting discretionary spending, scaling back Reagan's HUGE increase in defense spending to where it was before it was increased, and living by an established pay-go rule.

I don't see why it can't be done again. But I'll tell you how it won't happen, and that's if the powers that be continue to shove wedges into sane propositions offered by both sides before they can even iron out an agreement. Every time a big issue is tackled, everybody and his brother has to get his/her face on television and ask a bunch of obscure questions or make some ridiculous statements, which get taken back to the table for "discussion." The lawmakers need to shut out the noise and get down to business.

Yeah? But raising taxes only 2 points and cutting spending only 5%?

Do you really think that is enough? Hell, that should be frigging easy!

Easy unless you are a politician that is.


It is too easy. It would be a one-page bill, and we can't have that.

My point being it would not be enough.

I don't even agree with this. I was told on the 2000 campaign trail that Bush was way more fiscally conservative than Clinton, he turned out to be twice as liberal as Clinton.

The same will happen in 2016, I'm confident a republican will be elected as prez, and when that happens you'll find out he's even more fiscally liberal than Obama is.

Makes no difference in party, they're both on par in terms of being low, nasty, disgusting sewage.

not that I enjoy defending Bush

Clinton did not have wars do deal with and he got to rid the tech bubble.

Not that Bush was a fiscal conservative by any stretch of my imagination.

Bush did not have to have two wars to deal with. Bush could have retaliated with some bombings and then been done with it. Bush chose to listen to Cheney and the other neocons and to enter the field of nation-building. Note: he chose, he made the choice. We didn't have to go in as an occupying force.



If we had bombed with no boots on the ground we would all be baby-killers. Once no wmd's were found the media and public opinion turned on him.

thinking the cost would be less is iffy at best since bombing raids are costly and missle cost over a million each.
Don't be fooled Roz.

The reps are spending us into oblivion also, they are just doing it slower.

It's kinda like chosing between getting beaten to death with an iron pipe or a rubber hose.

One will kill you faster, but death will be the final out come.

I don't even agree with this. I was told on the 2000 campaign trail that Bush was way more fiscally conservative than Clinton, he turned out to be twice as liberal as Clinton.

The same will happen in 2016, I'm confident a republican will be elected as prez, and when that happens you'll find out he's even more fiscally liberal than Obama is.

Makes no difference in party, they're both on par in terms of being low, nasty, disgusting sewage.

not that I enjoy defending Bush

Clinton did not have wars do deal with and he got to rid the tech bubble.

Not that Bush was a fiscal conservative by any stretch of my imagination.

I hate hearing this excuse.

Then why did his welfare/social security budgets increase and pork barrel spending increase every single year of his presidency? 6 of those years he had a republican congress.

There's zero excuse, zero defense for it.

The only explanation is that fiscal conservatism and small government are no longer principles of the republican party.
I know plenty of americans willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

I'd give up all my payments into social security right now and accept never seeing a dime of that forced investment back if it meant helping reduce and eliminate our national debt.

I'd even pay more in taxes if those taxes were guaranteed to go toward the national debt and nothing else.

Typical liberal scheme. Well intentioned, poorly conceived. Your money would do more for the economy invested rather then given to government. That's the fact.


I know this but I dont think you read what I wrote. I said I'd pay more in taxes if that tax money was guaranteed to go toward the national debt and nothing else.

that means I'm giving the government money and they are putting it where I want them to, against the debt of our country.

I also said I would be willing to give up any returns on my government forced investment into social security.

Are you willing to give up anything to get this situation fixed before it screws our grandchildren?

I think my sacrifice for the greater good comment threw you off :lol:
Because in the 90's, the budget was balanced (okay, we didn't have extra cash on hand, but money was moved around enough so that we were in the best financial position in decades), and it was balanced by raising taxes, cutting discretionary spending, scaling back Reagan's HUGE increase in defense spending to where it was before it was increased, and living by an established pay-go rule.

I don't see why it can't be done again. But I'll tell you how it won't happen, and that's if the powers that be continue to shove wedges into sane propositions offered by both sides before they can even iron out an agreement. Every time a big issue is tackled, everybody and his brother has to get his/her face on television and ask a bunch of obscure questions or make some ridiculous statements, which get taken back to the table for "discussion." The lawmakers need to shut out the noise and get down to business.

Yeah? But raising taxes only 2 points and cutting spending only 5%?

Do you really think that is enough? Hell, that should be frigging easy!

Easy unless you are a politician that is.


It is too easy. It would be a one-page bill, and we can't have that.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein
I don't even agree with this. I was told on the 2000 campaign trail that Bush was way more fiscally conservative than Clinton, he turned out to be twice as liberal as Clinton.

The same will happen in 2016, I'm confident a republican will be elected as prez, and when that happens you'll find out he's even more fiscally liberal than Obama is.

Makes no difference in party, they're both on par in terms of being low, nasty, disgusting sewage.

not that I enjoy defending Bush

Clinton did not have wars do deal with and he got to rid the tech bubble.

Not that Bush was a fiscal conservative by any stretch of my imagination.

I hate hearing this excuse.

Then why did his welfare/social security budgets increase and pork barrel spending increase every single year of his presidency? 6 of those years he had a republican congress.

There's zero excuse, zero defense for it.

The only explanation is that fiscal conservatism and small government are no longer principles of the republican party.

your explaination is right. This is also how all those tea party republican freshmen got elected....people noticed the republicans in charge were no longer fiscal conservatives.
But don't you think that would take all the fun out of a site like this?


NO!! Just once, I'd like to enter a forum where all The Stupids from both "sides" are playing somewhere else.

Oh? So now you too are telling me to STFU! Or actually GTFO (Get the F! Out). :D

Sheesh!!! I can't win for losing.


I wasn't talking about you. Sorry if that was misinterpreted. Actually, this thread has been pleasantly devoid of the ones I could list.
I remember learning about that at college, the Laffer curve.

Laffer curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <-------why do so many on one side of the issue ignore this?!?!?!?!

In theory. But why, then, when the tax rates were reduced, sustainable jobs weren't created? That, to me, was a major assist to the economic collapse. Businesses were not able to maintain themselves due to lack of working capital in tim
es of stress, so they had to lay people off. I call that the Laffmyassoff curve!!

But in reality we have the actual data in these charts from actual government data not from blog sites:

united states


I don't think "graphs" show reality, which is the inyourface fact that corporations take advantage of tax loopholes and keep foreigners employed rather than Americans. Take a look at this analysis, prepared as a result of IRS statistical data reported for 2008, which shows the reality of the Bush tax cuts and their effect on the average American worker. So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy?

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