Shocking Fact: Immigrants - Legal and Illegal - Cost U.S. Taxpayers Money

Libs want it no matter how much it costs to make white people a minority
It's not really shocking, to me. I already knew it. Maybe it is to people who buy the lie that immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

2.1 Million Green Cards issued in the last two years, i.e. legal immigrants here to work. More than 5 million illegal immigrants, people encountered on the border but allowed to stay in the country by various legal machinations.

Legal immigrants are eligible for more than 90 needs based welfare programs after five years, and illegals are not eligible for the majority of them. However . . . their children, born or represented to have been born in the U.S. are eligible immediately, even if they were born the day after their mother crossed over. Since babies cannot open bank accounts nor use debit cards, those benefits are given to the parents.

As the director stated, persons with less than a tenth grade education, be they born in Kentucky or Chiapas, Mexico, will on average be a net drain on the taxpayers of the U.S. - for all of their lives.

Is it true that immigrants do jobs that Americans won't do? Not exactly. They do jobs that Americans will not do for what the employers can pay immigrants for the same job. Americans won't work in the tomato fields for minimum wage, as they found out in Georgia when they made doing so a condition of continued welfare benefits. Many Georgia welfare dolees showed up for the work and gamely tried. But they quit after the morning. If they would truly starve as a consequence, they would have come back the next day and until they got used to it.

Americans will pick tomatos but only for a better than living wage. Welfare allows the minimum wage to be a living wage by subsidizing families living off of it. Same for immigrants making minimum wage as cleaning crews, construction workers, bus boys, food processing and other jobs that employers prefer low-paid immigrants over Americans for.

I've seen Americans work much harder than any of those jobs, believe it or not. I saw them work harder than that in the military, where the work often stretches men to close to the breaking point, including road marching carrying packs, guns, and ammo for days with little rest and no sleep. I've seen Americans sweat like pigs loading and unloading UPS trailers after they have sat for hours in the Texas sun.

White and Asian Americans will work as hard as that in jobs with good pay and a real chance for advancement. Black and Brown Americans will work that hard in jobs with good pay (with exceptions that prove the rule for all those groups).

Immigrants will work almost as hard for low pay and no advancement. That is the sweet spot for employers who don't have to worry that the next promotion will get them sued by those passed over, nor that their workers will take time off for job interviews at other companies.

That is what Democrats are subsidizing and encouraging by paying low-skilled and uneducated people to immigrate. Their children will prosper and contribute, but that will be because they will NOT be immigrants.

Immigrants from third world countries are used to working very hard for minimal pay at home. Even the low pay that they make here is enough for them to live better lives and send money home to support families and relations. That isn’t anything new, it’s always been the case. What has changed is the almost endless benefits that illegal aliens have access to through their citizen children. People, especially liberals, always harp on the fact that illegals can’t draw benefits, which is true. HOWEVER, their citizen children are eligible for a virtual cornucopia of benefits ranging from direct money, medical care far exceeding what is available in their home countries, to subsidized housing, transportation, reverse taxation, and on and on. All this passes through the hands of the illegal immigrant parents who directly benefit from th‘em.
Hell, been there, done that. But this state requires uninsured motorist coverage for your car insurance, I was taken care of. And there were no points.

I got to say, it really takes a sorry sack of shit to complain about benefits provided to children, it really does. That is what the Heritage foundation pecker was doing, that is what the scam artist, biggest Medicare fraudster in history, was featuring. And that is precisely what you are doing. Until you are willing to send a letter to the SSA telling them to cut the amount of your retirement check that is funded by the children of illegal immigrants, you need to STFU.
Oh so it is okay to have children now, where before people like you wanted to abort children inside or outside the womb. Only when it is politically convenient for your side, that you now think illegal children are okay to take care of. As for peckers and scam artists , Marxists/Demofascists are the masters of that trade.

Matters to me. This crook has no credibility. There is no evidence that illegals are a money drain. They for sure are not a drain on the money employers make off illegals
You really are befuddled. Ask NY mayor Adams about the money drain he’s experiencing from illegals.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers | 2023 Cost Study​



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