Republicans, Evangelicals and Moral Relativism


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I was just watching a panel discussion with:

Joy Reid - Moderator
Frank Schaeffer - son of world famous Evangelical leaders
Sarah Rumpf - Evangelical
Pastor A.R. Bernard - anti Trump Evangelical leader
Pastor Mark Burns - Pro Trump and Pro Roy Moore Evangelical leader

It was pointed out that Donald Trump has been accused by nearly 20 women
Roy Moore accused by 9 women from different parts of the state who didn't know each other, several are Trump supporters

Naturally, the Trump supporter brought up Bill Clinton and Al Franken. Even though Bill Clinton was impeached and paid a heavy political price for is actions and Al Franken apologized to the single woman he kissed and had a nasty picture taken with while she was a asleep and she accepted his apology.

Trump and Moore threatened to sue the nearly 30 women and called them all liars and pawns.

That out of the way, to me the heart of the discussion was "Moral Relativism" discussion.

Short definition:

Descriptive moral relativism holds only that some people do in fact disagree about what is moral; meta-ethical moral relativism holds that in such disagreements, nobody is objectively right or wrong; and normative moral relativism holds that because nobody is right or wrong, we ought to tolerate the behavior of others.

At first, Pastor Mark Burns said for as a leader, morals are not necessarily a requirement to be a good leader. Then he used David from the Bible as an example.

Then, Frank Schaeffer said that this "moral relativism" is the problem among Evangelicals. He said that first of all, David was overwhelmed for his transgressions and spent the remainder of his life begging God for forgiveness and trying to make up for what he had done.

This is not something Trump and Moore have done. They not only show no remorse, but they smear their accusers and are continually caught telling untruths.

Schaeffer said his father told Richard Nixon he withdraws his support. And the reason? Nixon's foul language.

Even Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama says she believes the women, but wants Roy Moore elected. She's hoping for another Supreme Court Judge so her religion can be forced on the rest of the country.

Alabama governor plans to vote for Moore even though ‘I have no reason to disbelieve’ accusers

So now, that begs the question. Is it true that Evangelicals now serve at the alter of Moral Relativism? That it's OK to ignore commonly held morals so they can force their own personal morals on the rest of the country?

If everyone except child molesters can agree that child molesting is wrong, then why don't their other "morals" receive such wide support? Why try to force them on people who don't agree with them?
I was just watching a panel discussion with:

Joy Reid - Moderator
Frank Schaeffer - son of world famous Evangelical leaders
Sarah Rumpf - Evangelical
Pastor A.R. Bernard - anti Trump Evangelical leader
Pastor Mark Burns - Pro Trump and Pro Roy Moore Evangelical leader

It was pointed out that Donald Trump has been accused by nearly 20 women
Roy Moore accused by 9 women from different parts of the state who didn't know each other, several are Trump supporters

Naturally, the Trump supporter brought up Bill Clinton and Al Franken. Even though Bill Clinton was impeached and paid a heavy political price for is actions and Al Franken apologized to the single woman he kissed and had a nasty picture taken with while she was a asleep and she accepted his apology.

Trump and Moore threatened to sue the nearly 30 women and called them all liars and pawns.

That out of the way, to me the heart of the discussion was "Moral Relativism" discussion.

Short definition:

Descriptive moral relativism holds only that some people do in fact disagree about what is moral; meta-ethical moral relativism holds that in such disagreements, nobody is objectively right or wrong; and normative moral relativism holds that because nobody is right or wrong, we ought to tolerate the behavior of others.

At first, Pastor Mark Burns said for as a leader, morals are not necessarily a requirement to be a good leader. Then he used David from the Bible as an example.

Then, Frank Schaeffer said that this "moral relativism" is the problem among Evangelicals. He said that first of all, David was overwhelmed for his transgressions and spent the remainder of his life begging God for forgiveness and trying to make up for what he had done.

This is not something Trump and Moore have done. They not only show no remorse, but they smear their accusers and are continually caught telling untruths.

Schaeffer said his father told Richard Nixon he withdraws his support. And the reason? Nixon's foul language.

Even Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama says she believes the women, but wants Roy Moore elected. She's hoping for another Supreme Court Judge so her religion can be forced on the rest of the country.

Alabama governor plans to vote for Moore even though ‘I have no reason to disbelieve’ accusers

So now, that begs the question. Is it true that Evangelicals now serve at the alter of Moral Relativism? That it's OK to ignore commonly held morals so they can force their own personal morals on the rest of the country?

If everyone except child molesters can agree that child molesting is wrong, then why don't their other "morals" receive such wide support? Why try to force them on people who don't agree with them?
Good post. Yes, they threw their claimed Christianity out the door when they voted for trump

Evangelicals care about only one thing. Men are in charge, abortion, and LGBT. Women are required by the Bible to OBEY.

They also believe it is absolutely fine to sell your country to the Russians or anyone else for political power
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I was just watching a panel discussion with:

Joy Reid - Moderator
Frank Schaeffer - son of world famous Evangelical leaders
Sarah Rumpf - Evangelical
Pastor A.R. Bernard - anti Trump Evangelical leader
Pastor Mark Burns - Pro Trump and Pro Roy Moore Evangelical leader

It was pointed out that Donald Trump has been accused by nearly 20 women
Roy Moore accused by 9 women from different parts of the state who didn't know each other, several are Trump supporters

Naturally, the Trump supporter brought up Bill Clinton and Al Franken. Even though Bill Clinton was impeached and paid a heavy political price for is actions and Al Franken apologized to the single woman he kissed and had a nasty picture taken with while she was a asleep and she accepted his apology.

Trump and Moore threatened to sue the nearly 30 women and called them all liars and pawns.

That out of the way, to me the heart of the discussion was "Moral Relativism" discussion.

Short definition:

Descriptive moral relativism holds only that some people do in fact disagree about what is moral; meta-ethical moral relativism holds that in such disagreements, nobody is objectively right or wrong; and normative moral relativism holds that because nobody is right or wrong, we ought to tolerate the behavior of others.

At first, Pastor Mark Burns said for as a leader, morals are not necessarily a requirement to be a good leader. Then he used David from the Bible as an example.

Then, Frank Schaeffer said that this "moral relativism" is the problem among Evangelicals. He said that first of all, David was overwhelmed for his transgressions and spent the remainder of his life begging God for forgiveness and trying to make up for what he had done.

This is not something Trump and Moore have done. They not only show no remorse, but they smear their accusers and are continually caught telling untruths.

Schaeffer said his father told Richard Nixon he withdraws his support. And the reason? Nixon's foul language.

Even Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama says she believes the women, but wants Roy Moore elected. She's hoping for another Supreme Court Judge so her religion can be forced on the rest of the country.

Alabama governor plans to vote for Moore even though ‘I have no reason to disbelieve’ accusers

So now, that begs the question. Is it true that Evangelicals now serve at the alter of Moral Relativism? That it's OK to ignore commonly held morals so they can force their own personal morals on the rest of the country?

If everyone except child molesters can agree that child molesting is wrong, then why don't their other "morals" receive such wide support? Why try to force them on people who don't agree with them?
Good post. Yes, they threw their claimed Christianity out the door when they voted for trump

Evangelicals care about only one thing. Men are in charge, abortion, and LGBT. Women are required by the Bible to OBEY.

They also believe it is absolutely fine to sell your country to the Russians or anyone else for political power
It certainly seems that way.

And here we are, fighting religious extremism overseas. Because it's Christian here, it's OK?
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Nothing good ever came from religious extremism.

But this is a post about "moral relativism".
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See, Republicans claim they are Christians and follow Christianity. They claim they love forgiveness.

Trump never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Moore never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Franken apologized and asked for forgiveness. Did they forgive him? No, of course not.
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Republicans only want to bash Obama and Hillary. When you point out their hypocrisy, they run away screaming with their hands waving over their heads like they are broken at the wrists.
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress, not for any of his crimes against women. The Democrats eagerly elected, even put him on the ballot, knowing what an remorseful predator he is.

The Republicans didn't put Moore on the ballot knowing anything about those accusations (which are less than what Clinton is guilty of). Most politics is voting for the lessor of two evils, and Republicans should give up a seat to the dirty tactics of Democrats (withholding information until Moore was on the ballot).
If everyone except child molesters can agree that child molesting is wrong, then why don't their other "morals" receive such wide support? Why try to force them on people who don't agree with them?

Why do you care about Moore's alleged actions of touching, when you think it's fine for teens under 18 to engage is sex? Democrats have no objection old faggots sodomizing other men, and even boys too young to drink alcohol.
Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress, not for any of his crimes against women. The Democrats eagerly elected, even put him on the ballot, knowing what an remorseful predator he is.

The Republicans didn't put Moore on the ballot knowing anything about those accusations (which are less than what Clinton is guilty of). Most politics is voting for the lessor of two evils, and Republicans should give up a seat to the dirty tactics of Democrats (withholding information until Moore was on the ballot).
Yea, well, how many right wing men lie to their wives about getting a blow job?


Monica was 24 years old. They had an affair. It was none of our affair. The Clintons have been raked over the coals by the GOP ever since. Costing many, many tens of millions of tax payer money.

You know who should have been raked over the coals? Bush. For what he did to America, not to mention the Middle East debacle.
Monica was 24 years old. They had an affair. It was none of our affair. The Clintons have been raked over the coals by the GOP ever since. Costing many, many tens of millions of tax payer money.

An affair literally in the Oval Office is our affair. Clinton also lied to congress about his sexual conduct and he committed rape. Trump and Moore are not accused of anything so serious. Hillary's character is no better than Bill's.

You know who should have been raked over the coals? Bush. For what he did to America, not to mention the Middle East debacle.

biblebelt evangelicals from the time of slavery to the present day have maintained their desired state of ignorance selfinduced by the politicians they chose to represent them. Trump being their present standard bearer.
See, Republicans claim they are Christians and follow Christianity. They claim they love forgiveness.

Trump never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Moore never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Franken apologized and asked for forgiveness. Did they forgive him? No, of course not.

Neither trump nor Moore have been shown to have done anything

And I have forgiven Franken. Have a whole thread on it.

Why do you expect Franken to be forgiven and Trump and Moore not to be?
biblebelt evangelicals from the time of slavery to the present day have maintained their desired state of ignorance selfinduced by the politicians they chose to represent them. Trump being their present standard bearer.

Don't be ignorant. The choice the voters had was Trump vs. Mrs. Clinton.
biblebelt evangelicals from the time of slavery to the present day have maintained their desired state of ignorance selfinduced by the politicians they chose to represent them. Trump being their present standard bearer.

Don't be ignorant. The choice the voters had was Trump vs. Mrs. Clinton.
Don't be ignorant. The choice the voters had was Trump vs. Mrs. Clinton.


little difference among all the republicans ... trump just lied the most.
See, Republicans claim they are Christians and follow Christianity. They claim they love forgiveness.

Trump never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Moore never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Franken apologized and asked for forgiveness. Did they forgive him? No, of course not.

Neither trump nor Moore have been shown to have done anything

And I have forgiven Franken. Have a whole thread on it.

Why do you expect Franken to be forgiven and Trump and Moore not to be?
So you are saying nearly thirty women, many who voted for Trump, are all liars? And lied for, for, uh, why did they lie again?
See, Republicans claim they are Christians and follow Christianity. They claim they love forgiveness.

Trump never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Moore never asked for forgiveness. Yet they forgave him.

Franken apologized and asked for forgiveness. Did they forgive him? No, of course not.

Neither trump nor Moore have been shown to have done anything

And I have forgiven Franken. Have a whole thread on it.

Why do you expect Franken to be forgiven and Trump and Moore not to be?
So you are saying nearly thirty women, many who voted for Trump, are all liars? And lied for, for, uh, why did they lie again?

No. I'm saying you are.
I was just watching a panel discussion with:

Joy Reid - Moderator
Frank Schaeffer - son of world famous Evangelical leaders
Sarah Rumpf - Evangelical
Pastor A.R. Bernard - anti Trump Evangelical leader
Pastor Mark Burns - Pro Trump and Pro Roy Moore Evangelical leader

It was pointed out that Donald Trump has been accused by nearly 20 women
Roy Moore accused by 9 women from different parts of the state who didn't know each other, several are Trump supporters

Naturally, the Trump supporter brought up Bill Clinton and Al Franken. Even though Bill Clinton was impeached and paid a heavy political price for is actions and Al Franken apologized to the single woman he kissed and had a nasty picture taken with while she was a asleep and she accepted his apology.

Trump and Moore threatened to sue the nearly 30 women and called them all liars and pawns.

That out of the way, to me the heart of the discussion was "Moral Relativism" discussion.

Short definition:

Descriptive moral relativism holds only that some people do in fact disagree about what is moral; meta-ethical moral relativism holds that in such disagreements, nobody is objectively right or wrong; and normative moral relativism holds that because nobody is right or wrong, we ought to tolerate the behavior of others.

At first, Pastor Mark Burns said for as a leader, morals are not necessarily a requirement to be a good leader. Then he used David from the Bible as an example.

Then, Frank Schaeffer said that this "moral relativism" is the problem among Evangelicals. He said that first of all, David was overwhelmed for his transgressions and spent the remainder of his life begging God for forgiveness and trying to make up for what he had done.

This is not something Trump and Moore have done. They not only show no remorse, but they smear their accusers and are continually caught telling untruths.

Schaeffer said his father told Richard Nixon he withdraws his support. And the reason? Nixon's foul language.

Even Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama says she believes the women, but wants Roy Moore elected. She's hoping for another Supreme Court Judge so her religion can be forced on the rest of the country.

Alabama governor plans to vote for Moore even though ‘I have no reason to disbelieve’ accusers

So now, that begs the question. Is it true that Evangelicals now serve at the alter of Moral Relativism? That it's OK to ignore commonly held morals so they can force their own personal morals on the rest of the country?

If everyone except child molesters can agree that child molesting is wrong, then why don't their other "morals" receive such wide support? Why try to force them on people who don't agree with them?
You might say the Evangelicals have made a pact with the Devil. Selling your soul for worldly gain.

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