Republicans...Be afraid.

This is why Trump is making fun of him and the Trump Channel (Fox News) is targeting him.
They are afraid. You Trumpies should be, too.

Yeah, "FOX NEWS", which is OWNED BY DISNEY !

You know,...that Ultra CONSERVATIVE, Right Wing, Jesus Loving, Gay Hating symbol of Christian and Right Wing values. :rolleyes:

Disney bought 21st Century Fox, but Rupert Murdoch still runs Fox News.
And Rupert and Donald are very good friends.

Fox News reportedly killed Stormy Daniels story to help Trump win

""""But the report, a potentially huge scandal that could have damaged Trump at the polls, never saw the light of day. The Fox News executive Ken LaCorte reportedly told Falzone: “Good reporting, kiddo. But Rupert wants Donald Trump to win. So just let it go,” the New Yorker article says.""""

Any other questions, little cockroach?

Is that supposed to be a swastika in your avatar?

It looks kinda...I don't know, like it's not a swastika.


There you go.

Looks like "45" to me. I always just thought it WAS a swastika. Didn't really pay it any attention.
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Isn't this the guy who wrote about his fantasy of running children over with his car?

Indeed it is. He is also narcissistic enough the Stream his dental appt. These people are just strange.

I'm guessing you've never been to Trump's twitter feed....

I'm not a Trump guy, sorry.
I also have a life and don't Twitter.

So you're saying that Trump doesn't have a life because he tweets 24/7.
I would agree.
Isn't this the guy who wrote about his fantasy of running children over with his car?

Indeed it is. He is also narcissistic enough the Stream his dental appt. These people are just strange.

I'm guessing you've never been to Trump's twitter feed....

I'm not a Trump guy, sorry.
I also have a life and don't Twitter.

So you're saying that Trump doesn't have a life because he tweets 24/7.
I would agree.

LOL, I'm saying YOU need a life, Trump lives in your head.
Yes, clearly! I was only joking and definitely didn't fail to realize that.

Didn't mean that to sound like I was poking you. But now that I re-read it, it did sound that way.

TBH...I JUST realized it myself when I posted it. Never really paid it any attention until your post a few minutes ago.

And now that I've realized what a moron she/he/it is, I'll go back to ignoring it.
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Is Hollywood money dirtier than Koch brothers and Mercer family money?
They cheat getting their stupid kids into the best schools....they tell you to protest white privilege while they are the ones to use their privilege...but libs like you are so star struck I bet you don't even care....and the Koch brothers are no friend of myself or Trump so bringing them up is a joke...but since you did why don't you tell me what they are guilty of.....
.We have lived in Texas the last few years, and so witnessed more of the Beto campaign than what was in the national news.

So here's some factoids for the Trumpanzees from Beto's campaign page:

""We raised a record-breaking amount of money from ALL people -- not a dime from PACs or corporations.


Beto received more votes than any Democrat in Texas history."


This is why Trump is making fun of him and the Trump Channel (Fox News) is targeting him.
They are afraid. You Trumpies should be, too.

He lost to Ted Cruz.
Fox News) is targeting him.
They are afraid.

Beyond stupid.

They "target" him because he is running for the biggest office in the land. As a media outlet that is their job.

You're an idiot

I can feel your fear coming through the pixels on this page.
Must suck to be you.
I suggest you do some reading and learn that before Roger Ailes was forced to leave Fox, he was outraged at the way the producers and anchors were sucking up to Trump, and told them they were de-legitimizing his network.

After he left, it all went to shit...I mean, to Trump. Same thing.
There needs to be real conservative channels on cable TV. Compatible to CNN and MSNBC as news channels to start.
It'll be fun.

Personally, I don't care if a white, a black or a brown person wins the election, just as long as they're not orange.
Anyone can be orange. Just use the same filters that they use with Trump.

Lots to see when Trump's tax returns are finally made public. I'm interested in how much he deducts for all that fake tanning paint.

You still haven't seen his taxes?
You beautiful loser, you......:auiqs.jpg:
If he is so good at raising money, why isn’t he releasing the data for how much he has raised this week?
All that and he still lost and now he will have who knows how many Democrat rivals digging into his past it's only been a couple days and he is already having to walk back his I was born to do this comment. Running against one person in a state race is far different than running against a dozen or more in a Presidential primary.
It'll be fun.

Personally, I don't care if a white, a black or a brown person wins the election, just as long as they're not orange.
Anyone can be orange. Just use the same filters that they use with Trump.

Lots to see when Trump's tax returns are finally made public. I'm interested in how much he deducts for all that fake tanning paint.

You still haven't seen his taxes?
You beautiful loser, you......:auiqs.jpg:
Beto is a shill like all of the other progressives who will be fed his agendas. You guys promote the spreading of sexual diseases and molesting of children. And there is no guilt.

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