Republicans are the problem

yea sure Bobo......who replaced them?......more of the same? cant replace bad guys with guys from the same team....wise up Bobo.....break away.....the Democrats are just like Republicans.....Republicans tell you they are going to fuck you.....Democrats tell you they are with you,as soon as you leave the room the giggling begins.....then they fuck you behind your back.....are you with me Bobo?....break away from those basterds.....ITS NOT TO LATE......

Now, I'm not Bobo.....but I'd like to ask you something. You say "go third party". So riddle me this, Batman.....If one isn't a conservative.....but not as radical as say.....a Communist or even a know.....a centrist that leans a little left? Where does that type of person find a third party?

I became a Dem in '07, after THIRTY FOUR years of being a Republican(turned 18 in 1983). I probably would have stayed with the GOP, but I noticed the devolution of the Republican Party happening. The rhetoric and the demonizing of fellow Americans because they didn't tow the Party line on every issue(RINO'S?) noticing that the "everymen" of this country seemed to be struggling more and more and the wealthy making more than ever before......and STILL bitching about taxes and regulations convinced me that this version of the GOP didn't have the best interests of the country at heart.....other things bothered me too. Like Dick Cheney being the veep, the ongoing war in Iraq, and Cheney's COMPANY(Haliburton) going in there and making a killing reeks not only of a conflict of interest, but horrible corruption at the worst level.

What's sad is not only was I right, but it's gotten so much worse....This hatred and radicalism is not what our country is about.....and yes, some of it goes both ways.....I've seen hard core lefties do similar things.....but those ideas and vitriol have been traditionally a product of the fringe. This stuff coming from the right is becoming more and more mainstream Republican ideology.

Firefly/Chiccolini......if your for it.....they are against it.....the Freedonia one buys them out.....

Wow...great douchebag answer. People like you are why I left the party. If you aren't with us on any given're a fuckin' MARXist.

Go fuck yourself.
We are all Americans and as such we should all want what is best for our country as a whole. Democrats divide people into groups, blacks whites gays not gays poor rich, this is not American it is political.

Republicans don't divide but they also don't include. Republicans hide behind moderation and religion. This is also not American.

Freedom for all does not mean special rights, as many groups seem to think.

We need someone who can lead without pandering or blaming the other party. We need someone who can lead this country down the path to lower taxes less regulations more freedom and prosperity for ALL Americans not just a select group.

No more race baiting gay bashing no more rich against poor. We all should be united for the greater good of America or this country is doomed to an eternal whirlpool into oblivion going nowhere.
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Like we didn't already know this?

Before you rw's get all whiny about being the (**sob**) victims of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, you might want to read these two, linked from the first one.

Five myths about conservative voters - The Washington Post

Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post

Nonetheless, the FACT still stands that the pubs are the problem.

This post is BS. The problem isn't Republicans. It's Democrats. And Republicans. They all quit working for us a long time ago. Now unless we can figure out a way to neutralize Citizen's United, we'll become virtually incosequential to them.
This is how I know that your arrogance knows no bounds.

We haven't been of any consequence to them for the last century....Maybe even longer.

We get pieces of legislation rammed through congress -by both (D)s & (R)s- that are thousands of pages long, read by virtually nobody, incomprehensible to anyone who would bother to read them anyways, that contain scores of provisions empowering agencies that are completely unrelated to the high-minded or innocuous (take your pick) ostensible reason for the bills (national security, health reform, financial reform, campaign reform, immigration reform, transportation funding, ag funding, you name it), crammed with police/nanny state regulations and edicts that would give Stalin wet dreams, and bloody windbags like you can point at some relatively picayune USSC ruling like Citizens United, and piously claim that as the root of all the detatched-from-reality dysfunction to outright despotism eminiating from the District of Criminals?

And you wonder why it is dudes like me don't take chumps like you seriously?

Fuck me running! :lol::lol::lol:
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Like we didn't already know this?

Before you rw's get all whiny about being the (**sob**) victims of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, you might want to read these two, linked from the first one.

Five myths about conservative voters - The Washington Post

Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post

Nonetheless, the FACT still stands that the pubs are the problem.

This post is BS. The problem isn't Republicans. It's Democrats. And Republicans. They all quit working for us a long time ago. Now unless we can figure out a way to neutralize Citizen's United, we'll become virtually incosequential to them.
This is how I know that your arrogance knows no bounds.

We haven't been of any consequence to them for the last century....Maybe even longer.

We get pieces of legislation rammed through congress -by both (D)s & (R)s- that are thousands of pages long, read by virtually nobody, incomprehensible to anyone who would bother to read them anyways, that contain scores of provisions empowering agencies that are completely unrelated to the high-minded or innocuous (take your pick) ostensible reason for the bills (national security, health reform, financial reform, campaign reform, immigration reform, transportation funding, ag funding, you name it), crammed with police/nanny state regulations and edicts that would give Stalin wet dreams, and bloody windbags like you can point at some relatively picayune USSC ruling like Citizens United, and piously claim that as the root of all the detatched-from-reality dysfunction to outright despotism eminiating from the District of Criminals?

And you wonder why it is dudes like me don't take chumps like you seriously?

Fuck me running!

Well Junior, I want to put this as gently as possible because we all know how prone to hysterics you are. Ya see, we grown-ups aren't concerned with whether you children take us seriously.
We can discuss things like policy, issues, topics etc... Obvously, if we're discussing a particular topic, that doesn't mean we think it is the cause of "ALL problems". Do you understand? Good! I knew you would!
In the meantime, some of us have really neat, happy lives! So it's not like we take the little tinfoil hat wearers real seriously.
But don't worry! If anyone gives you any crap, you just tell me. As your new BFF and BB, I will protect you from the enslavers!
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We are all Americans and as such we should all want what is best for our country as a whole. Democrats divide people into groups, blacks whites gays not gays poor rich, this is not American it is political.

Republicans don't divide but they also don't include. Republicans hide behind moderation and religion. This is also not American.

Freedom for all does not mean special rights, as many groups seem to think.

We need someone who can lead without pandering or blaming the other party. We need someone who can lead this country down the path to lower taxes less regulations more freedom and prosperity for ALL Americans not just a select group.

No more race baiting gay bashing no more rich against poor. We all should be united for the greater good of America or this country is doomed to an eternal whirlpool into oblivion going nowhere.

Your post is bullshit.
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Like we didn't already know this?

Before you rw's get all whiny about being the (**sob**) victims of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, you might want to read these two, linked from the first one.

Five myths about conservative voters - The Washington Post

Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post

Nonetheless, the FACT still stands that the pubs are the problem.

So what do you suggest you all do with the millions of people who are Republicans, heard them in a gas chamber and kill them off?

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