Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

There you go again, celebrating he Democratic Party's racist perspective on America.
Um.......OK......Nazi's running as Republicans.......that's.........Democrats............celebrating...........racist.........OK, you lost me.

Can you explain it again?
Identifying people by their race rather than what they do is racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Dr. King, who said he dreamt of a time when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts, but you continue to make race the cornerstone of every post as do most Democrats. Clearly, Dr. King was not dreaming of today's Democratic Party.

See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.
Do you or do you not live in fear of cartoonish ridiculous, comedic characters that you enjoy laughing at? Neither do we.

Such is AOC. Naturally, you take her seriously.
Here is a link to the Green New Deal.

PDF of the Green New Deal

All you have to do is point out the parts that outlaw children, hamburgers and Ice cream.

That's all you have to do.

And that will take Republicans from being lying and un serious clowns to people actually having a debate.
The Green New Deal is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party which is why Pelosi refuses to put it to a vote in the House and why she and Schumer were furious when McConnell decided to put it to a vote in the Senate.
It wasn't a law. It was merely a policy guideline.

Here is a copy of it. Point out the part that upset you so.

PDF of Green New Deal
It can't be a law unless it is passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, but it certainly is a source of embarrassment to the Democratic Party as was Ocasio-Cortez' threat to support challengers in the primaries against moderates in the Party. The Democrat's campaign committee has responded to that threat by passing a rule that the DNC will boycott and company that works to unseat an incumbent. And her demand that ICE be disbanded is another source of embarrassment to the Party, as is her demande that Latinos be exempt from US immigration law or her argument that it is irresponsible to have babies because the world is becoming such a horrible place.
It's only embarrassing to the ignorant that refuse to read it.

Did you read it?

I posted a link to it.

Which part did you find embarrassing?



Thought so.
If you read it and understood it, you know it means no more air travel and no more trans Pacific or trans Atlantic trade unless is is carried on by sailboat or canoe and it means no more air force or navy. That is embarrassing.
Um.......OK......Nazi's running as Republicans.......that's.........Democrats............celebrating...........racist.........OK, you lost me.

Can you explain it again?
Identifying people by their race rather than what they do is racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Dr. King, who said he dreamt of a time when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts, but you continue to make race the cornerstone of every post as do most Democrats. Clearly, Dr. King was not dreaming of today's Democratic Party.

See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.
Here is a link to the Green New Deal.

PDF of the Green New Deal

All you have to do is point out the parts that outlaw children, hamburgers and Ice cream.

That's all you have to do.

And that will take Republicans from being lying and un serious clowns to people actually having a debate.
The Green New Deal is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party which is why Pelosi refuses to put it to a vote in the House and why she and Schumer were furious when McConnell decided to put it to a vote in the Senate.
It wasn't a law. It was merely a policy guideline.

Here is a copy of it. Point out the part that upset you so.

PDF of Green New Deal
It can't be a law unless it is passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, but it certainly is a source of embarrassment to the Democratic Party as was Ocasio-Cortez' threat to support challengers in the primaries against moderates in the Party. The Democrat's campaign committee has responded to that threat by passing a rule that the DNC will boycott and company that works to unseat an incumbent. And her demand that ICE be disbanded is another source of embarrassment to the Party, as is her demande that Latinos be exempt from US immigration law or her argument that it is irresponsible to have babies because the world is becoming such a horrible place.
It's only embarrassing to the ignorant that refuse to read it.

Did you read it?

I posted a link to it.

Which part did you find embarrassing?



Thought so.
If you read it and understood it, you know it means no more air travel and no more trans Pacific or trans Atlantic trade unless is is carried on by sailboat or canoe and it means no more air force or navy. That is embarrassing.

There seems to be a common theme of illiteracy in your posts. Why is that?
Identifying people by their race rather than what they do is racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Dr. King, who said he dreamt of a time when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts, but you continue to make race the cornerstone of every post as do most Democrats. Clearly, Dr. King was not dreaming of today's Democratic Party.

See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.

LOL, more word games.
Identifying people by their race rather than what they do is racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Dr. King, who said he dreamt of a time when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts, but you continue to make race the cornerstone of every post as do most Democrats. Clearly, Dr. King was not dreaming of today's Democratic Party.

See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.

He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.
The Green New Deal is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party which is why Pelosi refuses to put it to a vote in the House and why she and Schumer were furious when McConnell decided to put it to a vote in the Senate.
It wasn't a law. It was merely a policy guideline.

Here is a copy of it. Point out the part that upset you so.

PDF of Green New Deal
It can't be a law unless it is passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, but it certainly is a source of embarrassment to the Democratic Party as was Ocasio-Cortez' threat to support challengers in the primaries against moderates in the Party. The Democrat's campaign committee has responded to that threat by passing a rule that the DNC will boycott and company that works to unseat an incumbent. And her demand that ICE be disbanded is another source of embarrassment to the Party, as is her demande that Latinos be exempt from US immigration law or her argument that it is irresponsible to have babies because the world is becoming such a horrible place.
It's only embarrassing to the ignorant that refuse to read it.

Did you read it?

I posted a link to it.

Which part did you find embarrassing?



Thought so.
If you read it and understood it, you know it means no more air travel and no more trans Pacific or trans Atlantic trade unless is is carried on by sailboat or canoe and it means no more air force or navy. That is embarrassing.

There seems to be a common theme of illiteracy in your posts. Why is that?
It only seems that way to you because you are so defensive. My post is perfectly clear but your understanding is clearly flawed.
See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.

He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.

He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.

He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest.

In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at. That makes no JUDGMENT about black ballplayers. It makes a judgment about how that black ballplayer will be received.

Really, THIS is so complex as to fly over your hood?

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

(/STILL oftopic)
Last edited:
It is absolutely just as racist as Biden's statement about African Americans.

Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.
He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.
Biden made no statement "about African Americans". Prove me wrong.
He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.
He said no African American before Obama was clean, bright, articulate. That was what Obama and Jackson took exception to. Ask yourself why you have such a hard time understanding this.

See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.
See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

I'm one of those knuckle draggers who is beyond you reach mentally.
See what I mean? I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it.

And NO, he did not say "no African American before O'bama was clean, bright, articulate". That's you LYING about what the quote is.

Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

Aren't you the same shitforbrains who posted

those Countries are [sic] shit hole.
English class. Go there.
Well actually he used the description in the singular and not the plural.

Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

Aren't you the same shitforbrains who posted

those Countries are [sic] shit hole.
English class. Go there.

LOL, there you go running and deflecting again. No wonder you are having a break down, I'm owning you.
There you go again, celebrating he Democratic Party's racist perspective on America.
Um.......OK......Nazi's running as Republicans.......that's.........Democrats............celebrating...........racist.........OK, you lost me.

Can you explain it again?
Identifying people by their race rather than what they do is racism. If you don't believe me, just ask Dr. King, who said he dreamt of a time when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts, but you continue to make race the cornerstone of every post as do most Democrats. Clearly, Dr. King was not dreaming of today's Democratic Party.

See what I mean? You're using terms where you have NO CLUE what they mean.

Racism --- ONCE AGAIN ---- means a belief that one race is superior to another. Now try to plug that in to your half-baked ass-umptions about quotes you don't even understand and just parrot because you've been told to, yet cant' think your way through them.

Ain't gonna wash Hunior.
lol According to Dr. King it mens judging a person by the color of his or her skin and not by the content of his or her heart, but the Democrats clearly put race first. That's why Pelosi couldn't find support for censuring Omar's anti semitic rants. Identity politics is racist.
So Republicans judged Obama to be a tar baby? And that is nothing racial?

Nothing racist here:


Or here:


This video is hilarious. It's from Fox and someone starts saying "tar baby" and the one black guy laughs in a very uncomfortable manner. They don't even realize how insulting they are.

It's from FOX only because they were showing Fauxahontas's youTube video where she drank beer and it was sitting on her cupboard.
Correct, he's referring to O'bama in the context of a conversation about several candidates, in a diner over a bowl of tomato soup. The entire conversation (from 2007) is about whether Hillary or O'bama (or others) have a likely shot in the next contest. In other words it could have been Branch Rickey describing Jackie Robinson in terms of how JR's image would leave the racist element with little to grasp at.

It's about marketing and the audience being marketed to. It's about political strategies. It's about the players on his team and what they're capable of. Nothing in there makes a judgment about any race, which is what racism requires.

LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

Aren't you the same shitforbrains who posted

those Countries are [sic] shit hole.
English class. Go there.

LOL, there you go running and deflecting again. No wonder you are having a break down, I'm owning you.

Okay let me fix that by translating to Ignoramese:

"English classes. You all should goes there".
LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

Aren't you the same shitforbrains who posted

those Countries are [sic] shit hole.
English class. Go there.

LOL, there you go running and deflecting again. No wonder you are having a break down, I'm owning you.

Okay let me fix that by translating to Ignoramese:

"English classes. You all should goes there".

You seem intent on proving everything I have said about you kid.
LOL, He referred to his an "African American", YOU said he never made any statement like that.

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

Sorry son, you said it.

You're one of these knuckledraggers who can't tell the difference between a singular and a collective, huh.

Reeding is harde.

I proved what you said wrong, I slapped you again.

Your words son....

I challenged you to show me where Biden made a statement "about African Americans" and you can't do it."

You included no qualifiers little man. I know it hurts when someone you believe to be intellectually inferior continuously slaps you around.

Aren't you the same shitforbrains who posted

those Countries are [sic] shit hole.
English class. Go there.

LOL, there you go running and deflecting again. No wonder you are having a break down, I'm owning you.

Okay let me fix that by translating to Ignoramese:

"English classes. You all should goes there".
So maybe you should learn when to use a semi-colon.


So what about Bryce and the Phillies?

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