Republicans and Race


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:
More blacks and Hispanics voted R than ever before

To little to late anyway ....and to many sell out establishment pussys in the GOPe
So in conclusion
Fuck your illegitimate Muppet regime

In the internal email, Robert Salesses, DoD's assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and global security, reportedly wrote:
"If it's not possible to sustain at the current level with [National Guard] personnel, we need to establish the number of [National Guard] personnel ([D.C. National Guard] and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:
Whoa there LaQuisha, last I heard the Senate was 50-50 and the House was almost the same. State chambers are dominated by the GOP as were governors. Where did you get this shit?
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.
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It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's.

I think this is the part that upsets them the most. Pretty white women being attracted to black men just ruffles the shit out of their feathers. How much racism is fueled by a sense of sexual inferiority?

1. The OP is 100% right: The Caucasian population is declining very fast. By 2050, we are told, Caucasians will simply be the most numerous minority group.

2. I respectfully disagree that most Caucasians are racist.

a. They simply fear becoming a victim of crime committed by certain young gentlemen.
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.

The democrat party is the party of racism you moron....

the core groups of the party and the party leadership are openly and proudly racist....

The racists of all skin colors call the democrat party home.......they want to centralize government power so they can punish their racial enemies......

barak obama, is a his core.......he is friends and allies with racists and anti-semites....louis farrkhan, al sharpton and jeremiah wright are only 3 of them.......and the core groups of the party, The Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza, nation of islam, black lives matter, are all openly and proudly racist...pushing racial segregation and hate........
Racism isn't defined by party it's individualistic twisted logic. Most Americans are not racist. I do realize as a white male I've had an easier go of it something I'm not proud of. But to say racism belongs to one cult(I mean party I have no use for political corrupt parties) is foolish. My race is not superior nor I ferior. It's simply a race.
I sense much hostility of white people by the OP.
He's a fake "moderate" who droops by to regurgitate his paraphrased recitation of DNC moonbat blabbering points.

Though he has given up the practice of prefacing his OPs withe the disingenuous "thoughts from an independent" subtitle that fooled absolutely nobody....So there's that.
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:
You can not stay the number one nation in the world if the new people replacing the old are dumber by the education process and being fast tracked by diversity, political correctness and quotas. And it is happening now.
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.

The democrat party is the party of racism you moron....

the core groups of the party and the party leadership are openly and proudly racist....

The racists of all skin colors call the democrat party home.......they want to centralize government power so they can punish their racial enemies......

barak obama, is a his core.......he is friends and allies with racists and anti-semites....louis farrkhan, al sharpton and jeremiah wright are only 3 of them.......and the core groups of the party, The Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza, nation of islam, black lives matter, are all openly and proudly racist...pushing racial segregation and hate........
Right on cue. No balls.
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:

Your racebaiting has worked wonderfully.

Yes, minorities vote in a bloc for you. Good job.

The bit where you pretend that that is because of something we did, that is called "Rubbing salt in the wound";.

It is the type of thing you do, if you want a civil war.
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.

Trump specifically and explicitly denounced nazis and the libs in teh media reported to the American People that he said the exact opposite,

and made the Lie Stick.

Against that level of control, nothing we do matters.

Blaming us for your side's successful lying? That is called "rubbing salt into the wound".

That is what you do, if you WANT a civil war.
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.

Trump specifically and explicitly denounced nazis and the libs in teh media reported to the American People that he said the exact opposite,

and made the Lie Stick.

Against that level of control, nothing we do matters.

Blaming us for your side's successful lying? That is called "rubbing salt into the wound".

That is what you do, if you WANT a civil war.
And another one.
Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:
In 1919 100 years prior to it's repeat in 2019
The communist tactic of trying to cause racial divide and a race war was a strategy used to destroy democracy. When the communist today used an event that was not racial motivated and made it a racial divide, the strategy was to do the same to destroy democracy through race wars, however unlike the past they did not factor in the majority White protesters along side the black activists in unison and solidarity. So they had no choice but to make it about party which required the opposition to be fallaciously labeled white supremacist and racist. However once again, they never expected so much black support in that opposition party thus ended up calling many Black Republicans White Supremacist-oops!
Kinda messed up their race war but it did help destroy democracy because the left let itself become infiltrated by it's socialist portion of the party which was adopted in only for sake of stealing it's votes and voter base without care of it's consequences or that it basically is cheating elections & democracy by not allowing other parties equal rights and supressing them or masking them under their wing.
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Dear Republicans - I'm sorry to tell you that you're on the wrong side of public opinion on a number of topics, but none more than the issue of race. You folks have lost the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections and the gap is widening. I know you're not happy right now, but there are some things you folks must come to terms with: 1. In a short time white people will be a minority race in America. 2. Your stories of BLM folks "burning American cities to the ground" is wildly exaggerated, and not accepted by most voters 3. It's now socially acceptable (and stylish) for your pretty, blonde, blue eyed daughters to date and marry black guy's. 4. Attacks on Jews and people of color by white people is very unpopular with most voters. 5. President Obama was more popular with the voting public than was Donald Trump. 6. Trying to blame anyone other than Trump supporters for the events of January 6th isn't working. 7. President Trump's policy of separating little children from their parents and locking them up was unpopular, even by many moderate Republicans.

Independent / Swing voters decide elections, and Trump's policy's have lost most of them to the Democrats. The BLM groups and other Liberals are by no means innocent, but you folks on the right wing are going to have to start moderating your racist tone, and become more friendly to people of color, or you're going to keep losing elections.... :bye1:

Do you and your straw man need a room where you can be alone together?
Republicans could do themselves a huge favor by just (a) admitting that old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant paranoid white racism still exists, (b) putting their focus on loudly, clearly, and unequivocally holding those elements on the Right accountable and responsible, and (c) leveraging those efforts to challenge the Left to clean its own house on the issue.

That's about it.

But, they have been conditioned to downplay, ignore, mock, avoid or dismiss any examples of white racism, because they just don't have the balls to be honest and responsible. That's up to them. But all that does is provide fodder to those on the Left who have a vested interest in avoiding holding their own side accountable, and the cycle continues.

Trump specifically and explicitly denounced nazis and the libs in teh media reported to the American People that he said the exact opposite,

and made the Lie Stick.

Against that level of control, nothing we do matters.

Blaming us for your side's successful lying? That is called "rubbing salt into the wound".

That is what you do, if you WANT a civil war.
And another one.

So, what does it look like in a Mac1958 world to have this so called "accountability"?

Just curious...

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