Republican Senators Distance Themselves From Marjorie Taylor Greene


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
"Do they want to be the party of limited government and fiscal responsibility, free markets, peace through strength and pro-life or do they want to be the party of conspiracy theories and QAnon," Sen. John Thune, a Republican from South Dakota and a member of GOP leadership said. "I think that is the decision they've got to face. It's a big distraction for them right now and not in a good way."

GOP senators piled on Greene on Tuesday after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a rare and strong rebuke against the controversial Georgia lawmaker, saying Monday that "looney lies and conspiracy theories" are a "cancer" to the GOP. At the same time -- House Democrats have called for Greene to be stripped of her committee assignments.

That's an easy decision to make. 2022 is coming fast. Stick to her at your own peril.
Of course they're distancing themselves from Jewish Space Laser Barbie.

She's a loon.

Edit - But then again, so is most of the GQP. So maybe they shouldn't.
I seem to recall a democrat congressman saying that the island of Guam was going to capsize?!
Then we have low-IQ Maxine saying to harass Trump admin officials in restaurants and gas stations?!
So the democrats have a few odd-balls too.
Skews13, Excerpted from thread, ”Bad precedent to penalize Greene”:
... I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. …
Leftists hug and protect Eric Swallwell but try to dump Taylor-Greene.
Who is harming America more? That's's Swallwell!

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