Republican Senators are revolting against Mitch McConnell over his Trump-Russia coverup

McConnell knows damn well McCain wants to put on a bloody dog an pony show. With his mavericky self in charge.

All he is saying is let's let the committees that are already set up do their jobs. McCain just wants to be the star of the show again.

I am so glad he never became President.


© Getty
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that no select committee is needed to look into the Russian meddling in the US. presidential election.

McConnell in an interview that aired Monday with Kentucky Educational Television described Russian hacking as a "serious issue," according to The Washington Examiner.

But it "doesn't require" a special committee, he added.

"We have a Senate Intelligence Committee and a House Intelligence Committee, run by knowledgeable, responsible people," McConnell said.
"There's no question that the Russians were messing around in our election. It is a matter of genuine concern and it needs to be investigated."

"In the Senate, we're gonna investigate that in what we call regular order," he said.

The Kentucky Republican said he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is "fully capable of handling this."

McConnell stands firm: No select committee needed to investigate Russian meddling

Why shouldn't there be a Bi- Partisan committee?

This is a big deal, why is McConnell minimizing it?

He is about as crooked as they come...Old Turtle Fart Face..

We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

I would think that the Trumps would want to see exactly what happened with a Bi-Partisan standing, investicagting a possible RUSSIA HACK.......
Otherwise it is going to hang over his 4 years like heavy smog.

Now i supported Trump until he picked Pence, I didn't like his pick
Trump was getting slammed by most of the GOP, as well as News Fox who hated him, until they hate to support him/

They tried to cheat Trump all through the primaries..

3/4 of the republicans think Trump is a joke, but have to support him.

Didn't you see that other post I put up? The one that explains how government works? It's bi partisan. Despite Jake and other whackos trying to make McConnell's stance on this as "covering up for the Russians" these established committees are bi partisan and they are run by individuals who don't want to be in the limelight 24/7 like old mavericky asshole from hell who was a war hero once upon a time John McCain.

Here you go again.

Committee Members

Richard Burr
North Carolina

Dianne Feinstein
Vice Chairman

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Are these people the actual committee who would work in the Russian investigation ? I am ok with that.

Or does McConnell choosing them?
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There've been special committees to investigate Clinton out the wazoo. Why is Trump exempt?

There've been special committees to investigate Clinton out the wazoo. Why is Trump exempt?

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence investigated Benghazi. As well as other committees that are in place already. A quizzillion of them as a matter of fact. But not one was "special".

Not according to this...

United States House Select Committee on Benghazi - Wikipedia
What are you afraid will come out, td? These hacking investigations are going to happen.
What are they going to investigate?
Gee, there are hackers in Russia?.
The question one should ask is "why are we not hacking THEM?"

If there are other countries hacking into our country, we need to find out how and try to prevent it to happen again.

Another country could completely disable our life in a cyber war, and we would be toast without our computers..
Why is it that every person who was begging for the evidence now are screaming to keep it secret?

Why do the same bunch who said there was no evidence now are concerned that the evidence would deligitimize Trump? ....Like they know something is there after screaming there wasnt anything there?

And if it does show Russia helped Trump then why is Trump more important than our democracy?

I mean if we find a link should we immediately drop it for Trump's sake?

Open hearings are now secret in your world? Put down the freaking bong.

Open hearing aren't what McConnell is pushing for. See? We agree!

Want to give me a link with a direct quote saying he wants closed hearings? Because I can't come up with one.
McConnell knows damn well McCain wants to put on a bloody dog an pony show. With his mavericky self in charge.

All he is saying is let's let the committees that are already set up do their jobs. McCain just wants to be the star of the show again.

I am so glad he never became President.


© Getty
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that no select committee is needed to look into the Russian meddling in the US. presidential election.

McConnell in an interview that aired Monday with Kentucky Educational Television described Russian hacking as a "serious issue," according to The Washington Examiner.

But it "doesn't require" a special committee, he added.

"We have a Senate Intelligence Committee and a House Intelligence Committee, run by knowledgeable, responsible people," McConnell said.
"There's no question that the Russians were messing around in our election. It is a matter of genuine concern and it needs to be investigated."

"In the Senate, we're gonna investigate that in what we call regular order," he said.

The Kentucky Republican said he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is "fully capable of handling this."

McConnell stands firm: No select committee needed to investigate Russian meddling

Why shouldn't there be a Bi- Partisan committee?

This is a big deal, why is McConnell minimizing it?

He is about as crooked as they come...Old Turtle Fart Face..

We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

Translation: We need a Kangaroo court that supports us and prevents the public from knowing what went on. Viva Russia!!!!
McConnell knows damn well McCain wants to put on a bloody dog an pony show. With his mavericky self in charge.

All he is saying is let's let the committees that are already set up do their jobs. McCain just wants to be the star of the show again.

I am so glad he never became President.


© Getty
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that no select committee is needed to look into the Russian meddling in the US. presidential election.

McConnell in an interview that aired Monday with Kentucky Educational Television described Russian hacking as a "serious issue," according to The Washington Examiner.

But it "doesn't require" a special committee, he added.

"We have a Senate Intelligence Committee and a House Intelligence Committee, run by knowledgeable, responsible people," McConnell said.
"There's no question that the Russians were messing around in our election. It is a matter of genuine concern and it needs to be investigated."

"In the Senate, we're gonna investigate that in what we call regular order," he said.

The Kentucky Republican said he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is "fully capable of handling this."

McConnell stands firm: No select committee needed to investigate Russian meddling

The issue of hacking goes beyond just Intelligence. A special committee can combine the expertise of multiple areas.
McConnell knows damn well McCain wants to put on a bloody dog an pony show. With his mavericky self in charge.

All he is saying is let's let the committees that are already set up do their jobs. McCain just wants to be the star of the show again.

I am so glad he never became President.


© Getty
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that no select committee is needed to look into the Russian meddling in the US. presidential election.

McConnell in an interview that aired Monday with Kentucky Educational Television described Russian hacking as a "serious issue," according to The Washington Examiner.

But it "doesn't require" a special committee, he added.

"We have a Senate Intelligence Committee and a House Intelligence Committee, run by knowledgeable, responsible people," McConnell said.
"There's no question that the Russians were messing around in our election. It is a matter of genuine concern and it needs to be investigated."

"In the Senate, we're gonna investigate that in what we call regular order," he said.

The Kentucky Republican said he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is "fully capable of handling this."

McConnell stands firm: No select committee needed to investigate Russian meddling

Why shouldn't there be a Bi- Partisan committee?

This is a big deal, why is McConnell minimizing it?

He is about as crooked as they come...Old Turtle Fart Face..

We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

I would think that the Trumps would want to see exactly what happened with a Bi-Partisan standing, investicagting a possible RUSSIA HACK.......
Otherwise it is going to hang over his 4 years like heavy smog.

Now i supported Trump until he picked Pence, I didn't like his pick
Trump was getting slammed by most of the GOP, as well as News Fox who hated him, until they hate to support him/

They tried to cheat Trump all through the primaries..

3/4 of the republicans think Trump is a joke, but have to support him.

Why would Trump want to provide all the douche bag Dims a platform where they can dispense their fake news? You morons just don't get it: Republicans are wise to all your tricks.

If 3/4 of Republicans think Trump is a joke, then why did 90% of the vote for him?

You're obviously a moron.

Party loyalty.
Why is it that every person who was begging for the evidence now are screaming to keep it secret?

Why do the same bunch who said there was no evidence now are concerned that the evidence would deligitimize Trump? ....Like they know something is there after screaming there wasnt anything there?

And if it does show Russia helped Trump then why is Trump more important than our democracy?

I mean if we find a link should we immediately drop it for Trump's sake?

Open hearings are now secret in your world? Put down the freaking bong.

Open hearing aren't what McConnell is pushing for. See? We agree!

Want to give me a link with a direct quote saying he wants closed hearings? Because I can't come up with one.

Look either you want open or closed hearings. A quote isn't going to make you flip and choose the other one. But again, we agree. We both want the investigation to be public.
There've been special committees to investigate Clinton out the wazoo. Why is Trump exempt?

There've been special committees to investigate Clinton out the wazoo. Why is Trump exempt?

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence investigated Benghazi. As well as other committees that are in place already. A quizzillion of them as a matter of fact. But not one was "special".

Not according to this...

United States House Select Committee on Benghazi - Wikipedia

The special committee was set up by Boehner. Congress. Cruz wanted to pull that off in the Senate but from what I have read including your link to wiki, Reid would have none of it.

It was overkill on Benghazi no matter which way you looked at it. If there hadn't been so much grandstanding and one freaking committee trying to top the other one, Benghazi would not have turned into the nightmare that it became.

Truth would have been found out waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay sooner.

From your link:

"Following passage, on May 12 Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas requested that the United States Senate agree to form a joint select committee on the matter with the House. The suggestion was quickly rejected in the Senate, which unlike the House was under Democratic control"
Why is it that every person who was begging for the evidence now are screaming to keep it secret?

Why do the same bunch who said there was no evidence now are concerned that the evidence would deligitimize Trump? ....Like they know something is there after screaming there wasnt anything there?

And if it does show Russia helped Trump then why is Trump more important than our democracy?

I mean if we find a link should we immediately drop it for Trump's sake?

Open hearings are now secret in your world? Put down the freaking bong.

Open hearing aren't what McConnell is pushing for. See? We agree!

Want to give me a link with a direct quote saying he wants closed hearings? Because I can't come up with one.

Look either you want open or closed hearings. A quote isn't going to make you flip and choose the other one. But again, we agree. We both want the investigation to be public.

I'm for open and I am for stream lined without the grandstanding bullshit that went on during the Benghazi hearings.

Keep it simple and get to the truth of what happened and who did it.
Why is it that every person who was begging for the evidence now are screaming to keep it secret?

Why do the same bunch who said there was no evidence now are concerned that the evidence would deligitimize Trump? ....Like they know something is there after screaming there wasnt anything there?

And if it does show Russia helped Trump then why is Trump more important than our democracy?

I mean if we find a link should we immediately drop it for Trump's sake?

Open hearings are now secret in your world? Put down the freaking bong.

Open hearing aren't what McConnell is pushing for. See? We agree!

Want to give me a link with a direct quote saying he wants closed hearings? Because I can't come up with one.

Look either you want open or closed hearings. A quote isn't going to make you flip and choose the other one. But again, we agree. We both want the investigation to be public.

I'm for open and I am for stream lined without the grandstanding bullshit that went on during the Benghazi hearings.

Keep it simple and get to the truth of what happened and who did it.

We keep on agreeing bro! So, why are we arguing? Or better, why are you fussing with me?
McConnell knows damn well McCain wants to put on a bloody dog an pony show. With his mavericky self in charge.

All he is saying is let's let the committees that are already set up do their jobs. McCain just wants to be the star of the show again.

I am so glad he never became President.


© Getty
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a new interview that no select committee is needed to look into the Russian meddling in the US. presidential election.

McConnell in an interview that aired Monday with Kentucky Educational Television described Russian hacking as a "serious issue," according to The Washington Examiner.

But it "doesn't require" a special committee, he added.

"We have a Senate Intelligence Committee and a House Intelligence Committee, run by knowledgeable, responsible people," McConnell said.
"There's no question that the Russians were messing around in our election. It is a matter of genuine concern and it needs to be investigated."

"In the Senate, we're gonna investigate that in what we call regular order," he said.

The Kentucky Republican said he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is "fully capable of handling this."

McConnell stands firm: No select committee needed to investigate Russian meddling

Why shouldn't there be a Bi- Partisan committee?

This is a big deal, why is McConnell minimizing it?

He is about as crooked as they come...Old Turtle Fart Face..

We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

I would think that the Trumps would want to see exactly what happened with a Bi-Partisan standing, investicagting a possible RUSSIA HACK.......
Otherwise it is going to hang over his 4 years like heavy smog.

Now i supported Trump until he picked Pence, I didn't like his pick
Trump was getting slammed by most of the GOP, as well as News Fox who hated him, until they hate to support him/

They tried to cheat Trump all through the primaries..

3/4 of the republicans think Trump is a joke, but have to support him.

Didn't you see that other post I put up? The one that explains how government works? It's bi partisan. Despite Jake and other whackos trying to make McConnell's stance on this as "covering up for the Russians" these established committees are bi partisan and they are run by individuals who don't want to be in the limelight 24/7 like old mavericky asshole from hell who was a war hero once upon a time John McCain.

Here you go again.

Committee Members

Richard Burr
North Carolina

Dianne Feinstein
Vice Chairman

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Are these people the actual committee who would work in the Russian investigation ? I am ok with that.

Or does McConnell choosing them?

Nope this is the committee that McConnell is talking about as far as I've read. And there is not one person on that list from either side that I've ever found to be a grand stander. sp? Is that a word or am I pulling a Palin :lol:
And I respect Feinstein immensely. She's a good old fashioned Democrat.

This is the part I like. Because when it comes to this committee in particular it must be absolutely bi partisan and be able to conduct the nation's business with Intelligence without rancor. Pretty big deal.

Composition: The Committee has 15 Senators: eight from the majority party and seven from the minority. The one-seat majority is dictated by Senate resolution and, unlike most other committees, does not change in proportion with the overall Senate ratio of majority to minority membership.

The Committee structure is intended to reflect the nonpartisan nature of intelligence and encourage the Committee to work in a bipartisan manner.

About the Committee | Intelligence Committee
Open hearings are now secret in your world? Put down the freaking bong.

Open hearing aren't what McConnell is pushing for. See? We agree!

Want to give me a link with a direct quote saying he wants closed hearings? Because I can't come up with one.

Look either you want open or closed hearings. A quote isn't going to make you flip and choose the other one. But again, we agree. We both want the investigation to be public.

I'm for open and I am for stream lined without the grandstanding bullshit that went on during the Benghazi hearings.

Keep it simple and get to the truth of what happened and who did it.

We keep on agreeing bro! So, why are we arguing? Or better, why are you fussing with me?

Because it took me a while to figure out we were agreeing. Prepping for a blizzard while trying to post.

Why shouldn't there be a Bi- Partisan committee?

This is a big deal, why is McConnell minimizing it?

He is about as crooked as they come...Old Turtle Fart Face..

We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

I would think that the Trumps would want to see exactly what happened with a Bi-Partisan standing, investicagting a possible RUSSIA HACK.......
Otherwise it is going to hang over his 4 years like heavy smog.

Now i supported Trump until he picked Pence, I didn't like his pick
Trump was getting slammed by most of the GOP, as well as News Fox who hated him, until they hate to support him/

They tried to cheat Trump all through the primaries..

3/4 of the republicans think Trump is a joke, but have to support him.

Didn't you see that other post I put up? The one that explains how government works? It's bi partisan. Despite Jake and other whackos trying to make McConnell's stance on this as "covering up for the Russians" these established committees are bi partisan and they are run by individuals who don't want to be in the limelight 24/7 like old mavericky asshole from hell who was a war hero once upon a time John McCain.

Here you go again.

Committee Members

Richard Burr
North Carolina

Dianne Feinstein
Vice Chairman

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Are these people the actual committee who would work in the Russian investigation ? I am ok with that.

Or does McConnell choosing them?

Nope this is the committee that McConnell is talking about as far as I've read. And there is not one person on that list from either side that I've ever found to be a grand stander. sp? Is that a word or am I pulling a Palin :lol:
And I respect Feinstein immensely. She's a good old fashioned Democrat.

This is the part I like. Because when it comes to this committee in particular it must be absolutely bi partisan and be able to conduct the nation's business with Intelligence without rancor. Pretty big deal.

Composition: The Committee has 15 Senators: eight from the majority party and seven from the minority. The one-seat majority is dictated by Senate resolution and, unlike most other committees, does not change in proportion with the overall Senate ratio of majority to minority membership.

The Committee structure is intended to reflect the nonpartisan nature of intelligence and encourage the Committee to work in a bipartisan manner.

About the Committee | Intelligence Committee

I really like Feinstein too, when I saw she was on it, I felt good about it... Thank you Tinydancer..
We don't need any kangaroo courts to help Democrats attempts to delegitimize the Trump presidency. Any Republican pol who cooperates with this shit is going to incur the wrath of all the voters who voted for Trump.

I would think that the Trumps would want to see exactly what happened with a Bi-Partisan standing, investicagting a possible RUSSIA HACK.......
Otherwise it is going to hang over his 4 years like heavy smog.

Now i supported Trump until he picked Pence, I didn't like his pick
Trump was getting slammed by most of the GOP, as well as News Fox who hated him, until they hate to support him/

They tried to cheat Trump all through the primaries..

3/4 of the republicans think Trump is a joke, but have to support him.

Didn't you see that other post I put up? The one that explains how government works? It's bi partisan. Despite Jake and other whackos trying to make McConnell's stance on this as "covering up for the Russians" these established committees are bi partisan and they are run by individuals who don't want to be in the limelight 24/7 like old mavericky asshole from hell who was a war hero once upon a time John McCain.

Here you go again.

Committee Members

Richard Burr
North Carolina

Dianne Feinstein
Vice Chairman

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Are these people the actual committee who would work in the Russian investigation ? I am ok with that.

Or does McConnell choosing them?

Nope this is the committee that McConnell is talking about as far as I've read. And there is not one person on that list from either side that I've ever found to be a grand stander. sp? Is that a word or am I pulling a Palin :lol:
And I respect Feinstein immensely. She's a good old fashioned Democrat.

This is the part I like. Because when it comes to this committee in particular it must be absolutely bi partisan and be able to conduct the nation's business with Intelligence without rancor. Pretty big deal.

Composition: The Committee has 15 Senators: eight from the majority party and seven from the minority. The one-seat majority is dictated by Senate resolution and, unlike most other committees, does not change in proportion with the overall Senate ratio of majority to minority membership.

The Committee structure is intended to reflect the nonpartisan nature of intelligence and encourage the Committee to work in a bipartisan manner.

About the Committee | Intelligence Committee

I really like Feinstein too, when I saw she was on it, I felt good about it... Thank you Tinydancer..

You know I always have admired her even though I'm a conservative and hold many opposing views. The good Senator has always served with dignity and the grace her position as Senator deserves. To me she is the embodiment of "Statesman".

*sigh* Unfortunately an endangered species it would appear in this day and age.
The TrumpenOrangeFuhrer has much to hide in his relationship with the Russians.

And the Russian hacking is something Mitch is trying to hide, and his efforts are beginning to unravel.

Republican Senators are revolting against Mitch McConnell over his Trump-Russia coverup

The chorus of Republican Senators revolting against their own Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is now reaching a fever pitch. McConnell has been going out of his way to try to contain any investigation of Russia’s role in rigging the election for Donald Trump, keeping it limited to an existing committee so he can control it. But one by one, Republicans in the Senate are taking a stand against him in the name of forcing the creation of a Select Committee to investigate the matter properly.

The rebellion began when two influential longtime Republican Senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, issued a joint statement with leading Senate Democrats demanding that a Select Committee be created. But while McConnell ultimately agreed to go along with a Trump-Russia investigation in a bizarrely uncomfortable video statement, he’s been attempting to pigeon hole it into the existing intelligence committee.

Not good enough, says Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, who according to Politico is introducing a bill which would create a Select Committee to investigate the election cyberterrorism. This will force Mitch McConnell to either allow a Senate-wide vote to take place on it, or make himself look guilty by refusing to allow legislation from his own party to come to the floor. But McConnell may have something specific to hide here.

I believe this revelation will cause everyone who voted for Trump to reconsider and elect Hillary our president...finally, the hollywood ending we have been promised...good job

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