Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

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OMG a drug test! Lol..
And don't sit there and act like leftist policies don't hurt the poor. You aren't fooling anyone but your retarded ilk.
It sees them not as those who have had hard lives or encountered some bad luck or who could use help, but people who are fundamentally lazy and trying to scam the system. What they need is a lecture on bootstrap-pulling and maybe some humiliation, and then through that suffering they might improve their moral character enough to be worthy of the government benefits those with higher incomes enjoy.
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All this is accompanied, of course, by the Republicans' eternal desire to cut taxes on the wealthy. So pay attention, because this is what Republicans do when they get the chance: They work like dogs to make the lives of those at the bottom and middle more difficult, while trying equally hard to ease the burdens so unjustly suffered by those at the top.

You aren't fooling anyone but your retarded ilk.

Thank You! x 1
I win :badgrin:
Every associate and employee at my husband's firm is subject to a pre employment drug screen and random checks after employment.
Let's see.. add another one to the list of things poor people can't do like.. get ID's, not have babies, stay off drugs, eat correctly, work, etc. Sounds like we indeed do need less poor people.
I have to be drug free to work, what kind of convoluted thinking is it not be drug free to collect check from the gubmint for doing nothing?
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.


Unlike you I was actually a sentient being when LBJ launched his "War on Poverty". The net result for the expenditure of well over 5 trillion dollars is more people are in poverty than when the "War" began. In other words, mr. dim bulb. The poor have remained poor, and the lower middle class have been made poor by the actions of government. When will morons like you figure out that your way doesn't work? How many people have to be harmed before your tiny little brain understands that your methods simply don't work?
All this is accompanied, of course, by the Republicans' eternal desire to cut taxes on the wealthy. So pay attention, because this is what Republicans do when they get the chance: They work like dogs to make the lives of those at the bottom and middle more difficult, while trying equally hard to ease the burdens so unjustly suffered by those at the top.

I never understood the whole, "Tax the rich to feed the poor" mantra of the left.

It's not like they are going to spend more or less money on the poor based on what taxes they take in. They just print more money if they have to.
Every associate and employee at my husband's firm is subject to a pre employment drug screen and random checks after employment.

I even had to get a chest X-Ray one time. Of course the blood test at almost all new jobs since mid-90s? Wad of cotton and tape for hours. "we gotsta eat"
Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.

Actually the chief complaints are that it's absurdly expensive for everyone, ineffective, and collapsing.

On the other hand, the lefttards already know that, they just want to keep the poor where they are, because if they moved up, the left would no longer be able to pretend they want to help them. Because fixing a problem can't be part of your platform if said problem is already fixed.
Every associate and employee at my husband's firm is subject to a pre employment drug screen and random checks after employment.

I guess I have to agree with you. We want to make sure those getting government benefits are not wasting them on drugs

The farmer getting a crop subsidy should not be spending that money to buy drugs....he should be drug tested
If you take your children as a deduction on your taxes, you should not be spending that money to buy drugs...Take a pee test and submit it with your tax return
Corporation receiving a government subsidy? Make the CEO and top executives prove they are drug free

<wink> Just kidding.......we should only expect poor people to take drug tests
Conservatives know if you have the money to support your drug habit you have enough money to buy food, gas, etc..... Being fiscally and socially responsible and holding people accountable for their action is a reprehensible idea to snowflakes if it means one single person is removed from the govt teat...and the Democratic party voting roster.

You can always spot a snowflake when they create a thread with a title such as this one:

'Republican mantra....Poor people do not suffer enough'

Of course it's not a Republican mantra, but it is a nice fake news snowflake-created/pushed idea to make anyone who disagrees with them seem 'evil'.

Democrats, on the other hand, demand to be judged by their 'good intentions', not on the results of those disastrous intentions. They want to be seen as caring and eager to help the down-trodden the Middle class...who Sanders pointed out were abandoned by the Democratic Party which was why in part they lost the last election (according to Unca Bernie).

They would rather waste a billion dollars on a program that goes 'Tango Uniform' and be seen as 'caring' than have it pointed out that their fiscally irresponsibly poor idea crapped out.
Your talking point is not someone else's mantra.

Well since I have worked at >$10bil companies with 30K+ WW employees it is someones' "mantra" whatever that is? Point is to make money, you have to comply. Why not drug test Congress?

The "poor"? If they go sell food stamps for 1/2 price CASH, then go get a fix? How does that feed the babies?

I knew it was one of you Blackfoots or Blackrocks that had been trashing me!
good day to you, sir. There is no England anymore........
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Looks like a dream come true for Conservatives

Republicans' cruel intentions

When it comes to compassion, the only question the GOP argues about is precisely how little of it they want to display. With complete control of the federal government, Republicans are being as cruel as they want to be.
Drug testing is something conservatives like Ryan love — not for those getting certain benefits, like, say, the mortgage interest deduction or the tax break for retirement savings. Just the benefits that people down on their luck need

Because you won't truly know how much you've failed until you've been forced to undergo some humiliation along with all your other troubles.

They hate the Affordable Care Act for many reasons, but one of their chief complaints is that it is far too generous to the working poor.

In addition, Ryan is keen to impose work requirements on Medicaid, too, despite the fact that the idea of poor people living high off the hog on their fancy health insurance and not bothering to look for work now that they can go to the doctor is preposterous.



what do you think charities
and local nonprofits do that makes them so effective and popular?

the govt CANNOT individualize care to the degree that
people need PERSONALLY.

Why do you think the mental health system fails
that requires LONG TERM one on one counseling?
govt cannot guarantee that, which is a personal
spiritual relationship and process.

Why do you think public schools, housing
and prisons FAIL under huge bureaucracies

Liberals are SCREAMING for individual rights, support
and access to opportunity that INCLUDES diverse approaches needed for EACH CASE.

that has LOCALIZED democracy and mgmt written

Why do you think conservatives scream to get federal govt
out of the business of micromanaging by "uniform one size fits all policies"
and move control back to people and states?

it IS to help people restore equal civil rights and liberties
LOCALLY where we can be empowered to
solve these social problems and ills.

NOT expect federal govt to solve individual problems
that are personal choices of counseling and beliefs.

More freedom, not more dictatorship mandated from
top down govt. How is that going to represent the
needs of the many as DIVERSE as America is???
Your talking point is not someone else's mantra.

Well since I have worked at >$10bil companies with 30K+ WW employees it is someones' "mantra" whatever that is? Point is to make money, you have to comply. Why not drug test Congress?

The "poor"? If they go sell food stamps for 1/2 price CASH, then go get a fix? How does that feed the babies?

I knew it was one of you Blackfoots or Blackrocks that had been trashing me!
good day to you, sir. There is no England anymore........
Excuse me I was not directly replying to anyone at best my response was directed at the OP as they used mantra in their thread title. I have not been trashing you in fact your response to me is the first post from you I have seen here. Good day to you to sir.

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