Republican Fundraising is Psychotic


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
This is how the NRCC treats it's potential donors?

When you go to the site:

View attachment 551490
Same old trick the orange grifter used last year to reel in his gullible cult.

As the election neared, the Trump team made that disclaimer increasingly opaque, an investigation showed. It introduced a second prechecked box, known internally as a “money bomb,” that doubled a person’s contribution. Eventually its solicitations featured lines of text in bold and capital letters that overwhelmed the opt-out language.

Trump duped his supporters into unwittingly giving weekly contributions that totaled over $64 million and refunds have been demanded.
Here’s what I expect to see next:


Donald told us you used to be a good guy. Now it appears your nothing but a Commie jackass who spends most of your time molesting little girls and attending AntiFa meetings.

Send us $500 IMMEDIATELY or we will be forced to send this angry mob to bust down your front door and beat you senseless. You will then be bear sprayed and tortured with stun guns until you cry like a little bitch and write Trump a check for $5,000.

So don’t be a stupid pussy. Act NOW, save $4,500 and possibly your own miserable life!!

This is how the NRCC treats it's potential donors?

I've seen similar crazy emails from the Trump camp. Really bizarre shit.

"Trump said he'd run for President if we took back the House from Nancy Pelosi."

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Trump is the guy who LOST the House to Nancy Pelosi. And he LOST the Senate to Chuck Schumer. Why in the world would anyone want him back?
Here’s what I expect to see next:


Donald told us you used to be a good guy. Now it appears your nothing but a Commie jackass who spends most of your time molesting little girls and attending AntiFa meetings.

Send us $500 IMMEDIATELY or we will be forced to send this angry mob to bust down your front door and beat you senseless. You will then be bear sprayed and tortured with stun guns until you cry like a little bitch and write Trump a check for $5,000.

So don’t be a stupid pussy. Act NOW, save $4,500 and possibly your own miserable life!!

I should put this on Twitter. 🤣:laugh:

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