Republican compares Arizona law to Gestapo

The easiest way to solve the immigration problem is to eliminate what attracts the illegal immigrants here; JOBS.

Go after the employers.

Use heavy handed nforcement of the current laws against employers.

Forget using a fence extending the entire border.

Forget checking individuals walking the streets, there are millions of people to check.

Go after the thousands of businesses hiring the illegals. It would be the most managable and the most effective.

The reason we are not using this tactics is because the businesses are the ones donating to politicians,
Well, you can have faith in the complete transformational sell out and enslavement of our Country and our people by the progressive traitors in our gov't....–-legislation-biased-in-favor-of-statehood/

I have been speaking out against the mass influx of Puerto Ricans here in NY for a long time now, and know one wanted to hear it becaus the progressive media was telling evreyone it was good for us...and it is not! Just before the last election gov't agencies state wide worked in lock-step to bus in large numbers of Puerto Ricans into our communities to sway the vote in our more conservative towns. People were outraged, and ignored! They got these people off the buses and helped them get on social programs and into new housing apt's. meant for the elderly and helped them buy and pay for houses and cars. This will continue until we are all broke and out of work, or we march on Washington and put a stop to all of it once and for all before it is too late for us and our kids. This truly is do or die for all of us.....

Old Puerto Rico birth certificates to be scrapped due to identity theft scams, leaving many in limbo

Oppose Statehood for Puerto Rico (HR 2499)–-legislation-biased-in-favor-of-statehood/

Statehooders also believe that, while we are part of the U.S. economy and not able to vote for the President, and our lack of representation in congress, we are at a great disadvantage in obtaining our fair share of federal programs and funds. Under statehood, Puerto Rico would be entitled to two (2) Senators and six (6) Representatives.

Statehood will complete the full rights and benefits package of American Citizenship, now missing as an American Citizen from in Puerto Rico.
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The easiest way to solve the immigration problem is to eliminate what attracts the illegal immigrants here; JOBS.

Go after the employers.

Use heavy handed nforcement of the current laws against employers.

Forget using a fence extending the entire border.

Forget checking individuals walking the streets, there are millions of people to check.

Go after the thousands of businesses hiring the illegals. It would be the most managable and the most effective.

The reason we are not using this tactics is because the businesses are the ones donating to politicians,


Freedom , or individual liberty does not equate with a domestic invasion of our Country by foreign subversives being promoted and engineered by progressive Marxist/Fascist who have infiltrated our gov't and our institutions, and are using legal and illegal immigration along with the elimination of our private job sector to over-throw our free form of Constitutional Republican gov't. This has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with concentrating our wealth and power into the hands of the few top 1-2% of our population, and the enslavement of all people to SEIU and their Elitist Masters..... King George III and his henchmen reborn....

Foreign Criminals And Subversives Here Illegally Have No Rights Except To Leave Or Be Thrown Out Just Like The Miscreants In Our Gov't. Common Wealth Status, And Work Visas Given To Third World Countries, And Their People Without The Vote Of The American People Must Be Evoked Immediatly To Preserve And Protect Our Country, Our Way Our Of Life, And Our Form Of Gov't....

God Bless Arizona, And The American Way.... Terrorizing and vandalizing us, our public property and our true American representatives that are left to us in our gov't is not going to stop us from protecting ourselves, borders, communities, and our form of gov't....

















"They're good people just here to work"


That couldn't be further from the truth. Most that cross the border have no education and no skills. On top of not knowing English they are often illiterate in their own language. They are bankrupting hospitals. Seventy percent of births in Parkland hospital, Dallas Texas are from illegal aliens;

They are destroying our education system. Many are literally savage peasants. There was a machete attack a few years ago in Las Vegas, killed his girlfriend and cut her sons arm off;

You don't hear of the daily slaughter of innocent American citizens by illegal aliens. Here's a hint, a tiny fraction of the travesty;

The estimate is around two dozen citizens are killed by illegals every day, half by drunk driving (which is a national sport in Mexico) the other half by outright murder.

I lived in a neighborhood that in a ten year period went from mixed races, a pretty good cross section of America, to 95 percent Hispanic. There was not an English word to be heard, mariachi music blaring all hours. I used to walk the dog around the neighborhood and it went from getting the occasional smile when you catch someones eye to baleful stares from the invaders as though I was interrupting their recreation of Mexico in America with my white face.

I was self employed, barely scraping by and two illegal aliens stole all my tools. The neighbor was buyng pot from them and told the police they were illegals. That neighborhood now looks like ancient Aztec, filthy dirty, saw one peeing in his front yard last time I went through there and there's an endless parade of baby strollers.

This is a full scale invasion! It is not confined to the southwest anymore. When I visit NY ALL the landscapers are hispanic and ALL the food markets are staffed by non-English speaking hispanics, latinos, chicanos, whatever the hell you want to call them.

There is a minimum of thirty million and growing, largely thanks to birthright citizenship.I give a big thumbs up for NumbersUSA. I've been a mmber for 3-4 years now, it's very non-invasive and is truly an excellent service.
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I am passing on 14 facts on what illegals cost us each year, and I believe these stats are greatly underestimated according to past reports of 2.6-trillion a year to support illegals and their anchor babies on social programs, and 2.5-billion a year to support them in our prisons and jails...

14 Good Reasons to Deport Illegal Third World Immigrants

Canada Free Press: Online conservative newspaper, News, Politics, Editorials

Obama's Marxist policy of converting the stock which the government owns in private companies from preferred to common stock. I believe this would control the flow of money and also take out the rights of shareholders wherein only 3% of all stock is owned by 80% of our population. Not exactly sharing the wealth is it?

Part of the confusion has its roots in Adolf (Obama)Hitler's ability to use words to sway and control the masses. He used the word "Socialist" (CHANGE=REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH)to draw people who continued to adhere to socialism, even though the nature of Hitler's (Obama) movement was not socialist at all, with its loyalty to industry (budding corporations) and protection of private property from those less fortunate (definitely not redistribution of wealth.)

The so-called redistribution of wealth currently taking place in our country is a lie and an international ponzie scheme to the extent that the money that is actually being redistributed (BY OBAMA)is deficit funds, money being printed up and charged to us and our unborn children which once spent ends up in the off-shore bank accounts of the top 1-2% of our population who are called the corporate/gov't elite.

Our gov't only rakes in $2.2-trillion a year in taxes and spends four or five times that amount, and I have heard it said to be much higher than that from different sources like Lou Dobbs and Gov. Tim Pawlenty, etc. Eventually, this bubble will burst, and where will all of them end up who were dependent on the gov't/tax-payer payroll?

collectivism n. Marxism [from Latin collectus, past participle of colligere, to bind together, from com + legere, with to tie, to gather] 1. a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution or a system marked by such control. Loss of private ownership of property. Housing bubble bursts...millions lose their homes, private sector businesses and jobs. Obama's expansion of Federal gov't, and gov't employment superceding private sector in numbers and pay-scale....

1-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized gov'tal control, bail-outs of business and banks bring them under gov't control.Use of executive powers to bypass legislation and the courts. Courts over-riding the will of the majority. Minority rule.

Theoritically speaking this concentration of wealth and power by the 1-3% is said to be socialism. 5/6 of all business revenues funnel up to the the top 1-2% of our population who now control 99% of our wealth and resources. People dependent on gov't programs and subsidies due to destruction of our private job sector and private ownership....

I believe what we are seeing is a combination of Marxism and Fascism. Obama and many in our gov't are behind the implementation of policies causing the events described here....

What can you list to the contrary? Fannie May or Freddy Mac maybe?
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Here's the bottom line: AZ passed this law to put pressure on Congress to address illegal immigration. Obama wants to kiss in as many illegals as he can, because the Democrats believe in doing so they will shore up the Latino vote for the next generation, just like Clinton did with the black vote. That's the only reason they're always dragging their feet when it comes to immigration reform. Because they believe they're going to benefit from it.

It's just funny to see all the bleeding heart liberals running around screaming Nazism...because as we all know, Hitlers MO was to diminish the strain illegal immigrants in Germany had on the economy and protect their national security from the threats of drug trafficking.
wow... overkill. Fewer links per post. I'm not even going to look at any of the video and maybe no more than 2 links even if I do agree with them.

This would be classified as 'spamming'... just a tip for future posts.
wow... overkill. Fewer links per post. I'm not even going to look at any of the video and maybe no more than 2 links even if I do agree with them.

This would be classified as 'spamming'... just a tip for future posts.

I'm sorry you see it that way. I'm not advertising a product. It was a lot of work to put together all the information on the issues of immigration so people would get the full scope of how it works on all levels and how it affects us, and where I got my points of view from. I believe it is vital under our current political and economical situation to know what one is talking about and subscribing to before one can appropriatley act in one's own best interests.....
Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) ripped into the new Arizona immigration law today, comparing it to Nazi Germany.

"This law of 'frontier justice' – where law enforcement officials are required to stop anyone based on 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be in the country illegally – is reminiscent of a time during World War II when the Gestapo in Germany stopped people on the street and asked for their papers without probable cause," Mack said in a statement.
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

I happen to know Connie Mack personally. He's a total, 110% cannot-be-treated sociopath.

Florida has a very large Cuban-American population and Florida politicans fear them, as they vote en bloc. I have no doubt, Mack said this to pander to his constiutents.

Mack is far too stupid to realize, Cuban-Americans have ZERO sympathy for illegal Mexicans and rabidly resent any implication otherwise.

I hope Mack loses his office over this bone-headed remark, so we can hurry up and install the next sociopath.
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If this isn't enough to make them enforce the laws already on the books, I don't know what it will take. We can not afford the illegals in anyway shape or form.
The monetary cost and the safety cost is ruining our once Great Country.
We who see and understand what is happening must do eveything we can to get this information out to everyone and anyone that we know or meet.

Three cheers for the state of Arizona! Those who are demonstrating in Phoenix most likely are either illegal themselves or have family/close friends who are illegal. I say round them all up and check their IDs. Demonstrating against a new law that says it is illegal to be illegal is probable cause for arrest... in my opinion.

The following information IS compiled from Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security reports:

* 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.

* 86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

* 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

* 24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals

* 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals

* 48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals

* 29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually

* 53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

* 50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens

* 71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".

* 47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.

* 63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

* 66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

* 380,000 plus “anchor babies” were born in the US to illegal alien parents in just one year, making 380,000 babies automatically US citizens.

* 97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers

Here are links on crime and Immigration that I have found:

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Crime Summary

Illegal aliens linked to rise in crime statistics

Impacts Of Illegal Immigration: Crime

Immigration - Live Counters, News, Resources

CIP Americas Program | Truth about Illegal Immigration and Crime

Badnarik Constitution Class Part 3
Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) ripped into the new Arizona immigration law today, comparing it to Nazi Germany.

"This law of 'frontier justice' – where law enforcement officials are required to stop anyone based on 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be in the country illegally – is reminiscent of a time during World War II when the Gestapo in Germany stopped people on the street and asked for their papers without probable cause," Mack said in a statement.
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Sounds like another self-identified RINO needs to be retired in November
Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) ripped into the new Arizona immigration law today, comparing it to Nazi Germany.

"This law of 'frontier justice' – where law enforcement officials are required to stop anyone based on 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be in the country illegally – is reminiscent of a time during World War II when the Gestapo in Germany stopped people on the street and asked for their papers without probable cause," Mack said in a statement.
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


These Arizona threads are just getting dumber. :cuckoo:

Last I lived in FL, you were required to carry identification in your person. Same here. This law does nothing but reiterate old law.

Just more sensationalist bullshit over nothing.
Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) ripped into the new Arizona immigration law today, comparing it to Nazi Germany.

"This law of 'frontier justice' – where law enforcement officials are required to stop anyone based on 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be in the country illegally – is reminiscent of a time during World War II when the Gestapo in Germany stopped people on the street and asked for their papers without probable cause," Mack said in a statement.
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


These Arizona threads are just getting dumber. :cuckoo:

Last I lived in FL, you were required to carry identification in your person. Same here. This law does nothing but reiterate old law.

Just more sensationalist bullshit over nothing.
No you weren't. Still aren't.

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