Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only


Your results are fascinating Zander. You love Rand Paul and score higher than I did on agreement with the GOP and Constitution Party, but you agree 56% with the Democrats and 52% with the Green Party? How does that happen?
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Thanks for writing out a comprehensive and competent post. One thing we on the right have to do is to be able to discuss topics like this, especially with those who take more leftist positions on various issues, and we need to be able to discuss it competently and rationally.

As for CEO pay, the ONLY way to retain liberty and deal with that is to restore small business as the backbone of the country, and we do that by getting big government off the back of small business so they can compete with big business. Right now all the advantage is with the huge mega corporations who pay those huge salaries to their CEOS. Government regulation doesn't hurt them all that much. But it devastates small business and makes it almost impossible for them to compete. Give the big corporations serious competition and they will change their ways voluntarily to protect their profits.

So we don't want to raise the minimum wage. Let the free market set the price of labor along with everything else. The best way to raise the wage without hurting anybody and benefitting everybody is to promote a strong, robust economy with full employment. Then it becomes a sellers market for labor.

The only way to eliminate most illegals is to do what most countries do. Deny them jobs or any government benefits other than immediate humanitarian emergency care prior to their deportation. Develop a will to deport the parents even if the child is a citizen (and we need to amend the Constitution so that you have to have citizen parents in order to automatically be a citizen.) That will stop much of the flow and the few who choose to come here anyway will be subject to jail, fines, and deportment as almost all other countries treat illegals.

We are foolish if we think even a Republican led government is going to do this without some dedicated grass roots demands from the people. Government these days serves only itself. We have to take it back with things like the Tea Party movement, the 9/12ers, the tax reform groups etc. and stop allowing the media to demonize those groups.
If I was in Congress, to deal with that CEO pay, I would simply put a cap on the amount of salary and benefits that could be deducted as a business expense for any one person. That allows commerce and industry to pay anything they want, but lets it profit less from it and the stockholders might think those enormous salaries were more liability than benefit.
I'll throw this out to this group. In a spirited discussion of potential candidates I have been active in elsewhere, we on the right acknowledge that lately we keep winding up with a nominee that most of us have to hold our nose to vote for. And why is that?

After reflecting on that a bit, I have come to the conclusion that we on the right are too busy earning a living, taking care of our own future, and providing for ourselves and our loved ones to be all that passionate about politics and candidates and campaigns and such. And because we are the group that is much more willing to live and let live we tend to shrug and get on with our lives and don't get too concerned with those who hate us and everything we stand for.

And we may be doing ourselves harm. Look how much we have allowed the haters and leftwing media and opposing politicians, even in our own parties, to marginalize and demonize the Tea Party movement and similar grass roots effort for reform. Many who are personally sympathetic to Tea Party etc. ideals and goals for reform shy away from identifying with such groups or join with the opposition to criticize them.

And because we are that way, we are allowing 'them' to control the message, the agenda, and the direction the country is going.

Everybody craves approval and acceptance and we all get tired of the constant cacophony of hateful noise from the haters and trolls and we get weary of the accusations and finger pointing. When you deal with the angry, petty, and childish, it is always tempting to just throw up your hands and walk away. And indeed that is sometimes the best policy.

But if we don't have the strength of our convictions, enough to speak out and explain and defend our core values, will it ever get better?
Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

It's a good point.

Large corporations and government are one in the same and those CEO's are making a lot off of our tax dollars (and we don't see anything). Additionally, they are still rewarded for failure with huge golden parachutes. - Forget brass rings 151 execs grab for gold

Perhaps the most lucrative exit package for an underperforming CEO is that of Mattel's Jill Barad. Ousted from the floundering toymaker last February, Barad got a $26.4 million payout and supplemental retirement worth $1 million. Mattel forgave a $4.2 million stock-related loan, the balance on a $3 million home loan it provided Barad and will cover her $3.3 million tax hit resulting from the forgiven loans. Mattel also covers Barad's health insurance, security services, outplacement help and financial counseling.


This is one of the more egregious.

Now, while the thread isn't about this, it does point to yet another place the GOP could make some points if they actually believe what they say. It is very clear this isn't free enterprise. This is mutual backscratching and is the equivalent of larceny.

The GOP would do well to really take a hard look at the wealth concentration in this country and understand how it occurs.

They don't need to pass laws against people making lots of money.

Economics teaches that nobody should get fabulously rich is a true free market system. Others will jump into the fray and extract those margins and profits and drive costs down.

What the GOP should be doing is talking about taking away barriers to entry into new markets.

One of these would getting rid of wall street altogether. Wall street only exists because it is protected.

I am not paying close attention to the candidates just yet, but if any of them is addressing this in a serious fashion....I'd like to know.

UM, helloooooooooooooooooooo!

If a country is FREE,. then you are FREE to make as much as you have the ability to make.

Does economics teach otherwise or does socialism?

That's a pretty big "If" and there is no way to argue that these clowns are not protected.
Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

As for CEO pay, the ONLY way to retain liberty and deal with that is to restore small business as the backbone of the country, and we do that by getting big government off the back of small business so they can compete with big business. Right now all the advantage is with the huge mega corporations who pay those huge salaries to their CEOS. Government regulation doesn't hurt them all that much. But it devastates small business and makes it almost impossible for them to compete. Give the big corporations serious competition and they will change their ways voluntarily to protect their profits.
Snipped to what I'm intending to comment on.

Take my business, for example. I must buy hard liquor from state run stores. Privately owned stores frequently have better prices, but ABC (Alabama Beverage Control) has us over a barrel.

Wine and beer come from state licensed private sector distributors.
Anheuser Busch products from one, Miller from another and a few imports and wines from a third.
That's it! there is no competition. If I want to sell Bud Lite, I have to buy it from Bud- Busch, Loxley.

In all fairness, all bars have the same distributers, but a place like Wal-Mart that sells 60 cases of Miller Lite a day gets a much better price than a neighborhood bar that sells 14 cases a week.
Wal-Mart can actually sell beer cheaper than I can buy it.
I think that if the state is going to restrict who I can buy product from, they should demand distributers charge the same price to all customers.

Preferably, the state should remove the monopoly these distributers hold and allow me to buy product from who ever gives me the best price.
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Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....
I'm libertarian... but I like Rubio. Been following him for a long time. A bit young yet, but he's the real thing.
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Yeah, thanks non republican for putting that crap in.

But it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a business pays their CEO. Did that ever occur to you?

If Chick Fil A or Sony wants to pay their CEO a million dollars an hour, that's their business AND NONE OF YOURS.

Welcome to a free country. People are free. Even to pay a CEO more than YOU think they are worth.

What is it with liberals that they can't stand someone else besides liberal politicians are making money!

If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.
He is! I met the man during his Senate campaign. We talked for 15 minutes before he introduced himself. He never once asked for my vote, though, by the end of our chat, it was pretty clear I wouldn't be voting for his opponent.
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Yeah, thanks non republican for putting that crap in.

But it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a business pays their CEO. Did that ever occur to you?

If Chick Fil A or Sony wants to pay their CEO a million dollars an hour, that's their business AND NONE OF YOURS.

Welcome to a free country. People are free. Even to pay a CEO more than YOU think they are worth.

What is it with liberals that they can't stand someone else besides liberal politicians are making money!

If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.
Ayup... the CEO oligarchy over CEO pay in publicly traded companies needed to be ended a LONG time ago. The stockholders should have some say in the pay structure of it's executive chain.
Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

As for CEO pay, the ONLY way to retain liberty and deal with that is to restore small business as the backbone of the country, and we do that by getting big government off the back of small business so they can compete with big business. Right now all the advantage is with the huge mega corporations who pay those huge salaries to their CEOS. Government regulation doesn't hurt them all that much. But it devastates small business and makes it almost impossible for them to compete. Give the big corporations serious competition and they will change their ways voluntarily to protect their profits.
Snipped to what I'm intending to comment on.

Take my business, for example. I must buy hard liquor from state run stores. Privately owned stores frequently have better prices, but ABC (Alabama Beverage Control) has us over a barrel.

Wine and beer come from state licensed private sector distributors.
Anheuser Busch products from one, Miller from another and a few imports and wines from a third.
That's it! there is no competition. If I want to sell Bud Lite, I have to buy it from Bud- Busch, Loxley.

In all fairness, all bars have the same distributers, but a place like Wal-Mart that sells 60 cases of Miller Lite a day gets a much better price than a neighborhood bar that sells 14 cases a week.
Wal-Mart can actually sell beer cheaper than I can buy it.
I think that if the state is going to restrict who I can buy product from, they should demand distributers charge the same price to all customers.

Preferably, the state should remove the monopoly these distributers hold and allow me to buy product from who ever gives me the best price.

I hear that. But I opt for you buying wherever you can get the best price in the free market rather than any kind of artificial price fixing.
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Yeah, thanks non republican for putting that crap in.

But it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a business pays their CEO. Did that ever occur to you?

If Chick Fil A or Sony wants to pay their CEO a million dollars an hour, that's their business AND NONE OF YOURS.

Welcome to a free country. People are free. Even to pay a CEO more than YOU think they are worth.

What is it with liberals that they can't stand someone else besides liberal politicians are making money!

If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.
Ayup... the CEO oligarchy over CEO pay in publicly traded companies needed to be ended a LONG time ago. The stockholders should have some say in the pay structure of it's executive chain.

Did it ever occur to you the stock holders don't care as long as that highly paid CEO is earning them dividends?
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Yeah, thanks non republican for putting that crap in.

But it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a business pays their CEO. Did that ever occur to you?

If Chick Fil A or Sony wants to pay their CEO a million dollars an hour, that's their business AND NONE OF YOURS.

Welcome to a free country. People are free. Even to pay a CEO more than YOU think they are worth.

What is it with liberals that they can't stand someone else besides liberal politicians are making money!

If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.
Ayup... the CEO oligarchy over CEO pay in publicly traded companies needed to be ended a LONG time ago. The stockholders should have some say in the pay structure of it's executive chain.

Did it ever occur to you the stock holders don't care as long as that highly paid CEO is earning them dividends?
They do care. It's not just the CEO, it's the entire Executive Chain, that is setting it's own salary in spite of stock holder wishes.

Essentially you have a choice invest or don't invest. But if you invest, the Executive chain takes the profit they want to take and the owners of the company have no say in it.
The test I was 95 Republican, 91 Constitution, 73 Libertarian, 13 Democratic, 1 Green Party, 0 Socialist.

My pick for President are currently Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio. No particular order.
If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.

Sure they do. They just don't buy stock in that company. You make it a matter of social conscience just as we all chose to not invest in any company doing business with South Africa to protest Apartheid. Or boycotting the Nestle Company back in the 1970's to protest unethical marketing.

But there is no 'theft' involved in those mega salaries and I personally think it is ethically problematic to try to pressure a company that is not doing anything unethical. And it is purely voluntary whether or not we do business with a private business as opposed to whether we support the permanent political class in Washington who have the power to enrich themselves at our expense. IMO that is where you need to focus your anger and resentment.

And it is the candidates who recognize and seem committed to doing something about breaking the illegal and oppressive powers of government that I am looking to as my nominee in 2016.
The test I was 95 Republican, 91 Constitution, 73 Libertarian, 13 Democratic, 1 Green Party, 0 Socialist.

My pick for President are currently Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio. No particular order.

I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for any of those guys and several others. At least not yet.

I just want a President with his head on straight, that knows what the limitations of government should be, who knows what makes an economy strong and robust, and who works with Congress and the people to get things done. I don't want another President who declares himself king with authority to rule by fiat.

If we have a President who understands what needs to happen and who knows what his authority is intended to be and who does not presume to make himself king, it won't matter all that much how he personally leans on any given issue.
Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

As for CEO pay, the ONLY way to retain liberty and deal with that is to restore small business as the backbone of the country, and we do that by getting big government off the back of small business so they can compete with big business. Right now all the advantage is with the huge mega corporations who pay those huge salaries to their CEOS. Government regulation doesn't hurt them all that much. But it devastates small business and makes it almost impossible for them to compete. Give the big corporations serious competition and they will change their ways voluntarily to protect their profits.
Snipped to what I'm intending to comment on.

Take my business, for example. I must buy hard liquor from state run stores. Privately owned stores frequently have better prices, but ABC (Alabama Beverage Control) has us over a barrel.

Wine and beer come from state licensed private sector distributors.
Anheuser Busch products from one, Miller from another and a few imports and wines from a third.
That's it! there is no competition. If I want to sell Bud Lite, I have to buy it from Bud- Busch, Loxley.

In all fairness, all bars have the same distributers, but a place like Wal-Mart that sells 60 cases of Miller Lite a day gets a much better price than a neighborhood bar that sells 14 cases a week.
Wal-Mart can actually sell beer cheaper than I can buy it.
I think that if the state is going to restrict who I can buy product from, they should demand distributers charge the same price to all customers.

Preferably, the state should remove the monopoly these distributers hold and allow me to buy product from who ever gives me the best price.
Bars seem to be the last of the mom and pops.

I feel for you, no one is out there to help the small independent business. Maybe all the bars in the area can form a co-op and purchase as a group.

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If it is a privately held corporation. But in a publicly traded company, sotckholders have no way of stopping this kind of theft.
But there is no 'theft' involved in those mega salaries and I personally think it is ethically problematic to try to pressure a company that is not doing anything unethical. And it is purely voluntary whether or not we do business with a private business as opposed to whether we support the permanent political class in Washington who have the power to enrich themselves at our expense. IMO that is where you need to focus your anger and resentment.

And here we have a huge disconnect on the part of someone who obviously does not understand how this system works.

I find it almost hysterical (and I mean that) that you would go after politicians and not the top brass at large companies.

They are almost one in the same and they are deep in bed together.

You didn't see the site on the CEO's who'se companies lost money big time and were fired with 30 million dollar golden parachutes ?

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