Republican bill would stop US embassies flying gay ‘pride’ flags


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 24, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) -- Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are aiming to forbid U.S. embassies from raising “gay pride” flags, or any banner other than the Stars and Stripes.

Republican bill would stop US embassies flying gay ‘pride’ flags

Oh please agree to NOT FLY THIS FKN THING!!!

Why? because to many Trump hating leftist idiots think they are better and above everyone else. Why? Because everybody else's rights are stomped on, trampled on. pushed aside as if other people's rights aren't good enough or important enough.

Want to take a bible to school nope, want to take a dildo to school ok according to the god haters who want to be oh so equal it's ok as long as the anti American godless freaks approve. Now don't get me wrong one doesn't have to think there is a god to be pro American . But when you want to strip from others for your own selfish greed and to make a point YOU ARE WRONG and YOU ARE SCUM LEAVE THE US LOSERS!!


‘Gay’ agenda: A cultural war against Christians


Democrats as the Anti-Christian Party

Oh anybody awake knows the games they are playing which is why they may not win many more battles because the losers claims are fake and made up to strip others and just to see if they can do it.

now all the Air Force has to do is quit playing political pussies and put the. GAWD DAM BIBLE THE FK BACK!!!
Why should they be flying gay flags? If we allow one, then all others would want their, too.

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