"Reporters" caught on hot mic discussing Trump assassination

I realized long ago that you’d be repeating your baseless mantra over and over to effect.

He’s not my savior. But he’s also not cooked. He is your next President.

Have a good cry.
If he wasn't, you'd jettison him and move on to someone else.
I've watched you post for a few years now. Too late. :)
Carry on.
If SCOTUS doesn't do their job, they need some radical changes.

But I'm confident that they will do their job and bar Trumpolini from ever holding office again.

Doing their job means doing only what democrats permit them to do. Otherwise, is assassination on the table for them as well as President Trump?
If he wasn't, you'd jettison him and move on to someone else.
I've watched you post for a few years now. Too late. :)
Carry on.
Not one speck of sense ^ exists in your post. WTF does any of that gibberish even mean?

I guess that’s your way of just waving your white flag.

Face it little jerkwad, you’re an imbecile. 👍
Doing their job means doing only what democrats permit them to do. Otherwise, is assassination on the table for them as well as President Trump?

Doing their job means interpreting the Constitution. Most of SCOTUS believe in the 'Original Intent' interpretation. If they stay true to that philosophy Trump will definitely be barred from holding office ever again.

If they do not stay true to the judicial philosophy that they've championed all of their careers, it means that they are totally corrupt and making decisions based on partisanship. They would be a proven fraud.

In the latter case, they should be impeached, or the court should be stacked to dilute their power.
Doing their job means interpreting the Constitution. Most of SCOTUS believe in the 'Original Intent' interpretation. If they stay true to that philosophy Trump will definitely be barred from holding office ever again.

If they do not stay true to the judicial philosophy that they've championed all of their careers, it means that they are totally corrupt and making decisions based on partisanship. They would be a proven fraud.

In the latter case, they should be impeached, or the court should be stacked to dilute their power.
Anything to maintain democrat tyranny.
No matter how evil you think the corporate media is, they're worse than that.

The Secret Service should be investigating this.

Meanwhile, inside, Trump lawyers are asked if Trump has immunity if he orders the government to assassinate a leader. Guess Trump isn't supposed to do that but it's ok if the media does it.
No. You don't see much. Probably the tin foil hat getting in the way, again.

Says the TDS asshole who believes everything he's told to believe by the authority he worships.

Even when everything you've been told has been proven to be lies, you still blindly follow, yet I'm the one wearing a tinfoil hat. :laughing0301:

In the latter case, they should be impeached, or the court should be stacked to dilute their power.

Says the so-called constitution loving asswipe. There is nothing about 'democracy' that you advocate or support, all you care about is tyranny, yours, you want everyone to think the same way you do, do what you find is appropriate, via force of the government that you control. There's not a single part of you that cares about anyone's freedoms, you're a complete fraud, and you prove it every time you open your traitorous mouth.
No, it’s YOU refusing to admit the truth. That your fellow Trump hating Un-American asshole called for the assassination of Donald Trump. But you approve of that so it’s okay.

A country cannot stand that has such a dichotomy of thought, these people used to be fringe elements, but now they're being promoted, given a platform, and given power in order to bring about the destruction of this country. They need to be stopped or it's done, we may already be too late.
This from the assholes that thought a hammer attack on the 80 year old spouse of the House Speaker was funny

Fuck off

Care to link to that post? Do you always have to lie, it seems as though you just can't stop.
Care to link to that post? Do you always have to lie, it seems as though you just can't stop.
Are you seriously claiming that Trumpers didn’t think the attack on Pelosi’s husband was funny?
Does WWII history offend you?

I have no doubt as to why!

You are VERY confused. My grandfather also fought in WWII and if he was alive today would be a fervent Trump supporter, as would the vast majority. Do you really think that generation would be in favor of the crap the Democratic Party supports today? Get real.
Trump is an enemy of the people. You are simply too dumb to realize this.

Biden and the Democrats are enemies of the US. Your are too dumb to realize it. One look at the border should be enough to make you realize but...nope, nothing.
I've looked in on this thread a couple of times, but don't get it. The only people seen talking are cops near a cop car. No names are given, and if there were reporters, not YouTubers present, no affiliation was mentioned. You can't even tell if the offensive speech was at the place where the cops were, or at somebody's house as an overdub.

That is some flakey crap. What makes anyone think reporters were even involved? Certainly not production standards.
It is rather bizarre that ardent Trump supporters are hesitating to name the journalist who are bent on taking out their lord and master.

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