Report: Obama threatened Putin with war over election hacking conspiracy theory


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Report: Obama Threatened Putin With WAR Over Election Hacking Conspiracy Theory
President used emergency 'red phone' system to say 'armed conflict' could ensue
Take this one with a pinch of salt, because it comes from the fake mainstream media, but NBC reported earlier this week that outgoing president Obama actually used an emergency communications system to tell Russian leader Vladimir Putin that if he interfered with US elections, it could lead to armed conflict.

NBC reports that one of Obama’s senior advisors had urged the president to actually threaten Russia with war in the weeks leading up to the election.................
Is this really that shocking? What doesn't Obama lie about. We also have been aware of how he has been poking the bear for months.
The msm has helped make him look good for a long, long time. It only has become a reality for most just how he is anything but a snake.

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Hillary clearly wanted war with Russia. Confrontation with Russia has already been the Hussein policy for eight years now.
If you get up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe it was not just a dream that the US just launched an "armed conflict" against you.
Putin, knowing obastard will be gone soon, laughed and hung up.

I agree. Putin probably busted a damned gut laughing.

Lordy douchebag trying to be tough is like a flower attacking someone.

Oh and for him to threaten war with someone he would have had to leave the golf course. Don't hold your breath kiddies.

The OP is an example of "fake news and propaganda" from the Alt Right. Next.

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