Report: Automated anti-stall system activated before Ethiopian Max jet crash


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Anyone else remember learning this in school?

A body in motion will remain in motion and a body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.
An "automated" anti-stall system that can and will put the plane in a dive during the critical phase of take-off just sounds like a bad idea to me. Warnings yes. Multiple warnings, yes, but a system that just takes over control from the pilot would keep me awake at night if I worked on that design fearing that there was some unforeseen scenario that hadn't been taken into consideration, including the plane getting tossed around during a thunderstorm.

Investigators have determined that an anti-stall system automatically activated before an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max jet plunged into the ground, a newspaper reported Friday.

The preliminary conclusion, based on information from the aircraft's data and voice recorders, shows that the malfunctioning automated system may be responsible for the deadly March 10 crash, The Wall Street Journal reported. It also is a strong link to the fatal crash of an Indonesian Lion Air Max jet, which had similar problems in October.

Both crashes killed a combined 346 people and are being investigated by teams of international experts led by the countries where the flights originated.

The Wall Street Journal reported the preliminary results of the Ethiopia investigation, citing unidentified people that it said were briefed on the probe. The newspaper said the consensus among investigators was revealed during a briefing at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday.​

Report: Automated anti-stall system activated before Ethiopian Max jet crash

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