Repeal of estate tax will add 269 billion to deficit

Really? A true hard worker, by your definition, is a wall street scum bag, not the majority of the working population, or the world. Diamond miners, sweatshop workers, construction workers, service workers, we can't all be business leaders, that's hilarious. It's not just skill and intelligence,it depends on the area, the money one has, the conditions they have, the schooling available, the opportunities, the country.. I'm in a welfare line? I work, sorry, although welfare is a wonderful thing the state has done.

Welfare is not a wonderful thing. It is a scourge on society that has the potential to bankrupt nations. It is the greedy using the power of the vote to steal things they did not earn themselves.

It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money by force from a person who earned it and give to somebody else that didn't earn it. That is thievery and it is despicable.
The inconvenient truth that the Liberals refuse to acknowledge is that the economy was doing fine until Barney Queerboy, Harry Reid and that Looney Tunes Nancy Peloski took over the Congress in 2007.

Is it painful to be as stupid as you seem to be? Just curious.
It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money by force from a person who earned it and give to somebody else that didn't earn it. That is thievery and it is despicable.

You don't pay any taxes to begin with. And secondly, when you did pay tax, yours went to kill a couple terrorists with a Hellfire missile. You bought two bolts in the missile assembly.

My tax dollars went to pay for three kids to have something to eat.

There was no thievery involved. You wanted to kill something and I wanted to give someone without food something to eat.
See how taxes work.
But they do get a 5.43 million dollar exemption this year.

For the wackadoodles we have on here who are complaining about the estate tax, that 5.43 million (for a single person) just won't be enough.
Funny, how Republicans keep telling the poor they don't work hard enough. But they want a lot of idle rich kids to get lot's of what they never worked for and never will. And so many end up dead from having too much given to them for free. Pity.
Such is the way of a society where true hard workers are constantly exploited.
A true hard worker uses both skill and intelligence to better his and his families lot in life. Tough concept for a communist to grasp standing in the welfare line.
Really? A true hard worker, by your definition, is a wall street scum bag, not the majority of the working population, or the world. Diamond miners, sweatshop workers, construction workers, service workers, we can't all be business leaders, that's hilarious. It's not just skill and intelligence,it depends on the area, the money one has, the conditions they have, the schooling available, the opportunities, the country.. I'm in a welfare line? I work, sorry, although welfare is a wonderful thing the state has done.

You don't know his "true definition" of a hard worker. you're just a blowhard and long winded to boot
The inconvenient truth that the Liberals refuse to acknowledge is that the economy was doing fine until Barney Queerboy, Harry Reid and that Looney Tunes Nancy Peloski took over the Congress in 2007.

Is it painful to be as stupid as you seem to be? Just curious.

Being against state sponsored thievery is not stupidity. You inability to understand speaks volumes of why you are a Liberal.
It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money by force from a person who earned it and give to somebody else that didn't earn it. That is thievery and it is despicable.

You don't pay any taxes to begin with. And secondly, when you did pay tax, yours went to kill a couple terrorists with a Hellfire missile. You bought two bolts in the missile assembly.

My tax dollars went to pay for three kids to have something to eat.

There was no thievery involved. You wanted to kill something and I wanted to give someone without food something to eat.
See how taxes work.
You would have been better off had they NOT taken your tax money in the first place. Then you would have had enough to pay for six kids to have something to eat. See how that's better?
Man, does the DNC have this many paid trolls on all the boards. Regular folks can't be pushing this nonsense we are seeing from some people in this thread. or the Dem party has done fine job of brainwashing

The deceased paid taxes on his income. Not the heirs. But they do get a 5.43 million dollar exemption this year.

What the hell did the welfare queens do to earn the money? Absolutely nothing more than vote for some Liberal turdbrain that stole the money on their behalf.

The scam is voting for Liberals who steal money for you that you don't earn yourself.
The inconvenient truth that the Liberals refuse to acknowledge is that the economy was doing fine until Barney Queerboy, Harry Reid and that Looney Tunes Nancy Peloski took over the Congress in 2007.

Is it painful to be as stupid as you seem to be? Just curious.

Being against state sponsored thievery is not stupidity. You inability to understand speaks volumes of why you are a Liberal.

There is no thievery, well no more than taxing every single income earner (over the personal exemption). Taxation is part of the Constitution. Why should income derived from inheritance be exempt?

The deceased paid taxes on his income. Not the heirs. But they do get a 5.43 million dollar exemption this year.

What the hell did the welfare queens do to earn the money? Absolutely nothing more than vote for some Liberal turdbrain that stole the money on their behalf.

The scam is voting for Liberals who steal money for you that you don't earn yourself.

The money goes to the Government General fund, not some mythical recpients made up by you drama queens
You don't pay any taxes to begin with. And secondly, when you did pay tax, yours went to kill a couple terrorists with a Hellfire missile. You bought two bolts in the missile assembly.

My tax dollars went to pay for three kids to have something to eat.

There was no thievery involved. You wanted to kill something and I wanted to give someone without food something to eat.
See how taxes work.

I am sorry to disappoint you but I do pay taxes. A hell of a lot them.

I don't mind paying for the minimal necessary government services (like defense, courts, police etc) if the money is spent wisely (which it never is because government is always very inefficeint).

The thievery is the scam of sorry assholes voting for Liberals that take my money and give it to somebody else in exchange for the vote. A person that did not earn the money. That is thievery.

I am a generous person that would be willing to help those that really can't help themselves but it is wrong for the government to take my money by force and give it to somebody else.

Taxes may be legal but they are thievery when the money is used to provide welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.
Today, 99.8 percent of estates owe no estate tax at all, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.[3] Only the estates of the wealthiest 0.2 percent of Americans — roughly 2 out of every 1,000 people who die — owe any estate tax. (See Figure 1.) This is because of the tax’s high exemption amount, which has jumped from $650,000 per person in 2001 to $5.43 million per person in 2015. (x2 for couples) = $10.86 million.

the moron RW's fighting for such a small percentage of the population can't even spell $10.86 million much less factor in their "estates" with the tax code.

The End.
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The money goes to the Government General fund, not some mythical recpients made up by you drama queens

They are not mythical. There are tens of millions of the bastards. In fact there are more people in the US that get government transfer payments than they are people working.

The federal budget consist of three components. The minimal necessary expenditures like defense, courts, law enforcement, etc, the pork spending like bridges to nowhere and government transfer payments like welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements.

We wouldn't have to steal money from families if we didn't have the pork and the welfare.

We steal money from families with the inheritance tax to fund a bloated out of control welfare state and it is despicable.

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