

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . White nationalists fought an destroyed the NAZIS THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot. We white nationalists fought to end slavery.
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Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot.
50 years of welfare.
Over 99% of Black slaves would have been murdered in inter-tribal wars.
They were sold by their families or kidnapped by other nations.
Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot.
50 years of welfare.
Over 99% of Black slaves would have been murdered in inter-tribal wars.
They were sold by their families or kidnapped by other nations.
Other black nations (tribes).
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Poor black culture dehumanizes everyone and this is exactly what poor black culture is about. Self wounding to the 9th degree. The only "systemic " racism I am seeing is the anti white pseudo anti white BIAS.
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Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . White nationalists fought an destroyed the NAZIS THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot. We white nationalists fought to end slavery.
Pretty sure nobody here on this board fought any Nazi's.

Even if we're going to start taking credit for the achievements of other people based on genetic similarities, why would all "white" people get credit for fighting fascism? Do the ones who came up with it and actually WERE the fascists being fought, also get credit for fighting fascism? What about their descendants?

Likewise, if we're going to pat ourselves on the backs for the achievements of dead people who looked like us, then why aren't we also accepting of the narrative that says that we ought to self flagellate for those peoples' sins and atrocities?

Be careful with that collective credit shit. It's a double edged sword and an eternal warfare doctrine.
Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . White nationalists fought an destroyed the NAZIS THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot. We white nationalists fought to end slavery.
Your argument is a little unfair, but we know what you are getting at; and that is a little unfair, as well, because their culture is marred by the evolution of unfair events that comprise their sense of history that retard their thinking. It is a real shame that they remain confined to the flawed social box that was designed by (racist) white men of centuries past.

But they seem to accel as good athletes and minstrels.
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I am not paying anything, not one thin dime for reparations to people that THEIR only connection to the past is their melanin level of their skin.
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I am watching Jimmie Stewart in the classic "STRATIGIC AIR COMAND" When I was a little kid I had a pink plastic B-36 toy
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This reparations issue is between the American government and black citizens. This is the millionth thread by white racists about reparations saying the same thing. And it's ignorant. The stupid bitch who is the OP has no link and her post is purposefully antagonistic. Yet it stays open. At minimum this piece of shit should be in the rubber room. What is the constructive debate that is going to come from this retardation?

What have white women like her accomplished? She spread her legs and fucked a white man, got married, sponged off his hard work and she sits on her overweight toothless ass posting racist bullshit. This is a bait thread that needs to be moved at minimum.
Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot.
50 years of welfare.
Over 99% of Black slaves would have been murdered in inter-tribal wars.
They were sold by their families or kidnapped by other nations.
Didn't happen.
This reparations issue is between the American government and black citizens. This is the millionth thread by white racists about reparations saying the same thing. And it's ignorant. The stupid bitch who is the OP has no link and her post is purposefully antagonistic. Yet it stays open. At minimum this piece of shit should be in the rubber room. What is the constructive debate that is going to come from this retardation?

What have white women like her accomplished? She spread her legs and fucked a white man, got married, sponged off his hard work and she sits on her overweight toothless ass posting racist bullshit. This is a bait thread that needs to be moved at minimum.

So, we have a Baiting Troll...calling a Baiting Troll out for posting...a bait thread.

Got it!

Name one positive thing that blacks have done. I can think of a handful of things. But NOT involving peanuts or transfusions. White People put men on the moon, or we white people fight real racism/fascism and lost our lives in the processes and we whites ended slavery . THAT is a rather HUGE plus. Put that under the "We have already paid reparations"' slot.
50 years of welfare.
Over 99% of Black slaves would have been murdered in inter-tribal wars.
They were sold by their families or kidnapped by other nations.
Didn't happen.
Now there’s an argument!

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