Reparations, the big freaken lie!

With all the talk about “fake news” these days, confirmation of fake news is easily found in hundreds of media outlets which continue to condemn the wrong actors for the existence of slavery in the United States. For example, Cory Booker, said “It is a cancer on the soul of our country.” While Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee alleged “The role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . . must be formally acknowledged and addressed.”

But what these liars refuse to acknowledge is, slavery was first introduced on America soil in the early 1600s when a number of slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, a British colony. And millions more were introduced long before the establishment of the United States. In fact, in their quest to promote a fraudulent collective responsibility upon the good people of the United States, flimflam artists like Cory Booker, Sheila Jackson Lee, actor Danny Glover and other hustlers fail to acknowledge that after the Revolutionary War and the good people of America gained their independence from foreign domination [the real culprit of slavery on American soil] the people within a number of the states, exercising their newly found freedom, immediately moved to share the blessings of liberty to all by abolishing slavery!

For example, the people of Vermont took this immediate action in their 1777 declaration of rights, which declared "no ... person born in this country, or brought here over sea, ought to be holden by law to serve any person as a servant, slave, or apprentice". Likewise, the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 declared that "all men are born free and equal" and was used by the court a few years after its adoption to legally forbid any person to be held as a slave. And, in 1787, the Northwest Ordinance, adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787, declared "there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

By the year 1788 all the states north of Maryland, except New York and New Jersey, had legislated to extinguish slavery, and by 1804 the remaining two northern states [N.Y. and N.J.] had put slavery to rest.

The truth is, the injustice of slavery was not an injustice inflicted or perpetrated by the government of the United States. Quite the contrary! Upon the creation of the United States government, as witnessed by Article 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3, of the Constitution of the United States, an aversion to slavery was expressed by a specific penalty imposed upon those states having state sponsored slavery. Unfortunately, the constitutional penalty for state-sponsored slavery has been distorted and mischaracterized over the years by race baiters and hustlers who claim the provision "made blacks three-fifths of a person.". But a review of the actual words of Article 1, Sec. 2, clause 3, reveals slave holding states were penalized by this provision which denied them full representation in Congress in proportion to their actual population size---the population of slaves not being fully counted when apportioning representatives among the states, which diminished the voting strength of slave holding states in Congress Assembled!

And then there’s Article 1, Section 9 of our original Constitution by which slavery was intended to be taxed into extinction by the federal government.

”The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”

So, as it turns out, contrary to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s false assertion about the “… role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . .” its real role, from the very beginning, was working to abolish slavery. This is not to say that Africans did not suffer dearly under slavery. They did! But to point a finger at the wrong actors, and ignore how the good people of the United States worked from the very beginning of the United States to end slavery, is to perpetuated and instigate a nefarious cause ___ race baiting and hustling for political gain.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves.___ Author unknown

Unfortunately for you, we do know the history of slavery. And since slavery did not end when America was no longer a colony, it is proper to bring it to the federal government. And since those like you choose to deny the 100 years after slavery thal allowed states to use the courts to reenslave blacks using convict leasin, aparthied in the north and south, A republican administration that ended reconstruction, the Republican Lily white movement, and many other things showing republican complicity in all such matters. Slavery could have been ended at the constitutional convention. It wasn't. So all these words you wrote is just another long winded white opposition to the idea of reparations.
I don't owe them nothing. Reperations is a scan.
Reparations is a scam to attempt control of the black vote. It is INCREDIBLY racist, because it assumes blacks are stupid.

Want to press the issue? Ok, I can prove my ancestors fought for the Union - so I'll be needing a check.
Tax all States that were part of The Confederacy, and all offspring that were Slave Owners.

Everyone else in America should not have to chip in a dime.
With all the talk about “fake news” these days, confirmation of fake news is easily found in hundreds of media outlets which continue to condemn the wrong actors for the existence of slavery in the United States. For example, Cory Booker, said “It is a cancer on the soul of our country.” While Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee alleged “The role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . . must be formally acknowledged and addressed.”

But what these liars refuse to acknowledge is, slavery was first introduced on America soil in the early 1600s when a number of slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, a British colony. And millions more were introduced long before the establishment of the United States. In fact, in their quest to promote a fraudulent collective responsibility upon the good people of the United States, flimflam artists like Cory Booker, Sheila Jackson Lee, actor Danny Glover and other hustlers fail to acknowledge that after the Revolutionary War and the good people of America gained their independence from foreign domination [the real culprit of slavery on American soil] the people within a number of the states, exercising their newly found freedom, immediately moved to share the blessings of liberty to all by abolishing slavery!

For example, the people of Vermont took this immediate action in their 1777 declaration of rights, which declared "no ... person born in this country, or brought here over sea, ought to be holden by law to serve any person as a servant, slave, or apprentice". Likewise, the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 declared that "all men are born free and equal" and was used by the court a few years after its adoption to legally forbid any person to be held as a slave. And, in 1787, the Northwest Ordinance, adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787, declared "there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

By the year 1788 all the states north of Maryland, except New York and New Jersey, had legislated to extinguish slavery, and by 1804 the remaining two northern states [N.Y. and N.J.] had put slavery to rest.

The truth is, the injustice of slavery was not an injustice inflicted or perpetrated by the government of the United States. Quite the contrary! Upon the creation of the United States government, as witnessed by Article 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3, of the Constitution of the United States, an aversion to slavery was expressed by a specific penalty imposed upon those states having state sponsored slavery. Unfortunately, the constitutional penalty for state-sponsored slavery has been distorted and mischaracterized over the years by race baiters and hustlers who claim the provision "made blacks three-fifths of a person.". But a review of the actual words of Article 1, Sec. 2, clause 3, reveals slave holding states were penalized by this provision which denied them full representation in Congress in proportion to their actual population size---the population of slaves not being fully counted when apportioning representatives among the states, which diminished the voting strength of slave holding states in Congress Assembled!

And then there’s Article 1, Section 9 of our original Constitution by which slavery was intended to be taxed into extinction by the federal government.

”The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”

So, as it turns out, contrary to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s false assertion about the “… role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . .” its real role, from the very beginning, was working to abolish slavery. This is not to say that Africans did not suffer dearly under slavery. They did! But to point a finger at the wrong actors, and ignore how the good people of the United States worked from the very beginning of the United States to end slavery, is to perpetuated and instigate a nefarious cause ___ race baiting and hustling for political gain.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves.___ Author unknown
The GOP wanted to provide reparations at the end of the Civil War but it never happened. Any Dem offering cash today is pandering to the base since it will NEVER happen. Slavery ended 150+ years ago but discrimination has lasted much longer, depending on where you live.

Keeping Blacks in poverty, the result of discrimination, benefited the rest of society by creating a permanent underclass, a pool of cheap labor. My grandparents came to this country in the last century, slavery was long gone, but they didn't have to compete with Blacks for jobs so they rapidly rose from poverty.

The truth is we've been making reparations for a long time. Afirmative action for jobs, education, housing, etc. is a form of reparations.
I agree with Obama's position that it is dealing with discrimination, education, and lifting people out of poverty that is needed.

How has that worked out? The missing ingredient is personal responsibility. In America, people lift themselves out of poverty by working.
I agree with Obama's position that it is dealing with discrimination, education, and lifting people out of poverty that is needed.

How has that worked out? The missing ingredient is personal responsibility. In America, people lift themselves out of poverty by working.
This is only true if the playing field is even and for most of our history this has not been the case for Blacks. Even if it is even now (?) it was not always even in my lifetime. My parents got decent jobs and were able to send me to college allowing me to live very well and provide every opportunity to my kids. If your family was kept in poverty for generations that will have an effect on succeeding generations for a very long time. Their kids will have a very tough time catching up to my kids and their kids will have trouble catching up with my grandkids, etc.

Certainly some will make up the difference if the playing field is now truly flat but it will take time. It is like starting a race 10 yards behind the starting line. If some sort of reparations can bring everyone up to the same starting line, I'm good with that.
If your family was kept in poverty for generations that will have an effect on succeeding generations for a very long time. Their kids will have a very tough time catching up to my kids and their kids will have trouble catching up with my grandkids, etc.

Certainly some will make up the difference if the playing field is now truly flat but it will take time. It is like starting a race 10 yards behind the starting line. If some sort of reparations can bring everyone up to the same starting line, I'm good with that.

Nice sentiment, but are you really thinking through what you are saying? In terms of positive social norms, Blacks were much better off 50 years ago. As for starting the race 10 yards behind, exactly what are you referring to? Is a black baby born today disadvantaged at birth? If so, who's responsibility is that?

Do you really think that government programs are a substitute for responsible parenting? If anything, don't they undermine that concept by enabling dysfunctional behavior? Children are not raised by villages, but social pressure used to be a positive ingredient. Now it is treated as a judgmental pariah.

Tolerance of poor behavior is no virtue.
The truth is we've been making reparations for a long time. Afirmative action for jobs, education, housing, etc. is a form of reparations.

The American Taxpayer has been paying reparations ever since President Johnson’s 1960’s Great free-cheese Society.


The unavoidable truth is, the Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sander’s and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

WHICH 'lie' would that be?

  • The claim that AMERICANS committed an 'injustice' to blacks and owe them?

The Americans who committed acts of / engaged in 'Slavery' are LONG since DEAD. Those who engaged in PHYSICAL slavery / perpetrated acts of PHYSICAL slavery can not atone for their 'sins'/crimes in THIS world any longer.

The individuals the Socialist Democrats want to monetarily pay for those long-since dead individual's crimes are current American citizens who have never participated in PHYSICAL slavery, who never owned slaves, have never even known anyone who ever owned a slave. Democrats want to take / 'steal' money from 'innocent' people who have NEVER OWNED A SLAVE and give it to people who have NEVER BEEN A SLAVE.

  • 'SLAVERY'? What about what wad done to blacks AFTER they were freed?
Democrats hate talking about what happened AFTER blacks were freed...and anyone can understand why. It is a past one would like to separate themselves from and forget. AFTER blacks were freed Sothern DEMOCRATS formed the notorious KKK - intimidation, violence, racial hatred, cross burnings, and even murder.....

Are the reparations Democrats now seek to pass through Congress into law also meant to wipe their conscience clean and pay for the further injustices they faced at the hands of Democrats after they were freed ... or should we expect to see a different bill proposing reparations for that later if the current one passes?
  • What about 'Economic Slavery'?
After the GOP led the fight in the successful battle for Civil Rights, the Democrats vowed to be the 'champion' of blacks ... and conned blacks into trading the physical shackles of original slavery for the fiscal bonds of the DNC's policy of 'Economic Slavery'.

Despite promising to help blacks achieve their every desire and success, Democrats introduced and expanded government programs meant to get blacks dependent on govt hand-outs just to survive and devoted to those who kept those govt programs flowing - Democrats. Every election Democrats would tell minorities that the mean ol' GOP was going to cut off those programs and leave them to die while promising minorities the 'moon'. One woman claimed Obama was going to pay for her gas for a year while another claimed he was going to 'buy her a kitchen' - Neither one got what they were 'promised' / expected. In fact, Obama, the 1st black President did almost NOTHING to help blacks / minorities as President. Unemployment was more than DOUBLE that of whites under Obama.

Under President Trump, Minority Unemployment is the lowest it has ever been in recorded history. Under President Trump America has the strongest economy in DECADES, the lowest unemployment in DECADES - for minorities, ever, most Americans working at 1 time in decades, higher wages, raises, bonuses, millions of Americans OFF of unemployment, food stamps, welfare, etc.... Americans - not just minorities - are now more INdependent than dependent on the govt...

Dependency on the GOVT = more voted for Democrats...which is why they have promised to raise taxes, drive the factories and their jobs back over seas, re-instate business/success-choking regulations, and why they keep bringing in millions of un-skilled illegals to flood the job market and cause American wages to plummet. Democrats don't want Americans to be successful; and independent. Again, less dependence on govt and govt handouts means less dependence on Democrats which means less votes....and less power.

Are these reparations meant as repayment for DECADES of 'ECONOMIC SLAVERY', for intentionally trying to keep blacks down, to keep them dependent on the govt, on hand-outs from Democrats?
If your family was kept in poverty for generations that will have an effect on succeeding generations for a very long time. Their kids will have a very tough time catching up to my kids and their kids will have trouble catching up with my grandkids, etc.

Certainly some will make up the difference if the playing field is now truly flat but it will take time. It is like starting a race 10 yards behind the starting line. If some sort of reparations can bring everyone up to the same starting line, I'm good with that.

Nice sentiment, but are you really thinking through what you are saying? In terms of positive social norms, Blacks were much better off 50 years ago. As for starting the race 10 yards behind, exactly what are you referring to? Is a black baby born today disadvantaged at birth? If so, who's responsibility is that?

Do you really think that government programs are a substitute for responsible parenting? If anything, don't they undermine that concept by enabling dysfunctional behavior? Children are not raised by villages, but social pressure used to be a positive ingredient. Now it is treated as a judgmental pariah.

Tolerance of poor behavior is no virtue.
You believe Blacks were much better off 50 years ago, I wonder how many of them would agree?

A Black man born at the same time as me likely encountered more limited opportunities for job, education, and housing. He never got the same financial advantages as I did, advantages I was able to pass on to my kids. That was my kids 10 yrd head start. I think our society owes every child the same opportunities.

Gov't programs can't substutite for responsible parenting but they can help disadvantaged kids (poor, Black, Brown, orphaned, disabled, etc.) get the same opportunities as my kids.
You believe Blacks were much better off 50 years ago, I wonder how many of them would agree?

Please don't misquote me. I said "In terms of positive social norms, Blacks were much better off 50 years ago." Do YOU disagree?

A Black man born at the same time as me likely encountered more limited opportunities for job, education, and housing. He never got the same financial advantages as I did, advantages I was able to pass on to my kids. That was my kids 10 yrd head start. I think our society owes every child the same opportunities.

So you think it's all due to financial advantages? What about poor Whites (who were also discriminated against by Affirmative Action)? Are you going to "lift them up" too?

Gov't programs can't substutite for responsible parenting but they can help disadvantaged kids (poor, Black, Brown, orphaned, disabled, etc.) get the same opportunities as my kids.

How are you going to do that? By giving them "financial advantages" or raising their test scores?

The greatest impediment to individual betterment is a lack of socially beneficial values. Once they are lost, the government can't instill them except by extreme coercion. Do you really want that?
You believe Blacks were much better off 50 years ago, I wonder how many of them would agree?
Please don't misquote me. I said "In terms of positive social norms, Blacks were much better off 50 years ago." Do YOU disagree?
I wouldn't presume to know or judge. What do you base your assertion?

A Black man born at the same time as me likely encountered more limited opportunities for job, education, and housing. He never got the same financial advantages as I did, advantages I was able to pass on to my kids. That was my kids 10 yrd head start. I think our society owes every child the same opportunities.

So you think it's all due to financial advantages? What about poor Whites (who were also discriminated against by Affirmative Action)? Are you going to "lift them up" too?
No children deserve to disadvantaged based on what their parents did or failed to do.

Gov't programs can't substutite for responsible parenting but they can help disadvantaged kids (poor, Black, Brown, orphaned, disabled, etc.) get the same opportunities as my kids.

How are you going to do that? By giving them "financial advantages" or raising their test scores?
Giving them opportunities not gifts. Decent schools, decent healthcare, decent nutrican, etc. What any child does with their opportunities is on them.
I wouldn't presume to know or judge. What do you base your assertion?

50 years ago, Black marriage and illegitimacy rates were approximately the same as for Whites. Look at how the Civil Rights marchers acted and dressed. Compare that with the hell holes that many of our inner cities have become since then. Diversity has become a code word for tolerating (if not elevating) dysfunctional and antisocial behavior in these Black communities.

The Democrats have a great political interest in maintaining these cesspools. It will take something from within (e.g., the Nation of Islam) to break this bondage and change the values and behaviors of these communities.
Reparations for slavery?

A bunch of black guys joined the labor union & they want wages for all their hard work.

Pretty much like anyone else working or looking for work, but the language is sometimes perceived as inflammatory. I don't know. It depends because every situation is unique.
With all the talk about “fake news” these days, confirmation of fake news is easily found in hundreds of media outlets which continue to condemn the wrong actors for the existence of slavery in the United States. For example, Cory Booker, said “It is a cancer on the soul of our country.” While Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee alleged “The role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . . must be formally acknowledged and addressed.”

But what these liars refuse to acknowledge is, slavery was first introduced on America soil in the early 1600s when a number of slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, a British colony. And millions more were introduced long before the establishment of the United States. In fact, in their quest to promote a fraudulent collective responsibility upon the good people of the United States, flimflam artists like Cory Booker, Sheila Jackson Lee, actor Danny Glover and other hustlers fail to acknowledge that after the Revolutionary War and the good people of America gained their independence from foreign domination [the real culprit of slavery on American soil] the people within a number of the states, exercising their newly found freedom, immediately moved to share the blessings of liberty to all by abolishing slavery!

For example, the people of Vermont took this immediate action in their 1777 declaration of rights, which declared "no ... person born in this country, or brought here over sea, ought to be holden by law to serve any person as a servant, slave, or apprentice". Likewise, the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 declared that "all men are born free and equal" and was used by the court a few years after its adoption to legally forbid any person to be held as a slave. And, in 1787, the Northwest Ordinance, adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787, declared "there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

By the year 1788 all the states north of Maryland, except New York and New Jersey, had legislated to extinguish slavery, and by 1804 the remaining two northern states [N.Y. and N.J.] had put slavery to rest.

The truth is, the injustice of slavery was not an injustice inflicted or perpetrated by the government of the United States. Quite the contrary! Upon the creation of the United States government, as witnessed by Article 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3, of the Constitution of the United States, an aversion to slavery was expressed by a specific penalty imposed upon those states having state sponsored slavery. Unfortunately, the constitutional penalty for state-sponsored slavery has been distorted and mischaracterized over the years by race baiters and hustlers who claim the provision "made blacks three-fifths of a person.". But a review of the actual words of Article 1, Sec. 2, clause 3, reveals slave holding states were penalized by this provision which denied them full representation in Congress in proportion to their actual population size---the population of slaves not being fully counted when apportioning representatives among the states, which diminished the voting strength of slave holding states in Congress Assembled!

And then there’s Article 1, Section 9 of our original Constitution by which slavery was intended to be taxed into extinction by the federal government.

”The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”

So, as it turns out, contrary to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s false assertion about the “… role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery . . .” its real role, from the very beginning, was working to abolish slavery. This is not to say that Africans did not suffer dearly under slavery. They did! But to point a finger at the wrong actors, and ignore how the good people of the United States worked from the very beginning of the United States to end slavery, is to perpetuated and instigate a nefarious cause ___ race baiting and hustling for political gain.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves.___ Author unknown

The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves.___ Author unknown

Yet there was 400,000 slaves in the North when the war began and those slaves were not freed until after the war.
Democrats are not the only people that owned slaves but people with small minds can't fathom that there was more than two parties..
yep, that is a fact. and they were no longer slaves afterward. the kkk was created by the dems in the south to take care of black people once and for all. fk the government. DEMOCRATS. Jim Crowe laws.
Worth it?

I think so.

Would dimocrap scum live up to their bargain?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What do you think?

The Morning Rant

"You know, I'm about ready to do a deal on reparations. Wait, don't go, this is not going to be 'The Conservative Case For Caving In On Reparations', no, you'll have to go to the Cuckshed Bulwark Online for that, but here it is: we give reparations, we will make one TRILLION dollars available to any American citzen of African American descent (and we'll use the old 'one drop rule' for mixed-race determination) and in return, everyone will have to finally SHUT UP, once and for all, about racism. That's it. Finished. It's done. You don't get to talk about it, whine about it, bitch about it any more. Disband Black Lives Matter. Dissolve the NAACP, abolish the Congressional Black Caucus, and revoke Farrakhan's cult church's tax-exempt status. No more bitching and moaning, you've been paid off and you now have to get on with your lives. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will now have to get real jobs. African Americans can pool all of that sweet, sweet reparations cash and use it to rebuild Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other inner cities without any interference from evil racist white guys. We could all live together in peace and love and harmony. Thank God Almighty, we'll be free at last. For a measely trillion dollars, it would almost be worth it. But the reason this is not a serious proposal is that I realize that even with this payout, it's not going to end there. Here's a book that argues for giving reparations for women for all of the uncompensated work that they've done over the years. And perhaps you've heard that Elizabeth Warren wants to give reparations to homosexuals for supposed injustices in the U.S. tax code due to 'unequal marriage laws'. As soon as we pay off one reparation claim, every last aggrieved minority will be lining up for their slice of the reparations pie. In fact, they'll probably even invent some new aggrieved groups just for the purpose of cashing in. And holy smokes, this is where intersectionality is really going to pay off big time. Because it's going to be reparations now, reparations tomorrow, and reparations forever."

And you really think that post makes sense. OBTW We've been paying Native Americans reparations for almost 200 years. Now is the American government responsible for all that you mentioned?

We're not giving them reparations as much as -- It's just cheaper to pay them than it is to kill them.

So far.

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