Rep. Justin Amash Leaves Republican Party

It's "toe" actually and no you're not. You're expected to represent that District. Go look it up in the Constitution. It's literally spelled out that that is their job.

We don't elect political parties. We elect a Representative. Or a Senator, Governor, etc. The Borg world y'all seem to want simply does not function as anything but a mindless Borg. Which kind of begs the question why you want a world of robots.

The bottom line in this case is that Amash represents a district that is not yours, therefore you have no interest in what he does.

In my country, every American is allowed to have an opinion or discuss whatever issues are current at the time. Sorry you don't get to make the rules.

Yes, we do elect parties. The Representative is part of that party, not independent of that party. When I vote for a Republican, I'm expecting that representative to conduct themselves as a Republican. If they are going to work against other Republicans, especially the President, then they need to go.

In that case your interest is purely partisan. For the rest of us we elect a Rep to represent *US* and OUR interests, not the interests of some political party. The interests of some political party are of no use to me.

I've got my own Rep here of course, as everyone does. He's more of a Misrepresentative than a Rep, but yanno what, that's MY problem, not yours. I've worked locally with previous campaigning here when that seat had other occupants, in my own interest. But what I've never done is brought it to this board --- because what's happening in my district is of no importance to you in Cleveland or to a poster in Georgia or Michigan or Washington. If this were a WNC-centered board it would be relevant, but it isn't.

And in NONE of those candidate's cases did I work for or against anybody's election because of their political party. I did so because they either were or were not qualified to represent me.

It's not a complex kind of thing really. We're voting for our own government, not somebody else's freaking political party.

Then we will have to agree to disagree. I believe we elect representatives of our party to represent us, not a bunch of independents who conduct themselves however they feel like at the time. Apparently most think like me, because that's how we ended up with Donald Trump. The constituency wanted border problems solved, and Trump was the only one out of all the other candidates that promised us that. All the other ones talked Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Like WTF, did you hear us screaming about immigration reform? No! You heard us wanting to close off the border and stop illegals.

As long as Congress critters get paid with all of our tax money, and not just tax money from their districts, then they are all open game, especially when they make the national headlines. Discussion boards would be pretty boring if we only talked about our local people.

The fatal flaw of your post, right there in its first sentence, is the ludicrous ass-sumption that "we" (everybody) has a party at all, let alone that it has to be one of these two party. The fact is most voters DO NOT have one.

That again is the Dichotomy Disease wish for a Borg mentality. I'm guessing it stems from the insecurity of thinking "if I was weak enough to have to join a political party to have relevance, then I have to believe everyone does". When you need a mobile echo chamber to assure you your positions have merit, you're in a very weak place.

I didn't make the rules, I only play by them.

No, you don't have to join a political party. Vote Independent and waste your vote for all I care. No law stopping you. But if you really want your vote to count, it is party driven. You may not like all the issues or stances of the candidate, but if he or she is the closest you can come to your positions, then that's who you support.

I vote Republican because I'm more of a small government constitutionalist. I don't believe that It Takes a Village. I believe that people should be allowed to keep the rewards they created for themselves, and that our social programs are making lazy SOB"s out of many Americans. I believe in freedom, I believe in personal responsibility, and that it's not societies problem to remedy your mistakes in life. I believe that if you have the capability to work, you should be working.

The Democrat party is the exact opposite of what I believe. Therefore I am a Republican. Does that mean I agree with every single one of their issues? Of course not, but I agree with most of them. Life isn't perfect.

As I already said several posts ago --- you believe in the whole Borg thing where everybody is a robot. You just confirmed it.

And that by definition requires the sweeping generalizations with which you just RE-confirmed it. It's literally impossible for any political party to be the opposite of, or the same as, what you believe. LITERALLY impossible. Any political party, or any amalgamation of souls at all, is by definition a collective, and that means made of individuals each with free will, and the moment you have individuals, your Borg fantasy goes :: poof:::.

So once again, as noted all along, the more people, in government or outside of it, that claim that individuality and instruct that Dichotomy Borg shit to go fuck itself, the better off we all are.

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