Rep. Boebert offended Rep. Omar

Rather than wrestle in the mud with Boebert, Omar took the high ground.
Just like AOC did earlier this month
AOC and Omar live for this shit. Hell, Omar probably likes the competition from Broebert. What is more satisfying to Omar, AOC, and the rest of the four is watching unquestioning loyalty from rank and followers like yourself even though they are full of shit. I vote conservative or at least less liberal so I find myself voting and supporting Ted Cruz. Well, this week, he made one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever heard In Suggesting Texas would secede and take the military and NASA with it. I’m not afraid to criticize. When is the last time you criticized any of the Four for being full of shit? Here is a good opportunity.
Wish she would have said that she would apologize when Biden apologizes for calling an innocent white teenager, facing imprisonment for life, a “white supremacist” for defending himself against BLM thugs trying to kill him.

Sad how Republicans are forced to apologize, and Democrats can say reprehensible things and get a pass.
We will see about that “pass” in November 2022. The Democratic Party has gone full retard and the voters need to hold them accountable. Like they did in Seattle.

AOC and Omar live for this shit. Hell, Omar probably likes the competition from Broebert. What is more satisfying to Omar, AOC, and the rest of the four is watching unquestioning loyalty from rank and followers like yourself even though they are full of shit. I vote conservative or at least less liberal so I find myself voting and supporting Ted Cruz. Well, this week, he made one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever heard In Suggesting Texas would secede and take the military and NASA with it. I’m not afraid to criticize. When is the last time you criticized any of the Four for being full of shit? Here is a good opportunity.

AOC and Omar are demonstrating that Greene, Gosar and Boebert are not in their league.

Their refusal to engage in petty infighting with them demonstrates it

Ted Cruz is demonstrating his true colors.
The same colors that allowed Ted to blindly support the man who mocked his wife as ugly
I'll give you one....

"Ilhan Omar is the new leader of the anti-Semitism that is taking the Left by storm.

She, and leftists like her, promote anti-Israel laws and is vocal about her blatant support for known terrorist organizations like Hamas.

But what she just said about Holocaust Remembrance Day is simply revolting.

Ilhan Omar has said that Israel has “hypnotized the world” and is “evil,” yet she claims it is “right-wing extremists” that are growing anti-Semitism.

Radical leftists try to peddle the fake news that “right-wing extremists” are responsible for almost all terrorism in America.

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is no different, as she tweeted on Holocaust Remembrance Day that there is increasing anti-Semitism from a rise of “Neo-Nazi” ideology.

Omar is projecting on conservatives her disdain for Israel, and her personal anti-Semitic sentiments.

It was the Obama administration that handed over $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran in 2015 even though Iran is vocal about their desire to destroy Israel.

And it was the Democrat party that wanted to leave Israel out of the negotiating table when the Iran deal was being made.

The reality is that Democrats never vote to help protect the nation of Israel from her enemies.

They only push the “right-wing extremism” narrative as a way to make conservatives look bad."

As already correctly noted: appropriate, warranted criticism of Israeli government policies is not to be ‘anti-Semitic.’

Indeed, there are Jewish Americans who oppose many of Israel’s policies.
AOC and Omar are demonstrating that Greene, Gosar and Boebert are not in their league.

Their refusal to engage in petty infighting with them demonstrates it

Ted Cruz is demonstrating his true colors.
The same colors that allowed Ted to blindly support the man who mocked his wife as ugly
AOC and Omar are devout antisemites. I am glad others are not in "their league".
AOC and Omar live for this shit. Hell, Omar probably likes the competition from Broebert. What is more satisfying to Omar, AOC, and the rest of the four is watching unquestioning loyalty from rank and followers like yourself even though they are full of shit. I vote conservative or at least less liberal so I find myself voting and supporting Ted Cruz. Well, this week, he made one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever heard In Suggesting Texas would secede and take the military and NASA with it. I’m not afraid to criticize. When is the last time you criticized any of the Four for being full of shit? Here is a good opportunity.
Lyin Cancun Ted is one of Trump's main asseaters. He figures if The Orange Ape God gets another term he may get a cabinet post if he dives into Trump's ass enough times.

I like when Cancun Ted runs his yap & proves again what a first class jerkoff he is.
Lyin Cancun Ted is one of Trump's main asseaters. He figures if The Orange Ape God gets another term he may get a cabinet post if he dives into Trump's ass enough times.

I like when Cancun Ted runs his yap & proves again what a first class jerkoff he is.
I like it when Sen. Cruz exposes Democrats on their bullshit claims that voter ID laws ARE racist. At best, under Cruz questioning, Democrats could only muster that laws COULD be racist. Even then, they had weak evidence.

I like it when Sen. Cruz exposes Democrats on their bullshit claims that voter ID laws ARE racist. At best, under Cruz questioning, Democrats could only muster that laws COULD be racist. Even then, they had weak evidence.

These laws were passed because Trump got his ass beat & are meant to make it more diiicult for minorities to vote, so who do you & Trump's asslickers in Congress like Lyin Ted think you're bullshitting?
Something tells me she doesn’t mean it and was forced to do it.
FORCED!! She wasn't "forced," she CHOSE to. People are forever saying they "have" to do this bad thing, that obscene impertinence, when they are simply choosing to obey, obey, obey. And what, she's a congresswoman and she's FORCED to jump when they say hop?

I'm forced to consider her a coward of no more interest.
The hateful, bigoted right seeks to vilify Muslim Americans consistent with other manifestations of neo-fascism.
Darn right!! Muslims and Muslim Americans sure deserve vilifying if anyone on Earth does!! Maybe you like mad bombers but I sure don't.
AOC and Omar are devout antisemites. I am glad others are not in "their league".
You realize AOC is going to be president ---- next time the Dems get in, I'd say. Ten years or so. She's got it, that's all ---- I don't like her, of course, but I can feel the charisma. A rare quality, that AOC and Trump both have.
There is way too much in your post to unpack, but I’ll try.

ok, my turn to unpack :)

The first is your claim that Jews are a protected minority. They are not. When a black person or a Muslim is criticized for some unacceptable remark, the Democrats are quick to say they are being condemned because they are black or Muslim.

They absolutely are, every bit as much as blacks and Muslims.

Every time a lawmaker makes anti-Semitic remarks or is critical of Israel, they are usually condemned, by BOTH parties...even Omar was.

When Republicans make Islamophobic remarks, is there much condemnation from their party? Is there ever any “resolutions” passed condemning it?

As far as "protected groups"...actions speak loud and clear...

Have any legislators passed or proposed legislation:

Requiring (only) Jewish immigrants to sign a loyalty oath, that includes loyalty to another foreign country?

prohibiting religious head coverings or "modest" garb?

Have they prohibited the building of synagogues in areas where other religious buildings have been permitted?

Have any elected officials legislated against "creeping Judaism"?

Have lawmakers refused to meet with with Jewish constituents unless they replied to a questionnaire asking if they beat their wives?

Did a state senator suggested that any Jew wanting to enter the United States be forced to eat pork first?

Who is a protected group?

Omar uses it all the time: “waaaaa…..they’re criticizing me because I‘m a Muslim!” I got the same thing when I criticized Obama for his horrible Obamacare scheme: “you’re jusr opposed because a black man did it.” It’s gotten so bad that ANY criticism, no matter how justified, of one of the protected minorities brings about accusations of Islamophobia or racism.

I try to apply the same standard across the board for anti semitism, racism, Islamophobia…and I’ve fairly gotten called on it when I’m wrong.

Are you criticizing policy or actions?

Do you apply the same standards across groups or is it a unique standard applied only to that one group?

Are you utilizing antisemitic/racist/Islamophobic tropes and canards in your argument?

With Omar, you are damned right a good bit of is because she is Muslim. Otherwise why is she being attacked as a "terrorist", referred to as a jihadist, placed in memes juxtaposed with 911...these type of attacks way out number attacks on her policy positions. Attack her for what she actually says, sure, that is fair game, but then to promote and spread baseless stories about her (like with Obama's birth certificate) then you open yourself to accusations of "isms".

Does that happen with Jews? When a Jew is treated unfairly, and complains about it, I’ve heard Democrats say Jews need to stop playing “the Jew victim card.” I’ve heard Democrats say ”it’s time Jews got over the Holocaust.” Do they tell blacks to get over slavery?

What Democrats have said that? Just curious because I haven't heard that from any elected officials. I have heard that from discussions here. I have also heard blacks need to get over slavery/Jim Crow, quit pulling the race caed, there is no such thing as Islamophobia or that they deserve it, and from you, they pull "the card". I see no difference between Jews, blacks, and Muslims here.

Take Omar and her antisemitic remark. You’ll recall how the Republicans in Congress wanted to issue a resolution condemning antisemitism. What happened? The Dems were so afraid to take a stand against Jew-hate that they had to water it down to being against all bigotry, with Jews named near the end. Omar twisted the whole thing around, and bragged about the resolution “condemning Islamophobia.”
True, I do see your point. Yet, I have to ask:
Given Boebart's recent Islamophobic comments, why did no one put out a resolution condemning anti Muslim hate? No strong condemnation from the Republicans? Who is the "protected group"?

Personally, I have no issue with condemning all of it, given the horrific attacks on multiple minority groups in recent years. I think bickering about who is or is not a "protected group" is irrelevant because it depends on your political point of view.

Watering it down, right after Omar’s antisemitic tropes, WEAKENS thr message. It’s the same reason leftists get mad when Republicans say the slogan should be ALL LIVES MATTER and not specifically BLACK LIVES MATTER. So why are Democrats OK with watering down the resolution on antisemitism but not on Black Lives Matter? Answer: because blacks are one of the Dems‘ protected minorities, and Jews are not.

All lives one questions that. But if you are calling attention to problems for a particular group ... I don't have a problem with emphasizing it. We do it for many groups but only black lives matter gets criticized for it.

Whew. That‘s enough for one post!

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You realize AOC is going to be president ---- next time the Dems get in, I'd say. Ten years or so. She's got it, that's all ---- I don't like her, of course, but I can feel the charisma. A rare quality, that AOC and Trump both have.
I hope not. Anything is possible as our current president is a potted plant and 81mil voted for him
We are not demanding that people who criticize Israel, and only Israel, also condemn the horrible Muslim countries like Syria, Iran, etc. We are pointing out that the repeated and targeted sole focus on the one Jewish-majority country, while never mentioning the atrocities of a Muslim countries, is an attitude driven by antisemitism.

I would disagree because that demand does come up in debates. And, it isn’t made equally, as I pointed out those who criticize Palestinians are not asked why they worse behavior elsewhere. It means that, at the beginning of any debate some one who is criticizing Israel’s policies towards Palestinians must post a large disclaimer each time making sure they criticize country x, y and z first. That requirement is not made of any other.

It also depends on how the criticism is leveled. If it is specific to a policy, such as the settlements, it CAN be valid without Jew-hate behind it. But the broad brush with which Israel is condemned - such as claiming Israel is an apartheid country, or Israel is guilty of genocide (both false accusations btw) - is most certainly indicative of antisemitism.

I can agree here.

And you know how I can tell? On every thread in which liberals are pissing all over Israel yet insisting they are not antisemitic, eventually some anti-Jew comment emerges from them 90% of the time.

I find a combination of things…and yes, I agree. IP, where most of these discussions occur, often draws anti-semites who use a concern for Palestinians is used as a vehicle to legitimize antisemitic views, but it isn’t just liberals. I also see a lot of anti Islam bigotry on display.

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