Remember when we took a knee?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:


That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

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That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.
What's with all the "We" sprinkled throughout your post?
All "you" have done is run your mouth on a message board. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

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And they were heard.

But, nobody has the right to be heard.

They don't have the right to make me listen to them.

Nobody is entitled to a platform.

This is a bullshit excuse. Quit making excuses for this thuggery.

But, I swear on all that is holy or unholy, that if they bring this "protest" to my neighborhood, I will motherfucking kill every goddamn one of them with reckless abandon. I will gleefully, in full blood lust, take out as many as I can. They better keep their fucking asses the fuck out of here.

Or don't keep out of here. Either way.

And they were heard.

But, nobody has the right to be heard.

They don't have the right to make me listen to them.

Nobody is entitled to a platform.

This is a bullshit excuse. Quit making excuses for this thuggery.

But, I swear on all that is holy or unholy, that if they bring this "protest" to my neighborhood, I will motherfucking kill every goddamn one of them with reckless abandon. I will gleefully, in full blood lust, take out as many as I can. They better keep their fucking asses the fuck out of here.

Or don't keep out of here. Either way.

Post your address, so they'll know where to go first coward.
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

View attachment 343657

That was a much lesser wrong than what your degenerate ilk are doing now.

Being a worthless parasite, who has surely never done an honest day's work in your entire wasted life, you might not understand this as well as those of us who have held honest jobs, but when you're on the clock, you're supposed to be doing what you're being paid to do; and if you're in a position of publicly representing your employer, you don't use that position to promote your own political agenda in a way that makes your employer look bad. This is especially true when you're in a business that depends wholly on a loyal fan base, that needs not to be offended and alienated by your unprofessional antics.

Pursue your political activism on your own time, with your own resources.
And they were heard.

But, nobody has the right to be heard.

They don't have the right to make me listen to them.

Nobody is entitled to a platform.

This is a bullshit excuse. Quit making excuses for this thuggery.

But, I swear on all that is holy or unholy, that if they bring this "protest" to my neighborhood, I will motherfucking kill every goddamn one of them with reckless abandon. I will gleefully, in full blood lust, take out as many as I can. They better keep their fucking asses the fuck out of here.

Or don't keep out of here. Either way.

Post your address, so they'll know where to go first coward.
Tell me who to post my address to, bitch.


That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

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Colin Kaepernick's fans took a knee to mimic him and to give the Middle Class and veterans "the finger".

The schtick made Kaep a bundle for a while, until people got bored of it. Kaepernick as a heel made money. But once the people no longer cared about him, he was gone. This is where he made his mistake, he should have come up with a new gimmick.

BTW, those who took a knee with Kaep achieved a lot- cheesed off veterans .
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.
What's with all the "We" sprinkled throughout your post?
All "you" have done is run your mouth on a message board. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Oh I have done much more than that in my lifetime, boy.
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

View attachment 343657

That was a much lesser wrong than what your degenerate ilk are doing now.

Being a worthless parasite, who has surely never done an honest day's work in your entire wasted life, you might not understand this as well as those of us who have held honest jobs, but when you're on the clock, you're supposed to be doing what you're being paid to do; and if you're in a position of publicly representing your employer, you don't use that position to promote your own political agenda in a way that makes your employer look bad. This is especially true when you're in a business that depends wholly on a loyal fan base, that needs not to be offended and alienated by your unprofessional antics.

Pursue your political activism on your own time, with your own resources.
You not holding an honest job is not my problem. White men such as yourself have been given all you have by government decree. Now shut up.
Remember when we took a knee?

This is the topic.
Yeah that was a disrespectful to our country and had no place at football games where millionaires were showing us how oppressed they are. This is inexcusable anarchy. Period.
Only to the white racist.
To any real American. If you are in support of this anarchy that would not include you.
No, only to white racists.
That was a peaceful protest against police brutality. No violence, no rioting, no looting. Yet what did we get from that?

It was like we had advocated a violent overthrow of the government. trump ran his mouth off opposing an unarmed peaceful protest while we have seen him support and advocate for armed white supremacists demanding their liberation. And after trump ran his mouth, the racists, sellouts and uncle toms all sang in unison about something that was not being done in order to disparage those of us who were simply using our first amendment rights.

We were wrong to peacefully protest. We are wrong to be angry when we see a senseless murder of a black man by police. The song, "Take a knee my ass" made a nobody rich. So what are we supposed to do? Just shut up and take it? Have we returned to slavery or jim crow where blacks had no rights a white person was bound to respect? And just how long will black uncle toms keep enabling whites to deny us of full constututional protection?

To the sellouts let me tell you a truth you seem to have forgotten: just because your black asses have made some money doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. And you ain't the only sucessful black business people on earth. So it's time for you to stop enabling white racism.

These riots are happening because no matter how peaceful we try to bring attention to the problem, no one listens. Instead we are called names and people scurry to show examples of how it happens to whites too so it can't be racism.

So let me use what a white man said long ago in warning white people about not listening. And every time a white racist wants to try quoting Dr. King:

View attachment 343657

That was a much lesser wrong than what your degenerate ilk are doing now.

Being a worthless parasite, who has surely never done an honest day's work in your entire wasted life, you might not understand this as well as those of us who have held honest jobs, but when you're on the clock, you're supposed to be doing what you're being paid to do; and if you're in a position of publicly representing your employer, you don't use that position to promote your own political agenda in a way that makes your employer look bad. This is especially true when you're in a business that depends wholly on a loyal fan base, that needs not to be offended and alienated by your unprofessional antics.

Pursue your political activism on your own time, with your own resources.

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