HRW: There are no facts of racial discrimination in the USA

Silver Cat

Gold Member
Jan 12, 2020
would you mind c/p where that is stated on the site? for some odd reason, i can't find it. at all.

if you want people to actually believe what you claim, you should include a snippet that highlights the point you are trying to make. i'll come back to see what you have backing yer claim up.
According the famous organisation, Human Rights Watch, there no any facts of racial discrimination, or any other violation of human rights in the USA.

So, stop your baseless whimper, BLM...

Why is every right wing thread based on a lie?
Their website lists lots of major human rights violations in the US right now. Quit lying, and read your own link dumb ass.
Any organization claiming that there is no racism ANYWHERE is not worth listening to, as they are obviously fools.

The relevant questions are whether and how racism affects peoples' lives, and how it can be overcome, both individually and as a society. It will never go away.
Any organization claiming that there is no racism ANYWHERE is not worth listening to, as they are obviously fools.

The relevant questions are whether and how racism affects peoples' lives, and how it can be overcome, both individually and as a society. It will never go away.

The OP is a lie. HRW says the exact opposite of what the OP claims
According the famous organisation, Human Rights Watch, there no any facts of racial discrimination, or any other violation of human rights in the USA.

So, stop your baseless whimper, BLM...

Why is every right wing thread based on a lie?
Their website lists lots of major human rights violations in the US right now. Quit lying, and read your own link dumb ass.
I've read. Few articles about COVID-19 statistic, few articles about migrants, few about the hunger and gerrymandering.
Nothing really terrible.
Any organization claiming that there is no racism ANYWHERE is not worth listening to, as they are obviously fools.

The relevant questions are whether and how racism affects peoples' lives, and how it can be overcome, both individually and as a society. It will never go away.

The OP is a lie. HRW says the exact opposite of what the OP claims
Ok. Show me anything really terrible from their site.
Race as a Factor

Race continues to play a central role in police brutality in the United States. In the cities we have examined where such data are available, minorities have alleged human rights violations by police more frequently than white residents and far out of proportion to their representation in those cities. Police have subjected minorities to apparently discriminatory treatment and have physically abused minorities while using racial epithets. Mistreatment may be non-violent harassment and humiliation, such as allegations of racial profiling in which drivers are temporarily detained often for driving in certain areas or for driving certain types of cars. At worst, it includes the kinds of extreme violence we feature in this report. Each new incident involving police mistreatment of an African-American, Hispanic-American or other minority - and particularly those that receive media attention - reinforces a general belief that some residents are subjected to particularly harsh treatment and racial bias.


Gammage had been driving in Brentwood in October 1995 when police officers pulled him over, claiming that he had been driving erratically. In a struggle with five officers after he emerged from his car, Gammage was subdued as officers pressed on his back and neck, suffocating him. He died at the scene. The case drew unusual attention because the victim was the cousin of a Pittsburgh Steelers football player, Ray Seals, a local celebrity, and he had been driving Seals's car at the time of the encounter. The trials of two other officers involved in the incident ended in mistrials in 1996 and 1997. 52​
Confronting US Policing’s Record of Violence and Abuse
Support ‘Stop Police Brutality Day’

Today, Americans will mark the 23rd national day against police brutality to draw attention to unjustifiable police killings that occur too often yet rarely end up in a courtroom. In 2018, police killed 852 people, according to Mapping Police Violence, a research collaborative collecting comprehensive data on police killings nationwide. Black people are three times as likely to be killed by police as white people, and Native Americans are killed at an even higher rate.

In a recording released on October 16, an off-duty Chicago police officer was filmed claiming, “I had to shoot,” after firing on and wounding an unarmed, autistic, black teenager in 2017. The officer, captured on video and in a 911 recording, said it looked as though Ricardo Hayes was going to pull out a gun; but in the video, Hayes appears to be walking slowly to the police officer’s car in an unthreatening manner after being called over. An investigation into the shooting is ongoing.

Such incidents happen all too often. And despite the rare guilty verdict for an officer on trial for the murder of Laquan McDonald, the US still has a long way to go to ensure justice for unlawful police violence. So we mark the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.

Human Rights Watch and other groups have documented police brutality and a lack of accountability for decades.​

Also: Police killed 1,099 people in 2019.
Why do we allow blatant misinformation like this thread on USMB?
Race continues to play a central role in police brutality in the United States. In the cities we have examined where such data are available, minorities have alleged human rights violations by police more frequently than white residents and far out of proportion to their representation in those cities. Police have subjected minorities to apparently discriminatory treatment and have physically abused minorities while using racial epithets. Mistreatment may be non-violent harassment and humiliation, such as allegations of racial profiling in which drivers are temporarily detained often for driving in certain areas or for driving certain types of cars. At worst, it includes the kinds of extreme violence we feature in this report. Each new incident involving police mistreatment of an African-American, Hispanic-American or other minority - and particularly those that receive media attention - reinforces a general belief that some residents are subjected to particularly harsh treatment and racial bias.​
Gammage had been driving in Brentwood in October 1995 when police officers pulled him over, claiming that he had been driving erratically. In a struggle with five officers after he emerged from his car, Gammage was subdued as officers pressed on his back and neck, suffocating him. He died at the scene. The case drew unusual attention because the victim was the cousin of a Pittsburgh Steelers football player, Ray Seals, a local celebrity, and he had been driving Seals's car at the time of the encounter. The trials of two other officers involved in the incident ended in mistrials in 1996 and 1997. 52​
Blacks are more often killed by police not because police hate blacks, but because they more often commit crimes, resist police and are intoxicated.
Did they list The biggest racist organization in America the education system in democratic run cities?
Racism, of course, is not solely a matter of Caucasians being mean to non-Caucasians.

Non-Caucasians are also racist toward one another. During this Covid-19 crisis, for example, a certain non-Caucasian ethnicity has members who are abusing Asian Americans.

I remember that when Koreans started coming to Los Angeles, some high school students of that non-Caucasian group would bully the Korean students -- until the victims started to kick their tormentors' buttocks.

(Liberals, however, claim that it is impossible for non-Caucasians to be "racists"!)
Most of killed by police in 2019 were whites:

How many were unarmed?
Just read the statistic.

Lots of statistics, but the one you chose doesn't show the full picture.
Most of killed by police in 2019 were whites:

How many were unarmed?
Just read the statistic.

Lots of statistics, but the one you chose doesn't show the full picture.
View attachment 343822
Blacks on average commit more crimes than White’s

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