Remember When Ted Kennedy Attacked Supreme Court Nomination Bork

Perhaps that's because Sotomayor isn't a dirty old man?
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But Teddy is

hell he was a dirty lech when he was young too but now he is supposedly virtuous.

Another hypocrite not to be trusted motherfucker.
Ah Ted Kennedy, a man of honor...

Have you heard anything like this out of Republicans towards Sotmayor?

Once again just a reminder that the people who preach tolerance are the most intolerant people...

Ted Kennedy’s America by Jonah Goldberg on National Review Online

OR how about more recently with Alberto Gonzalez (sp?).

And who is Ted Kennedy to talk, he accidentally murdered a girl 30 min down the street from my house. Never Forget Chappaquiddik
The Senate Patron Saint Teddy Kennedy

Teddy is one of the perfect examples of what is wrong in Washington!

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