Remember when people talked about the interglacial instead of global warming?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I remembered it yesterday. When I was a kid it was a commonly acknowledged fact that the planet's climate tends to drift back and forth between ice age and warm spell and we are simply fortunate enough to live between ice ages. I grew up reading my dad's old 70s science fiction, much of which was built on the assumption of global cooling and the planet's coming freeze. Then came the Bush-Gore race and this new concept that all of the previous data was wrong and we're not heading for centuries of winter caused by natural processes but the transformation of the planet into a scorching, barren hellhole caused by industrial pollution. I didn't really pay much attention to that election,still being a little kid, so my first real introduction to it was through Kerry's campaign. I assumed it was just one of politicians' typical fearmongering tactics until my biology teacher made us watch his An Inconvenient Truth later in high school. That's when I realized "oh shit, that's exactly what it is!" I've been asking around to see if anyone remembers the original theory from before the total about face but haven't really had much luck yet. I'm not sure if it's because this is California and people are even more brainwashed by the left than Alabama was by the right or if I'm just really the only one who remembers anything about this.

Two bonus questions, just for the hell of it: do you remember when it was acid rain that would kill us all, or how industrial use of "chemicals" (primarily pesticides) was going to kill the planet?
The continual march of crises that are going to kill us all (but don't) has resulted in many refusing to simply take somebody's word that we're going to melt the planet because we drive cars. Yet, to even question the orthodoxy results in cries of "moron", "denier", "Your mother wears army boots", and other juvenile insults. I guess THIS time they're absolutely, 100% correct and we just need to have faith and believe that next summer the arctic will be ice free. Or was that supposed to happen a few years back, but didn't?
The scientists have been consistently predicting warming since the 1970s. That is, the OP is repeating a big ol' lie. The scientists have been totally consistent, not to mention proven correct on every count. The supposed "about face" does not exist anywhere except in the minds of certain deniers. It's actually been the deniers who have been consistently predicting ice ages, and who have been shown to be totally wrong for decades running now.

So, after projecting his own failure to understand the science on to the people who do understand the science, Pedro then moves on to dishonest hysteria about "acid rain". Nobody ever said acid rain would kill us all. Pedro just made that up. Acid rain is another good example of how the science was proven to be correct, how the solutions proposed by the scientists fixed the problem, and how the "That solution will doom us all!" hysteria of the anti-environmentalists was proven to be wrong.

By the way, Pedro says he has me on ignore. And that I'm stalking him, even though he's the one who just jumped into the folders that I've been hanging around in for years. His "thing" is to declare how his thread topic is "How awful those liberals are", and then whenever anyone points how out his facts are laughable bullshit, he'll rage that they're not talking about "How awful those liberals are", and that proves liberals always try to evade the issues, so now he's taking his ball and going home. Just a forewarning.
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Pedro, you are an ignoramous. Warming has been predicted since 1896 with Arrhenious's paper on it. No wonder you are afraid of higher education, you have zero education at present. The scientists did not predict an immediate ice age in 1970, in fact, most of the articles concerning climate at that time predicted a warming.

And the planet does not 'drift' back and forth between ice ages, the Milankovic Cycles creates forcing that, in combination with CO2 and CH4, causes the glacial and interglacial periods. For God's sake, if you are considering actually going to an institution of higher education, learn to do a little real research. You go in with your present attitude and state of learning, you are going to fail.
Pedro, you are an ignoramous. Warming has been predicted since 1896 with Arrhenious's paper on it. No wonder you are afraid of higher education, you have zero education at present. The scientists did not predict an immediate ice age in 1970, in fact, most of the articles concerning climate at that time predicted a warming.

And the planet does not 'drift' back and forth between ice ages, the Milankovic Cycles creates forcing that, in combination with CO2 and CH4, causes the glacial and interglacial periods. For God's sake, if you are considering actually going to an institution of higher education, learn to do a little real research. You go in with your present attitude and state of learning, you are going to fail.

Both of you and Mamcrap are ignorant fools.. The planet does indeed drift back and forth between glacial and interglacial periods and has for millions of years. The shear ignorance of your posts is stunning..
I remembered it yesterday. When I was a kid it was a commonly acknowledged fact that the planet's climate tends to drift back and forth between ice age and warm spell and we are simply fortunate enough to live between ice ages. I grew up reading my dad's old 70s science fiction, much of which was built on the assumption of global cooling and the planet's coming freeze. Then came the Bush-Gore race and this new concept that all of the previous data was wrong and we're not heading for centuries of winter caused by natural processes but the transformation of the planet into a scorching, barren hellhole caused by industrial pollution. I didn't really pay much attention to that election,still being a little kid, so my first real introduction to it was through Kerry's campaign. I assumed it was just one of politicians' typical fearmongering tactics until my biology teacher made us watch his An Inconvenient Truth later in high school. That's when I realized "oh shit, that's exactly what it is!" I've been asking around to see if anyone remembers the original theory from before the total about face but haven't really had much luck yet. I'm not sure if it's because this is California and people are even more brainwashed by the left than Alabama was by the right or if I'm just really the only one who remembers anything about this.

Two bonus questions, just for the hell of it: do you remember when it was acid rain that would kill us all, or how industrial use of "chemicals" (primarily pesticides) was going to kill the planet?

Stopping the use of DDT killed millions... but that will not stop the left wit morons from trying to kill more people.. CAGW is just the next step at setting millions of people up for culling...

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