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You act like people will pay attention to the issues. They will not. We have to wait for an entire generation to grow up.
From what I am seeing, people all over are sick to death of worthless politicians who do NOT represent those whom the represent.

We have switched control of Congress several times. We’ve switched control of the White House just as often. Nothing changes. We would be better off if we picked 535 people out of the phone book and assigned them Congress duty.
You fail to see the point. My only question is are you doing it on purpose or are you just stupid?
You act like people will pay attention to the issues. They will not. We have to wait for an entire generation to grow up.
From what I am seeing, people all over are sick to death of worthless politicians who do NOT represent those whom the represent.

We have switched control of Congress several times. We’ve switched control of the White House just as often. Nothing changes. We would be better off if we picked 535 people out of the phone book and assigned them Congress duty.
You fail to see the point. My only question is are you doing it on purpose or are you just stupid?

One of us has failed to see something. Let me elucidate you a bit.

Democrats in Georgia have very different ideas of what the party should do than Democrats in San Francisco. Everyone wants a congressional representative voted out, but it is never their own rep. Republicans across the country want Nancy Pelosi thrown out of office. None of them get a vote so Nancy gets sent back every time.

Conservatives in Georgia call McCain a traitor. They hate Collins. Yet again, they don’t get to vote. Congress has terrible ratings, but all get re-elected because they like their own representatives. They just don’t like yours.

When the Democrats took control again in 2006, all that happened is the leadership alienated the blue dogs and lost control four years later.

So what is really needed? Not massive turnover. That doesn’t change squat. What is needed is good old fashioned moderation. The compromises that moved things along thirty years ago. Anyone who disagrees is not a traitor. Anyone who doesn’t vote with you is not a fool. They are representing their own district. They are representing the people who actually voted them in.

Everyone campaigns against this or that. None of them do anything because they don’t want to get the blame. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Syria. Everyone running for office since McCain lost has said we should get out. Until it is them that will get the blame. Trump is merely the latest to go from get out to get er done!

If San Francisco did as you desired. They voted Nancy out. Do you honestly think that the replacement would be more reasonable? Do you think that Maxine Waters replacement would be less militant? We saw one get voted out in Georgia. Defeated in the Primary. We got Hank Johnson who actually asked the Navy if they had considered the threat of Guam tipping over and capsizing. I would have been laughing so hard I would have wet myself. We got rid of one idiot who was an embarrassment and got another.

It doesn’t matter one damn bit. Everyone we send is an idiot. Replacing them with new idiots doesn’t fix a damn thing.

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