Remember John Fetterman? What happened to that guy?

He claimed he was hearing voices from the Peanuts cartoon... and then they locked him up.

But he's really no different than the mentally ill animals in his party that rape children and write books about what they almost found in Trump's raw sewage.

fett biden retards.jpg
That's what his "staff" are saying. This guy is really messed up and should resign the minute he does get out for the betterment of our country.
He has to stay there long enough so as to avoid a special election to replace him....Though I can't remember the time frame, Shapiro can appoint his successor if he stays there long enough.
Funny and pathetic how wingnuts are all worried about when Fetterman returns to the Senate but haven't made a peep about when Mitch McConnell returns to the Senate after his fall, broken ribs and concussion.
That's what his "staff" are saying. This guy is really messed up and should resign the minute he does get out for the betterment of our country.
Beats me. Not my state and I'm no doctor. Somebody brought him up, last night, so the were a bunch of article from bunch of sources, dated yesterday, all saying the same thing "he will get out and be back at work soon". Some said another week or more, which isn't saying much and might just as well have said, "We don't know when the Fk, he will make it back to work. He is appearently still having trouble with auditory process, but supposedly is OK with visual processing and understanding typed or written speech. Again, weird, but I am no doctor. I understand he is using a realtime speech to text processor to read what is being said around him or to him. I have little experience with stroke victims. I suspect, I would be depressed, also. I wish him well, and best of luck toward as much recovery as possible from the stroke related damage and after effects.
Yeah...just one more week.
That's the ticket.
He's sponsoring bills while he's spending time being treated for "DEPRESSION".


Everything I read last night was vague about that just 1 more week thing.
Funny and pathetic how wingnuts are all worried about when Fetterman returns to the Senate but haven't made a peep about when Mitch McConnell returns to the Senate after his fall, broken ribs and concussion.
What's funny and pathetic is how whenever a question is asked about a democrat and/or dem policy, the loons always change the subject.
They've been saying just one more week for what seems several weeks.
Don't you think there's something strange about all of this?
Do you think we should accept this kind of nonsense from our government?
Stroke is a strange thing. We are not accepting from our government. It is what it is, and he and the people of that state have to determine if he is up to the job, and it also has to comply with legalities. I don't actually care one way or the other and the politics is not a consideration to me.

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